Berri Txarrak - Folklore (feat Tim Mcillrath) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Berri Txarrak - Folklore (feat Tim Mcillrath)

Folklore (feat Tim Mcillrath)
Folklore (feat Tim Mcillrath)
Etxepare zenaren
What Etxepare did then
Aldarri berbera
We do so now
Dakargu egunera
We bring it to the present day
Bost mende atzera
Five centuries ago
Hargatik agian
Perhaps because of
Zuretzat gaur ta beti
For you today and always
Folklore baikara
Folklore we're simply called
Ta zeresan gehiegi ez al dugu ematen
And don't we give ourselves away
Ez existitzeko
So as not to exist
Zaildu gara halabeharrez
We've struggled out of necessity
Ta gai gara zure hesiak gainditzeko
And we are able to climb over your fences
Begiak itxi arren
Even if you close your eyes
Hemen bertan gaude
We are here
Gu ixil gaitzakezu
You can silence us
Gure kantuak ez
But not our song
Bitxikeria uste zenuena
What you thought was a curiosity
Beste zerbait da
Is something else
Sailkatu ezina
Ta zeresan gehiegi ez al dugu ematen
And don't we give ourselves away
Ez existitzeko
So as not to exist?
Zaildu gara halabeharrez
We've struggled out of necessity
Ta gai gara zure hesiak gainditzeko
And we are able to climb over your fences
John Merrick bezala ikusiak
Seen as John Merrick
Begira begietan
Look us in the eye
Hortzak kendu nahi zenizkigun baina hala ere
You wanted to pull out our teeth but yet again
Bestela ikasi genuen kosk egiten
We've learned to whistle another way
Zeinek behar du froga gehiago?
Who needs more proof?
Zeinek behar ote ditu?
Who needs it?
Ta zeresan gehiegi ez al dugu ematen
And don't we give ourselves away
Ez existitzeko?
So as not to exist?
Zaildu gara halabeharrez
We've struggled out of necessity
Ta gai gara zuen hesiak gainditzeko
And we are able to climb over your fences

Writer(s): Goicoechea Azpiroz Aitor, Urbizu Ruiz Gorka

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