Berri Txarrak - Lepokoak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Berri Txarrak - Lepokoak

Arinkeriaz patrikak beteta bizi zareten betipoz horiek
In those empty brains you live with, filled with prejudices and corsets
Laster da zuzen egunen hileta, gorotz artean akabaturen.
The funeral of the righteous day is coming soon, and you will end up in shit.
Plastikozko sasizorion hori eskutan zartatuko zaizue
That plastic scorpion in your hand will explode
Ezjakintasunaren gorazarre horren ordaina bertan duzue
There you have the payment for the praise of ignorance
Topa egingo dugu ozen eskatu ez genuen dantzaldi horretatik libre
We will meet to be free from that dance we didn't ask for
Zuen gezurretatik edango dugu gogotik mendekuaren likore garratzetatik
From your lies we will drink plenty of the bitter liquid of revenge
Arkatzarekin armatuta arriskutsuak gara, besterik ez zaigu axola
Armed with a pencil, we are dangerous and don't care about anything else
Hondarrezkoak direnez zuen gaztelu gotorrak ideien olatu honek botako ditu
Your fortresses being made of sand, this wave of ideas will cast them down
Eguna gertu da lepokoak egungo dituguna zuen hortz perfektuekin
The day is coming when we will put the necklaces we wear now with your perfect teeth
Gau berrian distira dezaten eta apurtutako katebegiak janaraziko dizkizuegu
So that they may shine in the new night and we will feed you the links of the broken chains
One by one

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