Berri Txarrak - Zauri irekietako herria - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Berri Txarrak - Zauri irekietako herria

Zauri irekietako herria
Grieving people
Metafora bidez
Idatzi nahiko nuke
I would like to write
Zauri irekietako
The open wounds
Herri honen oinazea,
Of this people's mourning,
Baina hortarako
But to do so
Poeta jaio behar
One must be born a poet
Eta gutxi omen dira
And feathered flatterers
Lumadun ederzaleak
Are few and far between
Astero bezala
As every week
Buzoian bilatzen du
She looks in the mailbox
Espainian preso daukaten
For a letter from her son
Semearen eskutitza
That is imprisoned in Spain
Baina horren ordez
But instead of that
Dei hotz bat jasotzen du
She receives a cold call
Soka lepoan duela
With a noose around his neck
Semearenak egin du
Her son is gone
...eta esango dute
...and they will say
Betikoak garela,
That we are as we ever were,
Eta omenaldian
And at the tribute
Jende gutxi geundela
That there were but few people
Ta bertan egotea
And that being there
Apologia dela,
Is apologetics,
Kameraz fitxatu gaituzte
They have us on camera
...eta esango dute
...and they will say
Betikoak garela
That we are as we ever were
Eta demokrazian
And that in a democracy
Gu soberan gaudela
We are superfluous
Ustezko heriotza
The supposed death
Naturala izan dela
Was natural
Eta dena "ongi" dihoa
And everything "is going well"
Zein zaila den barkatzea
How hard it is to forgive
Herri batek sufritzean,
When a people is suffering,
Arrano Beltza sekula baino
The Black Eagle is more
Beltzagoa dago orain
Black than ever
Zein zaila den barkatzea
How hard it is to forgive
Herri batek sufritzean,
When a people is suffering,
Arrano Beltza sekula baino
The Black Eagle is more
Beltzagoa dago orain
Black than ever

Writer(s): Gorka Urbizu Ruiz

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