Beth - Ratllant el Marbre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Beth - Ratllant el Marbre

Ratllant el Marbre
Scraping Marble
Afamat d′experiències i de sorpreses, fart de ser l'home
Sated with experiences and surprises, tired of being the man
Estàtic disfressat, un dia com tants per fi vas fer-te la
A concealed statue, one day like so many you finally made the
Promesa de veure món abans que se′t fes tard. Vas
Promise to see the world before it was too late for you. You
Guardar al traster el sac de la resignació, vas voler veure't
Stowed away in the closet the sack of resignation, you wanted to see
El món d'un sol glop. Lluny van quedar amors, amics, auxilis
The world in a single gulp. Loves, friends, and aids were left far behind,
De nostàlgia, volies més i més i més,
Yearnings for nostalgia, you wanted more and more and more,
Plantar llavors de màgia, i no em feu dir-vos perquè
To plant seeds of magic, and don't make me tell you why
Però vas anar a "petar" aquí, a partir d′ara tot s′hi val,
But you ended up crashing here, from now on anything goes,
T'ensibornaràs. Aquests carrers empedrats, fragància de
You'll be debauched. These cobblestone streets, fragrance of
Nummulit, seran la teva casa, el teu celler, milers de vins
Nummulites, will be your home, your cellar, thousands of wines
Vas tastar sempre cercant la ma tremolosa i tendre
You always tasted while searching for the trembling and tender hand
D′una nova amant, buscant respostes, fent l'amor
Of a new lover, looking for answers, making love
T′eren borroses, sonaven campanars a deshora quan son
You were vague, bells rang out of hours when they're
Les dotze, vine musa, torna amb mi dona'm mapes pel meu
Supposed to chime twelve, come muse, come back with me and give me maps for my
Camí. Fem malvades, fem l′amor mil pecats però no em
Path. Let's do mischief, let's make love a thousand sins but don't
Deixis sol. La inestabilitat ara et donava pau,
Leave me alone. The instability now gave you peace,
Els canvis sempre son bons crec haver sentit, vas fer
Changes are always good, I think I've heard, you made
Segur massa viatges pels carrers del mar, les nits se't feien
Sure you traveled too much on the streets by the sea, your nights
Llargues, efímers els matins, vas veure com mil prejudicis
Were long, your mornings ephemeral, you saw how a thousand prejudices
Ens encadenen, i com podem alliberar-nos, creuar la
Chain us, and how we can break free, cross the
Cadena, vivies pel moment però el vent et va deixar clar
Chain, you lived for the moment but the wind made it clear to you
Que no tots els moments son bons també hem d'apoquinar.
That not all moments are good, we also have to pay.
Vine musa, torna amb mi dona′m mapes
Come muse, come back with me and give me maps
Pel meu camí. Fem malvades, fem l′amor mil pecats però
For my path. Let's do mischief, let's make love a thousand sins but
No em deixis sol. I no espereu que us doni cap conclusió,
Don't leave me alone. And don't expect me to give you any conclusion,
Segueixo com vos, buscant a déu entre la boira,
I'm still like you, looking for God amidst the fog,
Encara em queda vida per veure-hi millor, quan més se
I still have a lifetime to see more clearly, the more I know
Més se que no sé, ja coneixeu la història. Tan sols
The more I know that I don't know, you already know the story. I only know that
Que el viatge se'n va sense un bon amic,
The journey leaves without a good friend,
I si la musa us vol besar feu-li un petó per mi.
And if the muse wants to kiss you, give her a kiss for me.

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