Beyond - 摩登時代 - traduction des paroles en anglais

摩登時代 - Beyondtraduction en anglais

Modern Times
Modern Times
This generation
This generation
一向習慣 逃避看似有理的荒謬
Always accustomed to escaping seemingly reasonable absurdities
一再習慣 承受每晚季節的苦悶
Repeatedly accustomed to enduring the nightly seasonal boredom
無論分分鐘鐘天氣有改變 我卻好少理
No matter how the weather changes minute by minute, I rarely care, darling
無論東方西方主義有呼喊 我當耳邊風
No matter how Eastern and Western ideologies shout, I let them pass like the wind, sweetheart
一身風褸 一起飛車 佔據我今晚
A windbreaker, a fast car, they occupy my tonight, babe
手中香煙 杯中生啤 難平人憤怒
A cigarette in hand, a draft beer in a glass, hardly calming my anger, my love
This generation
This generation
需要習慣 逃避發覺冇理的荒謬
Needs to get used to escaping the discovered, unreasonable absurdities
需要自醉 承受這個季節的苦悶
Needs to get drunk to endure this season's boredom
無論分分鐘鐘天氣有改變 我卻好少理
No matter how the weather changes minute by minute, I rarely care, my dear
無論東方西方主義有呼喊 我當耳邊風
No matter how Eastern and Western ideologies shout, I let them pass like the wind, precious
一身風褸 一起飛車 佔據我今晚
A windbreaker, a fast car, they occupy my tonight, honey
手中香煙 杯中生啤 難平人憤怒
A cigarette in hand, a draft beer in a glass, hardly calming my anger, beautiful
This generation
卡拉OK歌聲穿梭 似載滿歡笑
Karaoke songs shuttle back and forth, seemingly full of laughter
青春包裝 灰色的心 人人如是(這世代)
Youthful packaging, gray hearts, everyone is like this (This generation)
HI 一聲祝褔 一班飛機 放棄這都市
A "Hi" and a blessing, a plane, abandoning this city
出於當天 拋開今天 流亡何地(這世代)
Out of that day, throwing away today, exiled to where? (This generation)
東西不分 不分西東 放棄我主見
East and West indistinguishable, abandoning my own opinion
生於今天 不知今天 人人如是
Born today, not knowing today, everyone is like this
This generation
This generation

Writer(s): Sai Wing Yip, Wai Mi Yung

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