Big Foot Mama - Fenomen - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Big Foot Mama - Fenomen - Live

Fenomen - Live
Phenomenon - Live
Kaj ti je, dekle, kaj se godi
What's wrong, baby, what's going on
Povej mi, zakaj si povesla oči
Tell me, why are your eyes so down
Nisem več isti, spomin mi bledi
I'm not the same anymore, my memory fades
Preveč se razdajam na tisoč strani
I give too much of myself to a thousand sides
Jst dobr' vem, da to nisem jst
I know very well that I'm not being myself anymore
že zdavnej so mi pobarval obraz
They painted my face a long time ago
Hočejo videt vsak moj atom
They want to see every atom of me
čakajo zvesto moj prvi polom
They wait faithfully for my first fall
Jst pa do konca ostajam svoj frik
But until the end, I remain my own freak
In sploh ne skrivam svojih odlik
And I don't hide my qualities at all
Da lohk ostanem tej sceni kos
So that I can keep up with this scene
Zato pa vedno dvigujem svoj nos
That's why I always hold my head high
In ni jim jasna niti ta stvar
And this is not clear to them either
Od kje bogastvo, od kje 'mam ta dar
Where does the wealth come from, where do I have this gift
Mirno uživam v dimu cigar
I calmly enjoy the smoke of my cigar
In si razvijam, razvijam svoj čar
And I develop, I develop my charm
In vem, da ostanem fenomen
And I know that I remain a phenomenon
Ee se strinjam, da sploh grem
Ee I agree, that I'm going completely
In vzdignem ta refren
And I raise this chorus
In vem, da ostanem fenomen
And I know that I remain a phenomenon
če porušim ves sistem
If I destroy the whole system
In za zmer' ostanem nem
And forever remain silent
Jst tko nerviram maso ljudi
I annoy people this way
In jim nesramno meeem kosti
And shamelessly throw bones at them
Ker ne poznajo istih poti
Because they don't know the same paths
Zato prihaja do vroče krvi
That's why there is hot blood
In ko se name izlaja vsak pes
And when every dog barks at me
Jst bom prepričan - pršou je moj čas
I will be sure that my time has come
Si bom izpral to šminko z oči
I will wash this lipstick off my eyes
In ti bom, dekle, spet vrnu moči
And I will give you, baby, your strength again

Writer(s): Miha Gustin, Alen Sterzaj, Gregor Skocir, Joze Habula, Daniel Gregoric

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