Biggie feat. Baboi - BineLe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Biggie feat. Baboi - BineLe

Nu-ncerca sa ma compari cu cineva
Don't try to compare me to anyone
Sunt atat de original incat sunt copiat p-aicea
I'm so original that I'm being copied here
Iti faci filme bune bine cu rimele mele fine
You make good films with my fine rhymes
Nu te abtine, tine caine un buchet de sticle pline, fine
Don't hold back, hold a bunch of full, fine bottles, dog
Noaptea sunt calaretul fara cap la Mic
At night I'm the headless horseman at Mic
Te calc pe cap in rap cu gheata mea Nike
I'll step on your head in rap with my Nike cleats
Nu latra, ca te tin in lesa cutu cutu
Don't bark, because I'm holding you on a leash, doggy
Iti dau la supt preputu'
I'll give you my foreskin to suck
Cum ma sug ce'i care l-au votat pe Tutu
How they suck the ones who voted for Tutu
Daca-i vorba de antitalente, evident impertinente
If we're talking about anti-talents, obviously impertinent
Toti cauta rapu' in sedimente fara sentimente
Everyone is looking for rap in sediments without feelings
Va sare scalpu' boss, cand impusc pe Kriss Kross
Your scalp will jump, boss, when I shoot at Kriss Kross
Toti se vad Rick Ross, mai da-ti-va-n sloboz
Everybody sees themselves as Rick Ross, give yourself a break
Bine le bine le bine le fac
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le dau
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Deci sus mainile mainile mainile
So put your hands up, hands up, hands up
Bine le bine le bine le fac
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le dau
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Deci sus mainile mainile mainile
So put your hands up, hands up, hands up
Toata lumea te stie, n-ai fost niciodata baiat
Everybody knows you, you were never a boy
Ai fost pervers cu toti si-ai fugit cand au aflat
You were a pervert with everyone and you ran away when they found out
Unde ai fugit, ti s-a racit mancarica?
Where did you run to, did your food get cold?
Si trage fustita mai jos ca ti se vede pasarica
And pull your skirt down, your little bird is showing
D-aia n-am cum sa te iau in serios
That's why I can't take you seriously
Frustrat mic de ce esti tu asa furios?
Frustrated little boy, why are you so angry?
Ca nu m-am bagat niciodata in viata ta
Because I've never interfered in your life
Deci d-aia nu-nteleg, ce cauti tu-n a mea?
So I don't understand, what are you looking for in mine?
Ma-njurai pe internet in fiecare dimineata
I cursed on the internet every morning
Si-n final ne-am intalnit si te-ai schimbat la fata
And finally we met and you changed your face
Sau atunci nu mai aveai net gratis pe cartela
Or maybe you didn't have free internet on your card
Si tot atunci am vazut ca parca purtai jartiera
And that's when I saw that you were wearing a garter
Daca chiar vrei sa fii in centru atentiei
If you really want to be the center of attention
Ia locu' unui gabor in mijlocu intersectiei
Take the place of a cop in the middle of an intersection
Cred ca esti gelos ca atunci cand te duci la baie
I think you're jealous that when you go to the bathroom
Ai pula atat de mica incat te pisi pe coaie!
You have such a small penis that you pee on your balls!
Bine le bine le bine le fac
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le dau
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Deci sus mainile mainile mainile
So put your hands up, hands up, hands up
Bine le bine le bine le fac
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le dau
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Bine le bine le bine le
I do them well, I do them well, I do them well
Deci sus mainile mainile mainile
So put your hands up, hands up, hands up

Biggie feat. Baboi - The BiGfather Mixtape
The BiGfather Mixtape
date de sortie

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