Biggie - Cancan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Biggie - Cancan

Unu intra altu iese
One in and another out
Toti stiu sa te aprecieze
Everyone knows how to appreciate you
Stie si lumea-n cartier
The neighborhood also knows
Fata mea
My girl
Tine minte
Cainii latra
Dogs bark
Bagaboantele trec
Bitches pass
Peste tot am umblat, am batut tara-n lung si-n lat
I've been everywhere, traveled the country far and wide
Cu fete care stiu si industria rap
With girls who know the rap industry
Si ca orice fete doritoare de afirmare
And like any girl who wants to make a statement
Fac orice sa prinda un peste cat mai mare
They'll do anything to catch a bigger fish
Modele in devenire sau fete consacrate
Aspiring models or established girls
Meseriile mor greu si nici nu-s cenzurate
Prostitution dies hard and isn't even censored
Da' oriunde ma duc le vad peste tot
But wherever I go, I see them everywhere
Cu artisti, cu vedete sau cu interlopi
With artists, celebrities, or gangsters
In clip la Karie cu Baboi sau B.U.G.
In Karie's video with Baboi or B.U.G.
La dracu fata, cati rapperi stii?
Damn girl, how many rappers do you know?
Sau asistenta la Capatos ca ar fi trist
Or an assistant at Capatos because it would be sad
Sa nu combine un designer sau un fotbalist
Not to match a designer or a footballer
Sau macar ceva asa, mai de Doamne Ajuta
Or at least something like that, more like God helps
Ca sa planga-n emisiune, ca a fost batuta
To cry on the show, that she was beaten
Cica au demnitate, pai cum sa ma abtin?
They say they have dignity, well how can I hold back?
Cand se lasa batute p-o pereche de Louboutin?
When they let themselves get beaten up for a pair of Louboutins?
Te-am vazut facand de toate
I've seen you do it all
Pe bancheta-n seria 7
On the bench in the 7 series
Nu te da sfanta cu mine
Don't play innocent with me
C-am vazut multe ca tine
Because I've seen many like you
Te-am vazut facand de toate
I've seen you do it all
Pe bancheta-n seria 7
On the bench in the 7 series
Nu te da sfanta cu mine
Don't play innocent with me
C-am vazut multe ca tine
Because I've seen many like you
M-amuza fetele astea cum intra in depresii
These girls amuse me when they get depressed
Sanky traume, da' n-au bani de extensii
Sanky traumas, but they don't have money for extensions
Sunt baiat finut, nu vreau sa dau nume
I'm a fine boy, I don't want to name names
Desi toate fac la fel, nu-i vr-una anume
Although they all do the same thing, it's not just one
Pe prima pagina-n Cancan, ca n-ar fi corect
On the front page of Cancan, because it wouldn't be fair
Sa se duca degeaba sa planga in direct
To go in vain to cry live
Fata vrea sa te arda, sanky, te iubeste
The girl wants to burn you, sanky, she loves you
Face bani singura, nu-i mai trebuie peste
She makes money on her own, she doesn't need a fish anymore
Toate sunt puse pe fapte
They are all up to no good
Da' nu ne-am nascut azi noapte
But we weren't born yesterday
Toate se dau o doamne-n public si-au mare mandrie
They all act like ladies in public and are very proud
Da-n culise fac orice pentru banii de chirie
But behind the scenes they'll do anything for the rent money
Te-am vazut facand de toate
I've seen you do it all
Pe bancheta-n seria 7
On the bench in the 7 series
Nu te da sfanta cu mine
Don't play innocent with me
C-am vazut multe ca tine
Because I've seen many like you
Te-am vazut facand de toate
I've seen you do it all
Pe bancheta-n seria 7
On the bench in the 7 series
Nu te da sfanta cu mine
Don't play innocent with me
C-am vazut multe ca tine
Because I've seen many like you
Unu intra altu iese
One in and another out
Toti stiu sa te aprecieze
Everyone knows how to appreciate you
Stie si lumea-n cartier
The neighborhood also knows
La tine-i ca la hotel
Your place is like a hotel
Unu intra altu iese
One in and another out
Toti stiu sa te aprecieze
Everyone knows how to appreciate you
Stie si lumea-n cartier
The neighborhood also knows
La tine-i ca la hotel
Your place is like a hotel
Sa va dea Dumnezeu sanatate ca
May God give you health because
Frumoase va faceti cu diverse programe!
You make yourselves beautiful with various programs!

Writer(s): Toma George

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