Bikstok - Penge På Græs - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bikstok - Penge På Græs

Penge På Græs
Money on Grass
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
"Hmm, græs siger du, lad mig se engang, jeg spør' lige maskinen ikk', jo!"
"Hmm, grass you say, let me see, I'll just ask the machine, okay!"
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Hvis du ruller en joint
If you roll a joint
Jeg ruller to
I'll roll two
Fylder lungerne med røg
Filling my lungs with smoke
Det ka' du tro
You can believe that
Mega hvæs med Bukki Blæs
Mega high with Bukki Blæs
Ja du ka' glo
Yeah, you can stare
Ikke rør' min vaffelgren
Don't touch my waffle branch
For den er go'
Because it's good
Samler flasker for at ryge
Collecting bottles to smoke
Starter en ny
Starting a new one
Djævlerøg i hjerne
Devil smoke in the brain
Du vil gerne
You want it so bad
Men potten den er min
But the pot is mine
Nu du fjerne
Now you must leave
Hvorfor gør du ingenting, ingenting
Why do you do nothing, nothing?
Din hjerne lyder som en Hjem'-Is klokke når den siger bingeling
Your brain sounds like an ice cream truck bell when it says bingeling
Bummelum og bimmelim?
Bummelum and bimmelim?
Du dum, dum som en tromme der har stået i det samme trommerum
You dumb, dumb as a drum that's been in the same drum room
JA, lad os se om I kan ta' de ting vi byder jer
YES, let's see if you can take the things we offer you
La' os se om I ka' ta' det når vi snyder jer
Let's see if you can take it when we cheat you
La' os se det hold da kæft hvor vi fryder os
Let's see it, damn how we enjoy ourselves
I ka' et gok i nødden og et spark i noss
You can get a punch in the head and a kick in the nose
Ingen rytmer ingen stil ik' en skid I har
No rhythm, no style, not a damn thing you have
Tænk engang at I vil prøv' at spille Pharfar
Just think that you want to try and play Pharfar
Pludselig står I der klubben med jer's røv bar
Suddenly you're standing there at the club with your ass bare
Mens at Eaggermand han gør sine 45'ere klar
While Eaggerman gets his 45s ready
starter festen!
THEN the party starts!
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Vi har de stærkeste muskler alle 1-2-3
We have the strongest muscles, all 1-2-3
2 med vanilje, 1 med chokoladelag
2 with vanilla, 1 with a chocolate layer
Født og vokset op i Toronto
Born and raised in Toronto
Jeg smider 10.000 kyllinger ind min konto
I throw 10,000 chickens into my account
Backstage efter festen
Backstage after the party
Hun skal teste hesten
She's gonna test the stallion
Vi har kokos og guld
We have coconut and gold
Her er krukken med pot, bare rul
Here's the jar of pot, just roll
4 piger bag i bilen
4 girls in the back of the car
Præsenterer romerstilen
Presenting the Roman style
Kridt kunten op, kom i gang
Chalk up the joint, let's get started
Buk Blæssi med Eagger og Phangfang
Buk Blæssi with Eagger and Phangfang
Vi slipper skud
We release shots
Til damer derude
To the ladies out there
Fanger kun de store madammer
Only catch the big mamas
De smider klude
They throw cloths
De vil gerne hjem til os
They want to come home with us
Nu de tude
Now they must cry
Ikke mere bukseleg
No more pants games
Nu er jeg ude
Now I'm out
Eaggah da bye bye
Eaggah da bye bye
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Ka' man virk'lig lave gode penge noget græs
Can you really make good money on some grass?
Ska' man selv lægge tjaldeplader under pres
Should you put the tent plates under pressure yourself?
Ska' man købe sine varmelamper kongres
Should you buy your heat lamps at a convention?
Eller vente til de kommer lager som rest?
Or wait until they come in stock as leftovers?
Vi går scenen til lyden af røg
We go on stage to the sound of smoke
Glider som en slange op under dit tøj
Gliding like a snake up under your clothes
Du syns det lyder frækt står og tænker "nøjjj"
You think it sounds naughty, standing there thinking "damn"
Det er rygern - røg - lighter - smøg
It's the smoker - smoke - lighter - cigarette
Hokus, kokos, pokus
Hocus, coconut, pocus
Samler pot i min hat, skat
Collecting pot in my hat, honey
Finder guldet og du ved du er sat, skvat
Find the gold and you know you're set, splat
Mangler penge men du ved du forladt, hadt
Need money but you know you're abandoned, hate
Men efter morgen kommer dag og nat, nat
But after morning comes day and night, night
La os puste en røg hjem' hos os der
Let's blow a smoke at our place there
Jes-Per det' min bror der leger med ler
Jes-Per is my brother who plays with clay
Og i aften gør vi bare Bodega
And in the evening we just do it at Bodega
For sidste weekend blev vi bannet fra Vega... Shit
Because last weekend we were banned from Vega... Shit
Ka' man virklig flyve efter man har røget ryst
Can you really fly after you've smoked shake?
Ska' man ta' til Norge med et kilo sit bryst
Should you go to Norway with a kilo on your chest?
Ka' man en snade skåret ud i ametyst
Can you get a bud carved out of amethyst?
Ska' man bruge æther til at presse årets høst
Should you use ether to press this year's harvest?
Ka' man virklig flyve efter man har røget ryst
Can you really fly after you've smoked shake?
Ska' man ta' til Norge med et kilo sit bryst
Should you go to Norway with a kilo on your chest?
Ka' man en snade skåret ud i ametyst
Can you get a bud carved out of amethyst?
Ska' man bruge æther til at presse årets høst
Should you use ether to press this year's harvest?

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