Bikstok - Tyveknægt - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bikstok - Tyveknægt

I en kold, kold tid vil folket soundclash.
In a cold, cold time, the people want a soundclash.
det godt at Bikstok røg kan gi' dem nok stress.
So it's good that Bikstok's smoke can give them enough stress.
Men vi håber de ved hvad det vil sige.
But we hope they know what it means.
For en rigtig lydkrig kræver massere lim.
Because a real sound war requires tons of glue.
I en kold, kold tid vil folket soundclash.
In a cold, cold time, the people want a soundclash.
det godt at Bikstok røg kan gi' dem nok stress.
So it's good that Bikstok's smoke can give them enough stress.
Men vi håber de ved hvad det vil sige.
But we hope they know what it means.
For en rigtig lydkrig kræver massere lim.
Because a real sound war requires tons of glue.
Hør her!
Vi kan lige godt fortælle dem.
We might as well tell them.
(Bikstok sound)
(Bikstok sound)
Vi har lyrik der vil forkæle dem.
We have lyrics that will spoil them.
Kommer med en pose af lyd vil aldrig sælge den.
Coming with a bag of sound, we'll never sell it.
Når vi sætter nålen ned pladen for at kvæle den.
When we put the needle down on the record to kill it.
Lydsystemer falder når vi kalder i en mikrofon.
Sound systems fall when we call into a microphone.
Svæver over flokken slipper skud vi ligesom rød baron.
Soaring above the flock, dropping shots like the Red Baron.
Konerne de rejser sig og ryster deres vandmelon.
The ladies rise up and shake their watermelons.
Klipper hver en lyddreng sætter ild til hver en lydkujon.
We cut every sound boy, set fire to every sound system.
Nogen prøver at teste os, men stokkene de griner bare.
Some try to test us, but the sticks just laugh.
Sender dem fulgt igennem byen som en griner hare.
Sending them on a chase through the city like a laughing hare.
Når vi slipper hundene løs ja vi ikke rare.
When we unleash the dogs, yeah, we're not so nice.
Husk det når du tjekker brug (Breuninger? mand?) eller Pharfar.
Remember that when you check, use (Breuninger? man?) or Pharfar.
(Ååhh nej).
(Oh no).
det nu vi skiller musene fra mænd.
So now we separate the mice from the men.
(Ååhh nej).
(Oh no).
det nu vi dræber dem og dem og dem.
So now we kill them and them and them.
(Ååhh nej).
(Oh no).
det nu vi skiller rotterne fra romerne.
So now we separate the rats from the Romans.
Stiller dem række gennem (Borene?) med trommerne.
Line them up through (the drills?) with the drums.
I en kold, kold tid vil folket soundclash.
In a cold, cold time, the people want a soundclash.
det godt at Bikstok røg kan gi' dem nok stress.
So it's good that Bikstok's smoke can give them enough stress.
Men vi håber de ved hvad det vil sige.
But we hope they know what it means.
For en rigtig lydkrig kræver massere lim.
Because a real sound war requires tons of glue.
Tusindedele, tusindedele vi har de tusindedele tusindestil.
Thousandths, thousandths, we have the thousandths thousand style.
nu bringer vi den farlig ild, farlig ild.
So now we bring the dangerous fire, dangerous fire.
Et hundredetusindedele, tusindedele.
A hundred thousandths, thousandths.
Se de forbandede fladpander de har stjålet deres navn.
See, those damn flatheads, they stole their name.
Hele stilen har de suget ud af stokken.
They sucked the whole style out of the stick.
Men i København kender man en tyveknægt.
But in Copenhagen, you know a thief.
Du kan ikke lyve knægt.
You can't lie, kid.
Du kan ikke købe din respekt noget net.
You can't buy your respect on some net.
Hvis du gir' en djævl fingeren tar' han en arm.
If you give the devil a finger, he'll take an arm.
nu rammer vi de skadedyr med pulver og brand.
So now we hit the pests with powder and fire.
Parasitter suger næring og en rotte elsker slam.
Parasites suck nutrients, and a rat loves mud.
jeg griber Motorola-fon og ringer til far.
So I grab my Motorola phone and call Dad.
Og det gør en'er og det gør to'er over Knippelsbro'er.
And so does one and so does two over Knippelsbro.
Ud til Lergravsparken og få' noget ler min sko'er.
Out to Lergravsparken and get some clay on my shoes.
Det gør tre til det fire tjek den gamle ti'er.
That makes three to the four, check the old ten.
Jeg ikke et Ekstrablad du kan tro hvad jeg siger.
I'm not an Ekstra Bladet, so you can believe what I say.
Det gør fire til det fem, seks gæt hvem der flækker det bedst ridder en (veddet?)
That makes four to the five, six, guess who cracks it best, rides a (bet?)
Som en jockey spiller cocky hest.
Like a jockey, playing cocky on a horse.
Kom i gang din ammunition frem.
Get started, get your ammunition out.
For alle lyddrenge ved at vi har vi har vi har.
Because all the sound boys know that we have, we have, we have.
Tusindedele, tusindedele vi har de tusindedele tusindestil.
Thousandths, thousandths, we have the thousandths thousand style.
nu bringer vi den farlig ild, farlig ild.
So now we bring the dangerous fire, dangerous fire.
Et hundredetusindedele, tusindedele.
A hundred thousandths, thousandths.
De formidable ordner dem forminable vis.
The formidable ones take care of them in a formidable way.
Nekrologen den blev skrevet kom i gårsdagens avis.
The obituary was written, it came in yesterday's newspaper.
En diskutabel ingen diskussion når vi spytter i dit øre snotter tungt i mikrofonen.
An indisputable, no discussion, when we spit in your ear, snot heavily into the microphone.
Den lyd den er betændt ring til lægen gør det nemt.
That sound is infected, call the doctor, make it easy.
Vi har en død patient der gik scenen og blev glemt.
We have a dead patient who went on stage and was forgotten.
De rådner når de rør de rør de taler råber i.
They rot when they touch, they talk, they shout in.
Det røveri fortæl mig hvad det er der prøver de.
It's robbery, tell me what they're trying.
Vi har flyttet (muld?) i have for i nat der går det ned.
We've moved (soil?) in the garden, because tonight it's going down.
En lyddør kvart i ni har gravet huller når de bed.
A sound door at a quarter to nine has dug holes when they bit.
Giv os ben som vi kan gnave trækker knogler løs fra led.
Give us bones that we can gnaw, pulling bones out of joints.
En (ulyddør?) kvart i ti vi ber til hovedet fra en ged.
A (bad sound door?) at a quarter to ten, we pray to the head of a goat.
To lydsglas lyden den er dårlig og dvast.
Two sound glasses, the sound is bad and dull.
Vi glemmer den som drivhusgas.
We forget it like greenhouse gas.
Bikstok sætter tingene plads aha aha aha.
Bikstok puts things in their place, aha aha aha.
To lydsglas.
Two sound glasses.

Writer(s): Bikstok Røgsystem

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