Bill Evans Trio - ... A Few Final Bars - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Bill Evans Trio - ... A Few Final Bars

... A Few Final Bars
... A Few Final Bars
Para que recordar
Why remember?
Silencio, y el recuerdo que me mata
Silence, and the memory that kills me
Por eso hoy te recuerdo y digo:
That's why I remember you today and say:
Para que recordar, para que recordar
Why remember, why remember?
She y nuca, nostalgia quiero olvidarte
Neck and nostalgia, I want to forget you
Para no recordar
So as not to remember
Para que recordar siento que estas conmigo
Why remember, I feel you are with me
Siento que tu rekuerdo es mi peor enemigo
I feel your memory is my worst enemy
Para que recordar no logro escapar
Why remember, I can't escape
Tu imagen en mi mente, tus besos ya no estan
Your image in my mind, your kisses are gone
Yo se que me repito lo se y no me importa
I know I repeat myself, I know and I don't care
Solo empeze y acabare cortandome la orta
I just started and I'll end up cutting my throat
Colgado de la orca la orca del recuerdo
Hanging from the noose, the noose of memory
Es mi peor tortura y no se si aun estoy cuerdo
It's my worst torture and I don't know if I'm still sane
Quizas la solucion decir ke no te noto
Maybe the solution is to say that I don't notice you
Qiza romper tus fotos pero me sabe a poco
Maybe tear up your photos, but it doesn't feel like enough
Talves te pienso mucho y me haces sentir tan poco
Maybe I think about you too much and you make me feel so little
Que ya no se si lucho o me estoy volviendo loco
That I don't know if I'm fighting or going crazy
Contestame a esto ke soy yo para ti?
Answer me this, what am I to you?
Quisas un pasatiempo o una mierda de MC
Maybe a pastime or a shitty MC
No sabes ni que canto no paras a escuchar
You don't even know what I sing, you don't stop to listen
Que coño es lo que siento que quiero expresar
What the hell is it that I feel, that I want to express
Llorar no es desahogarte es quedarte sin palabras
Crying is not letting go, it's running out of words
Solo silabas mojada ke tu nunca sabras
Just wet syllables that you will never know
Solo una nota de una bonita cancion
Just a note from a beautiful song
Que me aleje de tu trato y me devuelva la ilucion
That takes me away from your touch and gives me back my hope
Que me entienda que comprenda que con solo una mirada
That understands me, that comprehends that with just one look
Puede desgarrar mi alma y dejarla desangrada
You can tear my soul apart and leave it bleeding
Porque tu no cambiaras arrogante como nadie
Because you won't change, arrogant like no one else
Posesiva para todo y lo he intentado de mil modos
Possessive about everything and I've tried a thousand ways
Si no valoras lo que tienes lo perderas casi todo
If you don't value what you have, you will lose almost everything
Y cuando ya no tengas nada tu reflejo que esta solo
And when you have nothing left, your reflection that is alone
Nadaras hacia un mar seco rodeado de mil dudas
You will swim towards a dry sea surrounded by a thousand doubts
Te ahogaras gritando al cielo porfavor lanzadme alguna
You will drown screaming to the sky please throw me some
Alguna pista, alguna sonrisa solo quiero reir
Some clue, some smile, I just want to laugh
O con una suave brisa me conformo tu rechazo y tu
Or with a soft breeze I'm satisfied, your rejection and your
Ignorancia solo hicieron que alejarnos que se paren
Ignorance only made us move away, let them stop
Si creen ke pueden cambiarnos
If they think they can change us
Y que me queda, pensar
And what am I left with, to think
Y que te debo, llorar
And what do I owe you, to cry
Porque lo unico que se
Because the only thing I know
Es que todo va a parar al mar
Is that everything will end up in the sea
Y que me debes, tiempo
And what do you owe me, time
Y que te queda, lamento
And what are you left with, regret
Porque lo unico que sabes
Because the only thing you know
Esque todo va mas lento
Is that everything goes slower
Y que se queda, el dolor
And what remains, the pain
Y que se marcha, el amor
And what leaves, the love
Porque lo unico que veo
Because the only thing I see
Es lo que no tiene color
Is what has no color
Y apra que recordar, y para que recordar
And why remember, and why remember
Si tardo tanto en olvidarte
If it takes me so long to forget you
Es porque te quiero pensar
It's because I want to think about you
Cuando me hablas siempre lloras
When you talk to me you always cry
Cuando todo va bien soy yo ese
When everything goes well I am that
Esclavo preso en esa carcel de piel
Slave trapped in that prison of skin
Quiero escapar porque se que me odias
I want to escape because I know you hate me
Cuando yo lo arreglo todo tu lo rompes
When I fix everything you break it
Con historias estoy harto, harto
With stories I'm fed up, fed up
De todo si me quieres dimelo no me
Of everything if you love me tell me don't
Trates de ese modo tu lloras por
Treat me that way you cry for
Dentro sin sentimientos, cupido te
Inside without feelings, Cupid you
Ha abandonado se ha esfumado con el tiempo
Has abandoned has vanished with time
Tengo todas tus fotos entre mis rosas
I have all your photos among my roses
Algunas ya estan secas por tantas cosas que
Some are already dry for so many things that
Han quedado en el recuerdo desde que te conoci
Have remained in the memory since I met you
Quiero olvidarlo todo quiero que pases de mi
I want to forget everything I want you to ignore me
Quiero, ke te ahogues en un mar de lagrimas
I want you to drown in a sea of tears
Porque eres lo peor tu para mi ya no eres nada
Because you are the worst, you are nothing to me anymore
Solo quieres joderme jugar con mis sentimientos
You just want to mess with me, play with my feelings
Ahora vienes de buena despues de tantos lamentos
Now you come in good after so many regrets
Espero que el dolor valla contigo antes preso
I hope the pain goes with you, before prisoner
Por ti en una celda de castigo recogiendo las
For you in a punishment cell picking up the
Cenizas de las cartas que queme por ti
Ashes of the letters I burned for you
Yo lo di todo y tu por mi que?
I gave everything and you for me what?
Y que me queda, pensar
And what am I left with, to think
Y que te debo, llorar
And what do I owe you, to cry
Porque lo unico que se
Because the only thing I know
Es que todo va a parar al mar
Is that everything will end up in the sea
Y que me debes, tiempo
And what do you owe me, time
Y que te queda, lamento
And what are you left with, regret
Porque lo unico que sabes
Because the only thing you know
Esque todo va mas lento
Is that everything goes slower
Y que se queda, el dolor
And what remains, the pain
Y que se marcha, el amor
And what leaves, the love
Porque lo unico que veo
Because the only thing I see
Es lo que no tiene color
Is what has no color
Y apra que recordar, y para que recordar
And why remember, and why remember
Si tardo tanto en olvidarte
If it takes me so long to forget you
Es porque te quiero pensar[x2
It's because I want to think about you [x2]

Writer(s): bill evans

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