Bitza - Liniste - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bitza - Liniste

Ca e o soarta ciudata,
What a strange fate,
Te lasa balta deodata,
It leaves you alone,
Cate odata tot raul ar vrea sa-l scoata
All the evil would like to bring it out
La suprafata din tine, e o lupta muta cu tine
To the surface from within you, it is a silent struggle with you
Sa poti sa alegi invingator dintre rau si bine.
To be able to choose the winner between good and evil.
Si plin de bestii si crime
And full of beasts and crimes
Chipuri haine si mime
Faces, clothes, and mimes
Nimeni nu se mai intereseaza ce-i cu nimeni
No one cares about anyone anymore
Nimic nu merge OK si telefonul nu suna
Nothing is going well and the phone is not ringing
Parca nu esti pe pamant, esti singur pe luna
As if you are not on earth, you are alone on the moon
Oameni nu mai sunt oameni
People are no longer people
Razboaie peste tot
Wars everywhere
Nu mai putem gasi pentru violenta antidot
We can no longer find an antidote for violence
Copii cresc fara principii si exemple
Children grow up without principles and examples
Societatea ii alunga-n false temple
Society banishes them to false temples
Alcool si droguri, razboaie, cenusa si fum
Alcohol and drugs, wars, ashes, and smoke
Controlul e pierdut, l-am abandonat pe drum
Control is lost, we abandoned it on the way
Traim o viata efemera totu-i trecator
We live an ephemeral life everything is transient
Te trezesti ca s-a dus in zbor.
You wake up and it's gone in a flash.
Si fac liniste
And I make silence
Incerc sa nu-i aud
I try not to hear them
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant
I imagine that I am alone on earth
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything
Pur si simplu sunt momentele alea cand
There are simply those moments when
Vreau liniste
I want silence
Nu vreau sa-i mai aud,
I don't want to hear them anymore,
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand,
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything,
Aprind luna imi pun castile si cant
I light the moon, put on my headphones, and sing
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant...
I imagine that I am alone on earth...
Ne inconjuram cu ura, cu excese
We surround ourselves with hatred, with excesses
As vrea sa mai vad rasa umana, facand progrese
I would like to see the human race make progress
Din stadiul care este, si cea mai proasta veste
From the stage that it is, and the worst news is
E a istoria nu iarta, ajungem de poveste...
History does not forgive, we end up in a story...
Si cum istoria e scrisa, de falsi invingatori
And as history is written by false victors
Eroi se sting in paturi, rapusi de tradatori
Heroes die in beds, killed by traitors
Asa ca de asta o sa las in urma dovezi clare
That's why I will leave behind clear evidence
Ca nu toti facem parte din turma
That not all of us are part of the herd
Au fost si multe si grele, au fost si bune si rele
There have been many and difficult ones, there have been good and bad ones
Uneori viata iti ofera doar extreme
Sometimes life offers only extremes
Toate trec, fix in timp ce se petrec
Everything passes, just as it happens
Trebuie sa reusesc, nu doar sa incerc
I have to succeed, not just try
Sa uit de toate sa pot sa fug departe
To forget everything, to be able to run far away,
In alta parte, ca poate cine stie poate, poate...
Elsewhere, because who knows, maybe, maybe...
Oricum ramanem cu speranta ca Pandora
Anyway, we still have hope like Pandora
Ma uit la ceas i-al naibi de tarzie ora.
I look at the clock, it's so late.
Fac liniste
I make silence
Incerc sa nu-i aud
I try not to hear them
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant
I imagine that I am alone on earth
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything
Pur si simplu sunt momentele alea cand
There are simply those moments when
Vreau liniste,
I want silence,
Nu vreau sa-i mai aud
I don't want to hear them anymore
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything
Aprind luna imi pun castile si cant
I light the moon, put on my headphones, and sing
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant
I imagine that I am alone on earth
Si fac liniste
And I make silence
Nu vreau sa-i mai aud
I don't want to hear them anymore
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant
I imagine that I am alone on earth
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything
Pur si simplu sunt momentele alea cand
There are simply those moments when
Vreau liniste
I want silence
Nu vreau sa-i mai aud
I don't want to hear them anymore
Nu vreau sa cumpar nimic, si nici nu vreau sa vand
I don't want to buy anything, and I don't want to sell anything
Aprind luna imi pun castile si cant
I light the moon, put on my headphones, and sing
Imi imaginez ca-s singur pe pamant
I imagine that I am alone on earth
Si fac liniste...
And I make silence...

Writer(s): Bitza, Planet H

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