Bitza - Unde nu va asteptati - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bitza - Unde nu va asteptati

Unde nu va asteptati
Where You Least Expect It
Unde p da cu capu, acolo apare rap-ul
Where I turn my head, there rap appears
Da da da da, merge
Yes yes yes yes, it works
O voi toti, cantaretilor
Oh all of you, singers
Minunatilor si miropolantilor
The wonderful and the fragrant
E care pe are, ficare vrea bucata cea mai mare
It's every man for himself, each one wants the biggest piece
Te lovesc cu armamentul din dotare
I hit you with the weaponry at my disposal
Daca nu vorbesc despre onoare, parveniti n-au pudoare
If I don't talk about honor, upstarts have no shame
Vin cu arma de trancane cu mangla
I come with the chattergun with the crowbar
Sifoane, batalioane, plutoane, militie, pulane
Soda bottles, battalions, platoons, militia, whores
O o o u cati am ingropat a voi
Oh oh oh how many of you have I buried
Dastia la moda trendy flash in noi
These trendy fashionistas, flash in the pan
Rap fac tic, si morti tai nu intelegi nimic
I do rap quick, and your dead men don't understand anything
Te dai golan, stiu manevra
You play the tough guy, I know the drill
Pleci de aici esti de din Galeva
Get out of here, you're from the hood
Iei o novasta, o tarfa de-a noastra
You pick up a prostitute, one of ours
Si apoi te plangi ca soarta e proasta
And then you complain that fate is bad
Ma calci pe coada, te calc pe noada
You step on my tail, I step on your head
Te iau la p cu tot u prigada
I take you on with my entire brigade
Tot ce faceti imi da motive, gurile voastre, prezervative
Everything you do gives me reasons, your mouths, condoms
Sapi morminte incarc flinte notetite, vinetite
Dig graves, load rifles, noted, beaten
Tine rime voi cuvinte
Keep your rhymes, your words
Te simti prost esti printe liste
You feel bad, you're on the lists
Liste negre planuri, schite
Black lists, plans, sketches
Cu tine cred c-as foite
With you I think I'd give up
Daca o sa fugi, unde te duci
If you run, where will you go
O sa te pridem tu nu ma asculti
We'll catch you, you don't listen to me
Peste un an peste o luna
In a year, in a month
Suntem acolo cu o bata in mana
We'll be there with a bat in our hands
Cuci toarna, nu tine cont de tata, mama
Snitches squeal, don't mind your father, mother
Venim din brigada, esti pe strada
We come from the brigade, you're on the street
Gasesti soldarii, gasesti armata
You'll find the soldiers, you'll find the army
Stil pragmatic, carizmatic
Pragmatic style, charismatic
Reprezint na pio decimo dacic
I represent the Dacia pio decimo
Bitza, practic pentru toti material didactic
Bitza, practical for all didactic material
Eroare fara pile, fara pile sau pastile
Error without connections, without pills or potions
Din blouri cu file, sceituri, role nu limuzine
From low-income housing with files, sketches, rollers, not limousines

Writer(s): Bitza

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