Bitza feat. Freakadadisk - Cantecul si povestea lui - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bitza feat. Freakadadisk - Cantecul si povestea lui

Cantecul si povestea lui
Song and her story
In prima zi de liceu mi-au luat sapca cu japca,
On the first day of high school, they snatched my cap with force,
M-alintam cu gandul ca se-ntoarce roata,
I consoled myself with the thought that the wheel would turn,
Am incalcat regulile mai tarziu, evident
Later, I broke the rules, of course,
Contra exemplu perfect Declarat permanent.
A perfect counter-example, permanently declared.
Tutun alcool si droguri se invarteau in jur,
Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs were swirling around,
Din 7 zile 5 eram mahmur, snur se tineau baieramele
I was drunk for 5 days out of 7, and the merrymaking continued without end,
Dispareau sticlele mai repede ca zilele.
The bottles disappeared quicker than my days.
Belelele nu apareau decat cu ai mei,
Troubles only appeared with my family,
Cand ma vedeau ca umblu doar cu derbedei,
When they saw me hanging out with hooligans,
Plin de idei, pentru o iesire din banal,
Full of ideas for a way out of the ordinary,
Acel copil ciudat, cu acel ceva special.
That strange kid with that special something.
Ca un sprit au trecut 4 ani de liceu,
Four years of high school went by like a breeze,
Sapca altuia era acum pe capul meu.
Someone else's cap was now on my head.
Intram in viata combatant, luptator,
I entered life as a fighter, a warrior,
In razbouil in care nimeni nu e invingator.
In a war where no one is the victor.
Toti ne luam usor locul in societate,
We all gradually found our place in society,
Unii au dat la facultate, altii in cap la bloc in spate.
Some went to college, others smashed bottles on the back of the block.
Prea multe tentatii prea putini bani,
Too many temptations, too little money,
In loc sa-ti iei o slujba iei in tribunale ani.
Instead of getting a job, you get years in court.
Din toata agitatia si scandalul din liceu,
Out of all the hustle and bustle and scandal of high school,
Ai un gol din ce in ce mai mare in jurul tau.
You have a growing emptiness around you.
Tot mai multe telefoane ocupate,
More and more busy phones,
Tot mai multe fete intristate.
More and more sad faces.
In loc de rasete auzi tipete si te feresti,
Instead of laughter, you hear screams and you flinch,
Te intrebi daca asa se intampla atunci cand cresti.
You wonder if this is what happens when you grow up.
Esti un ghinionist sau e o zi mai proasta,
Are you unlucky or is it just a bad day,
Te amagesti cu gandul ca o sa treaca.
You fool yourself into thinking it will pass.
Inca o zi, si inca o zi, si inca o zi,
One more day, and one more day, and one more day,
Daca e marti sau vineri numai stii.
Whether it's Tuesday or Friday, you no longer know.
Te trezesti ca din cosmar cu totu-n fata,
You wake up as if from a nightmare, with everything in front of you,
25 de lumanari pe el si astepti sa te faci varza.
25 candles on it, and you wait to turn into a wreck.
Privind prin prisma celor 25 de ani,
Looking through the prism of 25 years,
Inca ma mai caut din priviri printre pustani.
I still keep looking for the old me among the young.
Ar trebui sa fiu probabil mai responsanil,
I should probably be more responsible,
In cazul meu particular nu e prea valabil.
In my particular case, it's not very applicable.
Ma culc de fiecare data plictisit,
I go to bed bored every time,
Gandind fara sperante la un viitor mai fericit.
Thinking without hope of a brighter future.
In loc de planuri imi fac griji,
Instead of plans, I worry,
Mergend cu grija printre Hero, Iarba si Hasis.
Carefully navigating between Hero, Weed, and Hashish.
Trec anii mai repede decat ai vrea,
The years pass faster than you would like,
Ai tot mai putini tovarasi in preajma ta.
You have fewer and fewer comrades around you.
Unul sta in Germania, altul fura-n State,
One is in Germany, another is stealing in the States,
Altul e la puscarie cu venele sparte.
Another is in prison with his veins blown out.
Certuri cu parintii, totul se complica,
Arguments with parents, everything gets complicated,
Acum nu vor o nota buna, vor o slujba bine platita.
Now they don't want a good grade, they want a well-paid job.
Nu vor sa inteleaga ce vrei tu sa faci deloc,
They don't want to understand what you want to do at all,
Nu vor sa inteleaga ca nu esti robot.
They don't want to understand that you're not a robot.
Te scoli mereu mai obosit, ce ciudat,
You wake up more and more tired, how strange,
Si iti repeti lectia care ti-ai bagat-o in cap:
And you repeat the lesson you've gotten into your head:
Inca mai ai o viata in fata,
You still have your whole life ahead of you,
Te intrebi si tu daca e consolare sau pedeapsa.
You wonder if it's a consolation or a punishment.

Writer(s): Cheloo

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