Bitza feat. K-Gula - Tanar cat mai tarziu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bitza feat. K-Gula - Tanar cat mai tarziu

Tanar cat mai tarziu
Young as Late as Possible
De mult prea multe ori sunt intre vis si realitate
Too many times I'm between a dream and reality
Ochii inchisi, mintea departe corpul fara greutate
Eyes closed, mind far away, body weightless
Ganduri mate aruncate departe de toate
Matte thoughts thrown away from everything
Nelasate cu speranta sa devina realitate
Left without the hope of becoming reality
Sper ca e un vis sper ca nu-i real acest abis
I hope it's a dream I hope it's not real this abyss
E prea trist sa ma trezesc la margine de styx
It's too sad to wake up on the edge of Styx
Nu ma consoleaza cu nimic cand ma gandesc
It doesn't comfort me with anything when I think
Moartea-i doar un drum pe care toti pasesc
Death is just a road that everyone walks
Tragi lupti te zbati faci sacrificii
You fight, you struggle, you make sacrifices
Nu e totul decat doar un simplu foc de artificii
It's all just a simple firework
Sper ca o sa fie totul bine dupa ce n-o sa mai fi
I hope everything will be fine after I'm gone
Fara sa sti ca niciodata n-o sa sti
Without knowing that you'll never know
Crezi ca, n-ai facut destule sau ca poate nu s-a intamplat
You think, you haven't done enough or maybe it didn't happen
Tot ce-ai sperat sa se transforme in adevarat
Everything you hoped would become true
Pleci la fel de gol ca in momentul in care te-ai nascut
You leave as empty as the moment you were born
Nu poti sa-legi altfel nici daca-i fi vrut
You can't tie it any other way even if you wanted to
Ma linistesc atunci cand spuun
I calm down when I say
N-o sa mor niciodata prea batran
I'll never die too old
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-incerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-ncerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent
Strofa II:
Verse II:
Asculti pierdut in neant acest alineat
You listen lost in the void to this paragraph
Scris de-un alt alienat de prea mult timp validat
Written by another alienated, validated for too long
Aliat al altui altruism
Allied to another altruism
Alt trist artist alt risc intins la maxim
Another sad artist, another risk stretched to the max
Simt cum cad al timp ma aflu intre artic si demonic
I feel myself falling in time, I'm between arctic and demonic
Simt ca ard, rad si plang scriu un rand
I feel like I'm burning, laughing and crying, I write a line
Zbor cazand nu ma doboara-un gand
I fly falling, a thought doesn't bring me down
Uneori castig insa adesea ma afund
Sometimes I win but often I sink
Si iar plang cand totul se bazeaza pe
And I cry again when everything is based on
Incearca incarca trage descarca inoti pe uscat in barca
Try, load, pull, unload, swim on dry land in a boat
Ma trezesc si parca visul 2 se-ncarca (visul 2 se-ncarca)
I wake up and it's like dream 2 is loading (dream 2 is loading)
Rezum totul acum cu viata mea cineva se joaca
I summarize everything now, someone is playing with my life
Spun totul cuiva ce poate timpul sa-l intoarca
I tell everything to someone who can turn back time
Ma intorc spre mine si vad fata neschimbata (ma intorc si vad fata neschimbata)
I turn to myself and see the face unchanged (I turn and see the face unchanged)
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-ncerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-ncerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent
Strofa III:
Verse III:
Te nasti traiesti putin si apoi mori
You're born, you live a little and then you die
Si-ntre timp ai intamplator senzatia ca zbori
And in the meantime you accidentally have the feeling that you are flying
Stiu de unde plec dar nu stiu unde-o sa ajung
I know where I'm coming from but I don't know where I'm going to end up
Dar am un feeling c-o sa fiu fizic la patru metri sub pamant
But I have a feeling I'm going to be physically four meters underground
Nu stiu ce-o sa se-ntample ce-o sa fie dupa
I don't know what's gonna happen, what's gonna be after
Stiu ca ma intreb daca si-acolo lumea e la fel de cruda
I know I wonder if the world is just as cruel there
Sper ca nu e la fel ca sa existe-un echilibru
I hope it's not the same so that there's a balance
Si ca tot ce se intampla-i judecat de un arbitru
And that everything that happens is judged by a referee
Altfel e totul vag lipsit de orice logica
Otherwise everything is vague, devoid of any logic
Si dramele sunt niste acte pe-o scena demonica
And dramas are acts on a demonic stage
Ma linistesc atunci cand spuun
I calm down when I say
N-o sa mor niciodata prea batran
I'll never die too old
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-ncerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent
Vreau sa mor tanar cat mai tarziu sa nu regret
I wanna die young as late as possible so I don't regret it
Sau sa simt timpul cum se scurge lent
Or feel time slowly slip away
Vreau sa-ncerc sa-ngrop incet-incet
I wanna try to bury slowly
Gandul ca am trecut prin viata si am fost absent
The thought that I went through life and was absent

Writer(s): Bitza

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