Bitza - 10 Degete - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bitza - 10 Degete

10 Degete
10 Fingers
Lumea se sfarseste... se sfarseste
The world is ending... ending
Trebuie sa cada sub Soare.
It must fall beneath the Sun.
Strofa I:
Verse I:
Sunt prea multe mame care-si plang copiii
There are too many mothers who mourn their children
Si-si detesta soarta ca-u ramas cu viii
And detest their fate that they remained with the living
Razboaie genocid crime le-auzi pe toate
Wars, genocide, crimes, you hear them all
Sangele se face apa se lupta frate cu frate
The blood becomes water, and brother fights brother
Daca-ar fi ramas lacrimi acuma as fi plans
If there were any tears left, I would have cried by now
Caci mi se pare meciul dintre viata si moarte prea strans
For the match between life and death seems to me too close
E doar un pas pe care nu-l faci tu
It's just one step that you don't take
Este mereu dar cineva a ales momentul
It's always here, but someone chose the moment
Uitete-n jur uite-te bine si de tot
Look around you, look closely and completely
O sa urmeze in scurt timp un alt potop
Another flood will soon follow
Prea multe Gomora prea multi Sodomiti
Too many Gomorrahs, too many Sodomites
Prea multi oamnei ce se scoala zilnic tristi
Too many people who wake up sad every day
Toti cred ca-u gasit secretele supreme
All believe they have found the ultimate secrets
Se calca pe cadavre, sa-runca cu blesteme
They trample on corpses, casting curses
Anateme injurii mereu injuraturi
Anathemas, insults, always curses
Nu mai exista dragoste ci bestii in calduri
There is love no more, only beasts in heat
Si singurul lucru la care pot gandi
And the only thing I can think of
E ca din ura nu s-au nascut copii
Is that hate has not given birth to children
Ci doar copii ale razboaielor repetate
But only to children of repeated wars
Imi e frica de viata cum imi este de moarte
I fear life as much as I fear death
Prea cruda mi se pare ironia sortii
The irony seems too cruel to me
Dai nastere la viata in timp ce-ti numeri mortii
You give birth to life while you count your dead
Pe zece degete si te intrebi acum
On ten fingers and now you wonder
De ce de ceva timp zece nu mai ajung
Why ten is not enough anymore
Zece degete la maini si tot atatia caini
Ten fingers on hands and just as many dogs
Pentru fiecare dintr-aceia in care baza-ti pui
For each of those in whom you put your trust
Zece degete la maini ai minte-te
Ten fingers on hands, you fool
Ca poate o sa fie mult mai bine maine
That perhaps tomorrow it will be much better
Zece degete la maini si tot atatia caini
Ten fingers on hands and just as many dogs
Pentru fiecare dintr-aceia in care baza-ti pui
For each of those in whom you put your trust
Zece degete la maini ai minte-te
Ten fingers on hands, you fool
Strofa II:
Verse II:
Prea multe intrebari prea putine raspunsuri
Too many questions, too few answers
Traiesti involuntar inconstient si totusi
You live involuntarily, unconsciously, and yet
In fata portii acum, la judecata
Now at the gates, at judgment
La dreapta lu Allah sau in Nirvana cautata
At the right hand of Allah or in the sought-after Nirvana
Toata minciuna aflata pe pamant
All the lies on earth
Sa ti se para doar ce e adica doar un vis urat
Should seem to you to be only a bad dream, that is all
Religia ar trebui sa nasca armonie
Religion should give birth to harmony
Si totusi mii de oameni mor zilnic dintr-o prostie
And yet thousands of people die daily out of a foolishness
Se stie aproape totul despre nimic
Almost everything is known about nothing
Te crezi prea mic sa-ncerci sa schimbi un pic
You consider yourself too small to try to change a little
Mai tragic mi se pare acum ce-o sa zic
What I'm about to say seems more tragic to me
Mai nou nu mai esti mare decat cu suflet mic
Lately, you are not considered great unless you are small-souled
Ridic cuvantul impacat cu gandul
I raise the word reconciled with the thought
Ca tuturor le vine pan-la urma randul
That everyone's turn will come eventually
Si-n adancul inimii as vrea sa regasesc
And in the depths of my heart I would like to rediscover
Credinta-n acel lucru care m-opreste sa m-opresc
The faith in that which keeps me from stopping
Si ma feresc sa o arat prea des
And I avoid showing it too often
Pentru ca de la atata ura incep sa obosesc
Because I am starting to get tired of all this hatred
Sa va intorc obrazul sunteti atenti la fete
To turn my cheek to you, you pay attention to faces
Am box in mana stanga sunt gata sa va fac zdrente
I have a box in my left hand, I'm ready to tear you to shreds
Pentru ca ati ajuns tarfe pe fata
Because you have become whores to your face
Am trei degete pe care-mi numar prietenii in viata
I have three fingers on which I count my friends in life
Iar restul de sapte pentru fiecare
And the rest for every
Cap al ierbii cu care ma fac praf
Grass head with which I make myself dust
Zece degete la maini si tot atatia caini
Ten fingers on hands and just as many dogs
Pentru fiecare dintr-aceia in care baza-ti pui
For each of those in whom you put your trust
Zece degete la maini ai mintete
Ten fingers on hands, you fool
Ca poate o sa fie mult mai bine maine
That perhaps tomorrow it will be much better
Zece degete la maini si tot atatia caini
Ten fingers on hands and just as many dogs
Pentru fiecare dintr-aceia in care baza-ti pui
For each of those in whom you put your trust
Zece degete la maini ai mintete
Ten fingers on hands, you fool

Writer(s): Bitza

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