Blake - Puro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Blake - Puro

Empecé de chico con el boom bap, de aquellos
I started as a kid with boom bap, from those days
Que sonaba una base y ya te quedabas sin cuello
Where a beat would drop and leave you breathless, amazed
Lo hacíamos tan puro como un tajo en las costillas
We did it pure, like a cut to the ribs, raw and true
Con el lema de "si brillas es por tu propio destello"
With the motto "if you shine, it's from your own inner glow"
Somos rap de los de abajo, muy abajo, coño
We're rap from the underground, way down low, damn
Sin medios, ni publicidad, ni material de ensueño
No resources, no publicity, no fancy equipment, man
Estuvimos aquí, siempre, desde muy pequeños
We were always here, since we were little kids, you see
Carcomiéndonos la mente, persiguiendo solo un sueño
Eating away at our minds, chasing just one dream, free
Y ahora estoy aquí, ¿de qué te sorprendes?
And now I'm here, what are you surprised about?
Soy de la escuela vieja o nueva, pero que nacen con duende
I'm from the old or new school, but those born with talent sprout
Aquí se habla clarito, nos la suda si te ofende
Here we speak clearly, we don't care if it offends you, scout
Para hablar de lo que gano malgasto el tiempo, ¿entiendes?
To talk about what I earn, I waste time, do you understand the clout?
Yo soy de los que sienten que sin escribir se gripan
I'm one of those who feel they seize up without writing, tight
Porque de verdad recitan, de verdad lo necesitan
Because they truly recite, they truly need it, their guiding light
Y no entienden el por qué, sólo lo gritan
And they don't understand why, they just scream it with all their might
Por eso nadie me compite, pero casi to's me evitan
That's why nobody competes with me, but almost everyone avoids the fight
Yo bien quiénes son to's, venimos to's del mismo sitio
I know who everyone is, we all come from the same place, it's true
No soy un fan ciego, estuve en sus inicios
I'm not a blind fan, I was there in their beginnings, I knew
Aquí das un mal paso y vas para el fondo del precipicio
Here you take one wrong step and you go to the bottom of the cliff, it's blue
A parte de la fama, existe oficio, principios
Apart from fame, there's craft, principles, a different view
Juicio, menos juzgar, y ten mas juicio
Judgment, less judging, and have more sense, that's the key
Si eres listo sabes a quién no debes sacar de quicio
If you're smart, you know who you shouldn't piss off, you see
Me explico... me escuchas y ves indicios
I explain myself... you listen and you see signs, agree?
Si jodes con un loco nunca lo cojas por vicio
If you mess with a crazy person, never take it as a vice, flee
Crudo, lo hacíamos tan puro, y crudo
Raw, we did it so pure, and raw
Puro, era nuestra luz del sol
Pure, it was our sunlight, our law
Crudo, lo hacíamos tan puro, y crudo
Raw, we did it so pure, and raw
Puro, escribiendo de sol a sol
Pure, writing from sunrise to nightfall, without a flaw
Puro, crudo, puro
Pure, raw, pure
Lo hacíamos tan puro, crudo y puro
We did it so pure, raw, and pure
Todo era tan puro, crudo, puro
Everything was so pure, raw, pure
Lo hacíamos tan puro, crudo y puro
We did it so pure, raw, and pure
Primero suena un "tiriri", sabes que es de Blake
First you hear a "tiriri," you know it's Blake's sound
Chiribitas en los ojos la instrumental que quiero, ¿veis?
Sparks in my eyes, the instrumental I want, it's profound
Porque puedo, me produzco el disco entero
Because I can, I produce the whole album, I'm crowned
Así cuando tenga cuarenta, diré "Lo hice por mis huevos"
So when I'm forty, I'll say "I did it for my balls, renowned"
No es ego, es tener claro muy claro que quiero
It's not ego, it's being very clear about what I want, that's all
Abrir los ojos a una sociedad que le echa leña al fuego
Opening the eyes of a society that adds fuel to the fire, making it fall
No espero nada, ni siquiera un premio nuevo
I don't expect anything, not even a new award, big or small
Yo por que lo hago, y lo que estoy haciendo, créelo
I know why I do it, and what I'm doing, believe it, stand tall
A me darán palos, pero todos son de ciego
They'll hit me, but they're all blind, they can't see
Ese error de creer que todos nos compramos por dinero
That mistake of believing we all sell ourselves for money, we're free
Pero pa' desgracia tuya voy a cambiar el tablero
But unfortunately for you, I'm going to change the game, you'll see
Y aquí va jugar to' Cristo, pero a pelo, de cero
And here everyone will play, but bareback, from scratch, with glee
Tengo un duelo, que parece ser que no supero
I have a duel, that it seems I can't overcome, it's a fight
Tengo una mente enfermiza, lista y fría como el hielo
I have a sick mind, clever and cold as ice, day and night
Me domina y me hace daño a cambio de hacerme de acero
It dominates me and hurts me in exchange for making me steel, so bright
Ya ni siento ni padezco, solo finjo que me quiero
I no longer feel or suffer, I just pretend I love myself, despite
Otra vez empieza un bucle un nuevo
Another loop starts again, a new one, I'm in its sway
Y así caigo en esta sombras que no nacen por el sol
And so I fall into these shadows that are not born from the sun's ray
Solo bailan en mis sueños con zapatos de charol
They only dance in my dreams with patent leather shoes, they play
Bailan al son de mi tiempo, perdido sin valor
They dance to the rhythm of my time, lost without value, astray
¿De que sirve ser poeta si mi musa es el dolor?
What's the point of being a poet if my muse is pain, I say?
Si tengo guardá's hasta lagrimas en frascos de formol
If I have even tears stored in jars of formaldehyde, they stay
¿De qué sirve ser un genio del silencio?
What's the point of being a genius of silence, come what may?
Donde el único papel que no domino es el de actor
Where the only role I don't master is that of an actor, I portray
Y tengo que abrir boca por narices
And I have to open my mouth through my nose, it's absurd
Y hablar entre humanos cuando solo veo lombrices
And talk among humans when I only see worms, unheard
¿De qué sirve? ¿Eh?, Ya lo hice
What's the point? Huh?, I already did it, it occurred
Supongo que hay errores que no dejan cicatrices
I guess there are mistakes that don't leave scars, undeterred
Crudo, lo hacíamos tan puro, y crudo
Raw, we did it so pure, and raw
Puro, era nuestra luz del sol
Pure, it was our sunlight, our law
Crudo, lo hacíamos tan puro, y crudo
Raw, we did it so pure, and raw
Puro, escribiendo de sol a sol
Pure, writing from sunrise to nightfall, without a flaw
Puro, crudo, puro
Pure, raw, pure
Lo hacíamos tan puro, crudo y puro
We did it so pure, raw, and pure
Todo era tan puro, crudo, puro
Everything was so pure, raw, pure
Lo hacíamos tan puro, crudo y puro
We did it so pure, raw, and pure

Writer(s): Alejandro Cabrera Rodriguez, Adrian Ruiz Garcia

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