Blaster - 星期一太空漫遊 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Blaster - 星期一太空漫遊

Monday Space Travel
昨夜喝到我又作嘔 班friend仲係話未玩到夠
Last night I drank until I threw up again. My friends still said we hadn't played enough.
今朝一早起身o浪口 又喪嘔
This morning I woke up with a hangover and threw up again.
找個無謂理由 編織一個藉口
I found a useless reason and made up an excuse.
吹吹吹到宇宙 想請個上晝
I blew and blew into the universe, wanting to play hooky for a morning.
閉著兩眼正在發夢 休息不足會肝火重
I closed my eyes and was dreaming. Not getting enough rest will make my liver fire heavy.
想東想西最不想的事 又要返工
Thinking about this and that, the thing I least want to do is go back to work.
呢班損友 真想祝你折壽
These losers, I really want to wish you a short life.
但宿醉過後 就請個上晝
But after a hangover, I'm just going to take a morning off.
然後來吧合上眼漫遊太空 不必逼我抱擁
Then come on, close your eyes and wander through space. Don't force me to embrace you.
No one can stop me from summoning Duke Zhou.
凌空雙手攤開了 大石砸來未痛
In the void, my hands were spread out, and the boulders fell without pain.
I can't tell what's light and what's heavy anymore.
十二點四繼續發功 幾粒鐘沒有郁動
At 12:04, I continued to work, and for several hours I didn't move.
My mind was empty, perhaps I was in the atmosphere.
一臉倦容 香薰起不到作用
My face was tired, and aromatherapy didn't work.
目空一切吧 身體請放鬆
Let go of everything, and please relax your body.
仲有十分鐘 又繼續發夢 千金一刻你懂
There are still ten minutes left, and I will continue to dream. A moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold, you know.
幻覺又失蹤 沒有辦法留住美夢
The illusion disappeared again, and there was no way to keep the dream.
來吧來全日到晚漫遊太空 不必逼我抱擁
Come on, come on all day and night to wander through space. Don't force me to embrace you.
No one can stop me from summoning Duke Zhou.
凌空雙手攤開了 大石砸來未痛
In the void, my hands were spread out, and the boulders fell without pain.
卻彷彿聽到了不休的鬧鐘 我最討厭個鬧鐘起哄
But it seemed that I heard the incessant ringing of an alarm clock. I hate that alarm clock the most.

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