Block 888 - Capitalism - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Block 888 - Capitalism

Capitalism dar e deloc o propaganda
Capitalism is not propaganda
Inca cineva care mai crede la masoni pusi la masa patrata
Still someone who believes in masons put to square table
Globu' patrat, si spune complotu' fara sa aibe dovada
Square Globe, and tell the plot without proof
SRI te asculta? De acord cu asta
Does SRI listen to you? I agree with that
Fara complot, fara Orwell, capitalismul e răul mai mic
Without plot, without Orwell, capitalism is the lesser evil
Plus ca port XXL polo negru ca Dark Polo adica e drip
Plus I wear XXL polo black as dark Polo ie it's drip
Guvernul e rău, poporul e rău, ambele tabere mai duc spre rău
The government is bad, the people are bad, both sides are worse
Sapca Nike, parca par Simba La Rue, zău
Nike cap, par par Simba La Rue, really
Capitalism, adica ce trebuie
Capitalism, which is what it takes
Spune tu alt sistem care duce pan' la capat treaba
Tell you another system that leads to the end of the job
Banii sa-i faci, nu e timp de stat, nu stii secrete de stat
Money to make, there's no state time, you don't know state secrets
Fara complot, aici blocat obligat sa produc ceva trap
No plot, here stuck forced to produce some trap
Capitalism, adica ce trebuie
Capitalism, which is what it takes
Spune tu alt sistem care duce pan' la capat treaba
Tell you another system that leads to the end of the job
Banii sa-i faci, nu e timp de stat, nu stii secrete de stat
Money to make, there's no state time, you don't know state secrets
Fara complot, aici blocat obligat sa produc ceva trap
No plot, here stuck forced to produce some trap
8 miliarde global, tu spui ca nu trebuie sa avem guvern
8 billion global, you say we don't have to have government
Ia asculta, vorbesti de-o oculta, cica te asculta
Listen, you're talking about an occult, they're listening to you
Cica nu vrei un stat, anarhicule, prea mult te-am ascultat, dar infine
Say you don't want a state, anarchist, too much I've listened to you, but infine
Talentu' meu suna ca-n Paris, North Face cumparat din Berlin
My talent sounds like Paris, North Face bought from Berlin
Inca o persoana care mai judeca sistemul asta de drept
Another person who judges this system of law
Crede in Marx, vrea anarhie, plus ca e antisistem
He believes in Marx, he wants anarchy, plus he's anti-system
Ai vazut dictatura fictiva, ai viziunea ta de carton
You've seen the fictional dictatorship, you've got your cardboard vision
Ia fa ceva, muta-te fix acum in Coreea de Nord
Do something, move right now to North Korea
Capitalism, adica ce trebuie
Capitalism, which is what it takes
Spune tu alt sistem care duce pan' la capat treaba
Tell you another system that leads to the end of the job
Banii sa-i faci, nu e timp de stat, nu stii secrete de stat
Money to make, there's no state time, you don't know state secrets
Fara complot, aici blocat obligat sa produc ceva trap
No plot, here stuck forced to produce some trap
Capitalism, adica ce trebuie
Capitalism, which is what it takes
Spune tu alt sistem care duce pan' la capat treaba
Tell you another system that leads to the end of the job
Banii sa-i faci, nu e timp de stat, nu stii secrete de stat
Money to make, there's no state time, you don't know state secrets
Fara complot, aici blocat obligat sa produc ceva trap
No plot, here stuck forced to produce some trap
E usor sa dati mereu vina pe capitalism, eh
It's easy to always blame capitalism, eh
Oricine e vina capitalismului
Everyone is the fault of capitalism
Mereu vorbiti de anarhie, dfara guvern, fara reguli
You always talk about anarchy, no government, no rules
Utopie, fra, utopie
Utopia, fra, utopia

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