Bob Dylan - It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Live at Civic Center, Providence, RI - November 1975) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Bob Dylan - It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Live at Civic Center, Providence, RI - November 1975)

Darkness at the break of noon
Темнота на полдень.
Shadows even the silver spoon
Тени, даже серебряная ложка.
The handmade blade, the child's balloon.
Лезвие ручной работы, воздушный шар ребенка.
Eclipses both the sun and moon
Затмевает Солнце и Луну.
To understand you know too soon, there is no sense in trying
Чтобы понять, что ты знаешь слишком рано, нет смысла пытаться.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Острые угрозы, они блефуют с презрением.
Suicide remarks are torn
Предсмертные высказывания разорваны.
From the fool's gold mouthpiece the hollow horn
Из золотого мундштука дурака полый Рог.
Plays wasted words proves to warn
Играет впустую, слова предупреждают.
That he not busy being born is busy dying
То, что он не занят рождением, занято смертью.
Temptation's page flies out the door
Страница соблазна вылетает за дверь.
You follow, find yourself at war
Ты следуешь, оказываешься на войне.
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
Смотреть водопады жалости рев.
You feel to moan but unlike before
Ты чувствуешь стон, но не так, как раньше.
You discover that you'd just be one more person crying
Ты поймешь, что будешь еще одним плачущим человеком.
So don't fear if you hear
Так что не бойся, если услышишь.
A foreign sound to your ear
Чужой звук для твоего уха.
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing
Все в порядке, Ма, я только вздыхаю.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Некоторые предупреждают о победе, некоторые-о падении.
Private reasons great or small
Личные причины большие или маленькие.
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
Можно увидеть в глазах тех, кто зовет.
To make all that should be killed to crawl
Чтобы заставить все, что должно быть убито, ползти.
While others say don't hate nothing at all, except hatred
В то время как другие говорят, что ничего не ненавидят, кроме ненависти.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
Разочарованные слова, как лай пуль.
As human gods aim for their mark
Как человеческие боги стремятся к своей цели.
Made everything from toy guns that spark
Сделал все из игрушечных пистолетов, что искрятся.
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
К темным Христам, что светятся во тьме.
It's easy to see without looking
Это легко увидеть, не глядя.
Too far that not much is really sacred
Слишком далеко, что не так уж и свято.
Our preachers preach of evil fates
Наши проповедники проповедуют о злых судьбах.
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Учителя учат, что знания ждут.
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Может привести к стодолларовым тарелкам.
Goodness hides behind its gates
Добро прячется за его вратами.
But even the President of the United States
Но даже президент США ...
Sometimes must have to stand naked
Иногда приходится стоять голым.
An' all the rules of the road have been lodged
Все правила дорожного движения были утверждены.
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
Это всего лишь народные игры, от которых нужно уворачиваться.
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it
Все в порядке, Ма, я справлюсь.
Advertising signs that con you
Рекламные знаки, которые обманывают тебя.
Into thinking you're the one
Думая, что ты единственный.
That can do what's never been done
Это может сделать то, что никогда не было сделано.
That can win what's never been won
Это может выиграть то, чего никогда не выигрывали.
Meantime life outside goes on all around you
Тем временем жизнь снаружи продолжается вокруг тебя.
You lose yourself, you reappear
Ты теряешь себя, ты снова появляешься.
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Ты вдруг обнаружила, что тебе нечего бояться.
Alone you stand with nobody near
В одиночестве ты стоишь ни с кем рядом.
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Когда дрожит далекий голос, неясный.
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
Порази свои спящие уши, чтобы услышать,
That somebody thinks they really found you
что кто-то думает, что действительно нашел тебя.
A question in your nerves is lit
Вопрос в твоих нервах горит.
Yet you know there is no answer fit
Но ты знаешь, что нет подходящего ответа.
To satisfy insure you not to quit
Чтобы удовлетворить, застраховать тебя, не бросить.
To keep it in your mind and not forget
Держать это в своем уме и не забывать.
That it is not he or she or them or it that you belong to
Что это не он, или она, или они, или то, к чему ты принадлежишь.
Although the masters make the rules
Хотя хозяева устанавливают правила.
For the wise men and the fools
За мудрецов и глупцов.
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to
У меня нет ничего, Ма, чтобы жить по-настоящему.
For them that must obey authority
Для тех, кто должен повиноваться власти.
That they do not respect in any degree
Что они не уважают ни в какой степени.
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Кто презирает свою работу, свою судьбу?
Speak jealously of them that are free
Ревниво говори о тех, кто свободен.
Do what they do just to be
Делай то, что они делают, только чтобы быть.
Nothing more than something they invest in
Ничего больше, чем то, во что они вкладывают деньги.
While some on principles baptized
В то время как некоторые по принципам крестились.
To strict party platform ties
К строгим связям платформы партии
Social clubs in drag disguise
Социальные клубы в драг-маскировке.
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Посторонние могут свободно критиковать.
Tell nothing except who to idolize and say, "God bless him"
Не говори ничего, кроме того, кого боготворить и скажи:"благослови его Господь".
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Пока тот, кто поет языком в огне.
Gargles in the rat race choir
Ополаскиватели в крысином хоре.
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Согнутый из формы от щипцов общества.
Cares not to come up any higher
Заботится о том, чтобы не подняться выше.
But rather get you down in the hole that he's in
Но лучше запихнуть тебя в дыру, в которую он попал.
But I mean no harm nor put fault
Но я не имею в виду ни вреда, ни вины.
On anyone that lives in a vault
На всех, кто живет в подвале.
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him
Но все в порядке, Ма, если я не могу угодить ему.
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Старушки-судьи наблюдают за людьми в парах.
Limited in sex, they dare
Ограниченные в сексе, они осмеливаются.
To push fake morals, insult and stare
Подталкивать фальшивую мораль, оскорблять и пялиться.
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Пока деньги не говорят, они клянутся.
Obscenity, who really cares propaganda, all is phony
Непристойности, кого действительно волнует пропаганда, все фальшиво.
While them that defend what they cannot see
Пока они защищают то, чего не видят.
With a killer's pride, security
С гордостью убийцы, безопасность.
It blows the minds most bitterly
Это очень горько взрывает разум.
For them that think death's honesty
Для тех, кто думает, что смерть-это честность.
Won't fall upon them naturally
Не упадет на них естественно.
Life sometimes must get lonely
Жизнь иногда должна стать одинокой.
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
Мои глаза сталкиваются в лоб с набитыми кладбищами.
False goals, I scuff at pettiness which plays so rough
Лживые цели, я поношусь с мелочностью, которая играет так грубо.
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Иди вверх тормашками в наручниках.
Kick my legs to crash it off
Ударь меня по ногам, чтобы разбить его.
Say, "Okay, I have had enough, what else can you show me?"
Скажи: "ладно, с меня хватит, что еще ты можешь мне показать?"
And if my thought dreams could be seen
И если бы мои грезы можно было увидеть ...
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
Они, наверное, засунут мою голову в гильотину.
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only
Но все в порядке, Ма, это жизнь, и только жизнь.

1 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
2 Easy and Slow (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
3 If You See Her, Say Hello (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
4 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
5 One Too Many Mornings (Take 3)
6 I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (Take 2)
7 Tonight I'll Be Staying Here with You (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
8 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
9 The Times They Are a-Changin' (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
10 Mr. Tambourine Man (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
11 The Water Is Wide (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
12 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
13 When I Paint My Masterpiece (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
14 When I Paint My Masterpiece (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
15 When I Paint My Masterpiece (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
16 When I Paint My Masterpiece (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
17 When I Paint My Masterpiece (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
18 It Ain't Me, Babe (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
19 It Ain't Me, Babe (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
20 It Ain't Me, Babe (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
21 It Ain't Me, Babe (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
22 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
23 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
24 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
25 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
26 The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
27 Romance in Durango (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
28 Romance in Durango (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
29 Romance in Durango (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
30 Romance in Durango (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
31 Blowin' In the Wind (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
32 Blowin' in the Wind (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
33 Blowin' in the Wind (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
34 Blowin' in the Wind (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
35 Mama, You Been on My Mind (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
36 Mama, You Been on My Mind (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
37 Mama, You Been on My Mind (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
38 Mama, You Been on My Mind (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
39 I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
40 I Shall Be Released (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
41 I Shall Be Released (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
42 I Shall Be Released (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
43 I Shall Be Released (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
44 I Shall Be Released (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
45 Tangled Up In Blue (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
46 Tangled Up In Blue (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
47 Tangled Up In Blue (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
48 Oh, Sister (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
49 Oh, Sister (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
50 Oh, Sister (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
51 Oh, Sister (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
52 Oh, Sister (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
53 Hurricane (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
54 Hurricane (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
55 Hurricane (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
56 Hurricane (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
57 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
58 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
59 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
60 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
61 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
62 Sara (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
63 Sara (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
64 Sara (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
65 Sara (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
66 Sara (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
67 Just Like a Woman (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
68 Just Like a Woman (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
69 Just Like a Woman (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
70 Just Like a Woman (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
71 Just Like a Woman (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
72 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
73 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
74 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
75 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
76 This Land Is Your Land (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
77 This Land is Your Land (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
78 This Land is Your Land (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
79 This Land is Your Land (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
80 This Land is Your Land (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
81 One Too Many Mornings (Live at Gerdes Folk City, New York City, NY - October 1975)
82 Simple Twist of Fate (Live at Mahjong Parlor, Falmouth, MA - October 1975)
83 Isis (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
84 Isis (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
85 Isis (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
86 Isis (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
87 Isis (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
88 Isis (Live at Technical University, Lowell, MA - November 1975)
89 With God On Our Side (Live at Civic Center, Providence, RI - November 1975)
90 It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Live at Civic Center, Providence, RI - November 1975)
91 The Ballad of Ira Hayes (Live at Tuscarora Reservation, NY - November 1975)
92 Fourth Time Around (Live at Civic Center, Augusta, ME - November 1975)
93 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
94 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
95 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
96 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Live at The Night of the Hurricane, Madison Square Garden, New York, NY - December 1975)
97 The Tracks of My Tears (Live at Chateau Champlain, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
98 Jesse James (Live at Montreal Stables, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
99 Radio Advertisement for Niagara Falls shows
100 Your Cheatin' Heart (Live)
101 Dark as a Dungeon (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
102 Never Let Me Go (Live at Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec - December 1975)
103 Dark as a Dungeon (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Evening)
104 Never Let Me Go (Live at Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA - November 21, 1975 - Afternoon)
105 Wild Mountain Thyme (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
106 Dark as a Dungeon (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
107 Dark as a Dungeon (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
108 Hurricane (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
109 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
110 Just Like a Woman (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
111 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
112 Wild Mountain Thyme (Live at Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA - November 1975)
113 This Wheel's on Fire / Hurricane / All Along the Watchtower (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
114 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, Oct. 21, 1975)
115 Gwenevere [Incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
116 Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
117 It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
118 Tears of Rage (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
119 I Shall Be Released (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
120 Ballad of a Thin Man (Seacrest Motel Rehearsals)
121 Patty's Gone to Laredo (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
122 Isis (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, Oct. 21, 1975)
123 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
124 She Belongs to Me (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
125 Dark as a Dungeon (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
126 This Land is Your Land (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
127 Isis (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, Oct. 19, 1975)
128 Hollywood Angel [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
129 People Get Ready (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
130 What Will You Do When Jesus Comes? (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
131 Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
132 The Ballad of Ira Hayes (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
133 One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below) (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals, Oct. 19, 1975)
134 Tonight I'll be Staying Here With You (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
135 Rake and Ramblin' Boy [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
136 Romance in Durango [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
137 Rita May (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
138 I Want You [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
139 Love Minus Zero / No Limit [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
140 She Belongs to Me [incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
141 Joey [Incomplete] (S.I.R. Studio Rehearsals)
142 Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Live at Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA - November 1975)
143 It Ain't Me, Babe (Live)
144 Nashville Skyline Rag
145 Drifter's Escape (Take 1)
146 Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (with Earl Scruggs) [Mono]
147 To Be Alone with You (Mono)
148 Earl Scruggs Interview (with Earl Scruggs) [Mono]
149 Folsom Prison Blues (Outtake)
150 Girl from the North Country (Live on the Johnny Cash Show) [Mono]
151 Living the Blues (Live on the Johnny Cash Show) [Mono]
152 I Threw It All Away (Live on the Johnny Cash Show) [Mono]
153 Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 2 (Take 2)
154 Jimmie Rodgers Medley No. 1 (Take 1)
155 Just a Closer Walk with Thee (Take 1)
156 Amen (Rehearsal)
157 Studio Chatter
158 Ring of Fire (Take 1)
159 You Are My Sunshine (Take 1)
160 Five Feet High and Rising (Take 1)
161 Guess Things Happen That Way (Rehearsal)
162 I Walk the Line (Take 2)
163 John Wesley Harding (Take 1)
164 As I Went Out One Morning (Take 1)
165 I Threw It All Away (Take 1)
166 One More Night (Take 2)
167 Western Road (Take 1)
168 Peggy Day (Take 1)
169 Don't Think Twice, It's All Right / Understand Your Man (Rehearsal)
170 Mountain Dew (Take 2)
171 I Still Miss Someone (Take 2)
172 Careless Love (Take 1)
173 That's All Right, Mama (Take 1)
174 Mystery Train / This Train Is Bound for Glory (Take 1)
175 Girl from the North Country (Take 1)
176 Mountain Dew (Take 1)
177 All Along the Watchtower (Take 3)
178 I Pity the Poor Immigrant (Take 4)
179 I Am a Lonesome Hobo (Take 4)
180 To Be Alone with You (Take 1)
181 Lay, Lady, Lay (Take 2)
182 Tell Me That It Isn't True (Take 2)
183 Country Pie (Take 2)
184 I Still Miss Someone (Take 5)
185 Matchbox (Take 1)
186 Big River (Take 1)
187 Girl from the North Country (Rehearsal)
188 Guess Things Happen That Way (Take 3)
189 Wanted Man (Take 1)
190 Ring of Fire (Outtake)
191 East Virginia Blues (with Earl Scruggs) [Mono]

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