Bob Dylan - Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Bob Dylan - Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake)

They sat together in the park
Они сидели вместе в парке
As the evening sky grew dark
Когда вечернее небо потемнело
She looked at him and he felt a spark
Она посмотрела на него, и он почувствовал искру
Tingle to his bones
Покалывание в его костях
'Twas then he felt alone
Именно тогда он почувствовал себя одиноким
And wished that he'd gone straight
И пожалел, что он не пошел прямо
And watched out for a simple twist of fate
И следил за простым поворотом судьбы
They walked alone by the old canal
Они вдвоем прогуливались по старому каналу
A little confused, I remember well
Немного сбитый с толку, я хорошо помню
And stopped into a strange hotel
И остановился в незнакомом отеле
With a neon burning bright
С ярко горящим неоном
He felt the heat of the night
Он почувствовал жар ночи
Hit him like a freight train
Врезался в него, как товарный поезд
Moving with a simple twist of fate
Перемещение по простой иронии судьбы
A saxophone someplace far-off played
Где-то вдалеке играл саксофон
As she was walking on by the arcade
Когда она шла мимо аркады
As the light bust through a beat-up shade
Когда свет пробивается сквозь потрепанную тень
Where he was wakin' up
Где он просыпался
She dropped a coin into the cup
Она бросила монетку в чашку
Of a blind man at the gate
О слепом человеке у ворот
And forgot about a simple twist of fate
И забыл о простом повороте судьбы
He woke up, the room was bare
Он проснулся, в комнате было пусто
He didn't see her anywhere
Он нигде ее не видел
He told himself he didn't care
Он сказал себе, что ему все равно
Pushed the window open wide
Распахнул окно настежь
Felt an emptiness inside
Почувствовал пустоту внутри
To which he just could not relate
К которому он просто не мог относиться
Brought on by a simple twist of fate
Вызванный простым поворотом судьбы
He hears the ticking of the clocks
Он слышит тиканье часов
And walks along with a parrot that talks
И ходит вместе с попугаем, который разговаривает
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks
Выслеживает ее у прибрежных доков
Where the sailors all come in
Где все моряки приходят в
Maybe she'll pick him out again
Может быть, она снова выберет его
How long must he wait?
Как долго он должен ждать?
One more time, for a simple twist of fate
Еще раз, за простой поворот судьбы
People tell me it's a sin
Люди говорят мне, что это грех
To know and feel too much within
Знать и чувствовать слишком много внутри
I still believe she was my twin
Я все еще верю, что она была моей близняшкой
But I lost the ring
Но я потерял кольцо
She was born in spring
Она родилась весной
But I was born too late
Но я родился слишком поздно
Blame it on a simple twist of fate
Вините в этом простой поворот судьбы

Writer(s): Bob Dylan

1 If You See Her, Say Hello - Take 1
2 If You See Her, Say Hello (Take 1, Remake)
3 Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake 2)
4 Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake 2)
5 Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake 2)
6 Up to Me (Take 2, Remake)
7 Up to Me (Take 1, Remake)
8 Buckets of Rain (Take 4, Remake)
9 Up to Me (Take 1, Remake 2)
10 Buckets of Rain (Take 3, Remake)
11 Buckets of Rain (Take 1, Remake)
12 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2, Remake 2)
13 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake 2)
14 Shelter from the Storm (Take 4)
15 Shelter from the Storm (Take 3)
16 Shelter from the Storm (Take 2)
17 Buckets of Rain (Take 2)
18 Buckets of Rain (Take 2, Remake)
19 Up to Me (Take 3, Remake 2)
20 Buckets of Rain (Rehearsal)
21 Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake Edit)
22 You're a Big Girl Now
23 Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Takes 1-2, Remake 3)
24 You're a Big Girl Now (Takes 3-6, Remake 2)
25 Meet Me in the Morning (Takes 2-3, Remake 2)
26 Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1, Remake 2)
27 You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake 2)
28 Idiot Wind
29 Idiot Wind (Take 4, Remake)
30 Idiot Wind (Rehearsal and Takes 1-3, Remake)
31 Up to Me (Take 2, Remake 3)
32 Up to Me (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 3)
33 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 3, Remake)
34 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2, Remake)
35 Tangled Up In Blue
36 Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal and Take 1, Remake 2)
37 Buckets of Rain (Take 5, Remake 2)
38 Meet Me in the Morning (Take 2, Remake)
39 Tangled Up in Blue - Take 3, Remake 3
40 Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
41 Buckets of Rain (Take 1)
42 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 1, Remake)
43 Call Letter Blues - Take 2
44 Meet Me in the Morning (Take 1)
45 Call Letter Blues - Take 1
46 Simple Twist of Fate - Take 3A
47 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2A)
48 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1A)
49 Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts - Take 2
50 Idiot Wind (Take 1)
51 Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Take 1)
52 Up to Me (Rehearsal)
53 You're a Big Girl Now (Take 3)
54 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 2)
55 Simple Twist of Fate (Take 1)
56 You're a Big Girl Now - Take 2
57 You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1)
58 If You See Her, Say Hello
59 Up to Me - Take 1
60 Idiot Wind (Take 1, Remake)
61 Idiot Wind (Take 3 with insert)
62 Idiot Wind (Take 5)
63 Call Letter Blues (Rehearsal)
64 Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1)
65 Tangled Up in Blue (Take 2, Remake)
66 Tangled Up in Blue (Rehearsal)
67 You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2, Remake)
68 You're a Big Girl Now (Take 1, Remake)
69 Tangled Up in Blue (Take 1)
70 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 8)
71 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 7)
72 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6, Remake)
73 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 6)
74 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Take 5
75 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 4)
76 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 3)
77 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Take 2)
78 You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go (Rehearsal and Take 1)
79 Idiot Wind - Take 6
80 Shelter from the Storm - Take 1

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