Bogness feat. George Hora - Ai Plecat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Bogness feat. George Hora - Ai Plecat

Ai Plecat
You Left
Si ti-am promis ca o sa-ti fiu aproape
And I promised you I would be close
Eram cu gandul la tine in fiecare noapte
I was thinking of you every night
Nu pot sa cred ca mi se-ntampla inca o data
I can't believe this is happening to me again
Sa fiu batjocorit de cea mai frumoasa fata
To be mocked by the most beautiful girl
Vezi tu, eu chiar am tinut la tine
You see, I really cared about you
Mesajele alea lungi, stii prea bine
Those long messages, you know very well
Ca nu sunt doar un simplu baiat
That I'm not just a simple boy
Tu m-ai facut sa fiu asa la cum m-ai tratat
You made me be like this because of the way you treated me
M-ai tradat si te-ai mitit si pe tine
You betrayed and belittled yourself too
Vorbele tale au lasat gauri in mine
Your words left holes in me
Vreau sa vad acum pe cine mai minti
I want to see who you're lying to now
Cine o sa te creada, pe cine o sa surprinzi
Who's going to believe you, who are you going to surprise
Te-am iubit cum n-a mai facut-o cineva
I loved you like no one else ever did
Dar ai ales sa pleci, stii bine, din viata mea
But you chose to leave, you know, from my life
Te iubesc si n-au fost vorbe goale
I love you and they were not empty words
Cel putin nu la fel ca ale tale
At least not the same as yours
O sa-ti amintesti de mine chiar daca toate trec
You'll remember me even if everything passes
Am fost aici candva, acum trebuie sa plec
I was here once, now I have to leave
Tu nu stii cat e de greu
You don't know how hard it is
Te-ai jucat cu sufletul meu
You played with my soul
Cand ai plecat, n-a mai ramas
When you left, there was nothing left
Decat o banca goala si secundele pe ceas
But an empty bench and seconds on the clock
Tu nu stii cat e de greu
You don't know how hard it is
Te-ai jucat cu sufletul meu
You played with my soul
Cand ai plecat, n-a mai ramas
When you left, there was nothing left
Decat o banca goala si secundele pe ceas
But an empty bench and seconds on the clock
Ai plecat, ai plecat, ai plecat...
You left, you left, you left...
Si trec orele si zilele si nu vrea sa mai plece
And the hours and days go by and it doesn't want to leave anymore
E un sentiment ciudat ce ma lasa tot mai rece
It's a strange feeling that leaves me colder and colder
Ti-am oferit totul si cred c-am reusit
I gave you everything and I think I succeeded
Daca nu a fost perfect, nu stiu ce-a lipsit
If it wasn't perfect, I don't know what was missing
Cineva, undeva, sa-mi spuna ce-am gresit
Someone, somewhere, to tell me what I did wrong
Ca am tinut la tine si te-am iubit
That I cared about you and loved you
Si as vrea sa spun ca sunt bine dar nu pot sa ma mint
And I'd like to say I'm fine but I can't lie to myself
Cand trec prin aceleasi depresii si acelasi regim
When I'm going through the same depressions and the same regimen
Spune-mi tu cum sa mai am incredere
Tell me how can I trust again
Cand nu mi-ai apreciat vreodata sentimentele
When you never appreciated my feelings
Zeci de imbratisari lasate in spate
Dozens of hugs left behind
Amintiri frumoase pierdute departe
Beautiful memories lost far away
Multe sacrificii si timp pierdut
Many sacrifices and wasted time
Pentru nimic caci m-ai lasat mut
For nothing because you left me speechless
O sa-ti amintesti de mine chiar daca toate trec
You'll remember me even if everything passes
Am fost aici candva, acum trebuie sa plec
I was here once, now I have to leave
Tu nu stii cat e de greu
You don't know how hard it is
Te-ai jucat cu sufletul meu
You played with my soul
Cand ai plecat, n-a mai ramas
When you left, there was nothing left
Decat o banca goala si secundele pe ceas
But an empty bench and seconds on the clock
Tu nu stii cat e de greu
You don't know how hard it is
Te-ai jucat cu sufletul meu
You played with my soul
Cand ai plecat, n-a mai ramas
When you left, there was nothing left
Decat o banca goala si secundele pe ceas
But an empty bench and seconds on the clock
Ai plecat, ai plecat, ai plecat.
You left, you left, you left.
Ai plecat, ai plecat, ai plecat.
You left, you left, you left.

Writer(s): Aioanei Bogdan, Hora George Dorin

Bogness feat. George Hora - Ai Plecat
Ai Plecat
date de sortie

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