Boldan - B a N G - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Boldan - B a N G

B a N G
B a N G
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG
Bang bang, cred a venit momentul
Bang bang, I think the moment has come
Sa îți spun acum tot ce fac e in detrimentul
To tell you now everything I do is to your detriment
Tău, vreau doar să-ți fie bine
Baby, I just want you to be alright
In foile astea m-am pierdut scriind doar despre tine
In these pages I've lost myself, writing only about you
Bang bang, m-am luptat până în zori
Bang bang, I fought until dawn
te fac intelegi iubirea noastra-i printre
To make you understand that our love is among
Nori, imi doresc fiu cu tine
The clouds, I long to be with you
Dar totul se vede neclar singur la inalțime
But everything seems blurry, alone up so high
Mi-ai spus că-n ochi tu-mi vezi oceane
You said you saw oceans in my eyes
Dar verdele din ochii mei in lipsa ta, el moare
But the green in my eyes, in your absence, it dies
Tu, tu esti rece, nu esti om
You, you're cold, you're not human
îmbeți cu amagiri trase prin rom
You intoxicate me with delusions laced with rum
Am stat prea mult cu gândul ca sunt anosmic
I spent too long thinking I was anosmic
Ți-am spus cam tot ce simt dar tu mi-ai spus esti nostim
I told you how I felt, but you just said I was being funny
Am stat prea mult cu gândul ca sunt anosmic
I spent too long thinking I was anosmic
Ți-am spus cam tot ce simt dar tu mi-ai spus esti nostim
I told you how I felt, but you just said I was being funny
In punctul asta vreau sa las tot in spate
At this point, I want to leave everything behind
Vreau sa ma înalt singur, uitând sigur de toate
I want to rise alone, surely forgetting everything
In punctul asta vrea sa-mi caut alinare
At this point, I want to find solace
Vreau sa inalt si sa ma rup de realitate
I want to rise and break away from reality
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG
Nimic nu-i la înâmplare, povestea mea cu tine are termen de expirare
Nothing is random, my story with you has an expiration date
Azi, vreau doar să-mi fie bine,
Today, I just want to be alright
am rămas fără cuvinte scriind doar despre tine
I've run out of words, writing only about you
Bang, Bang, m-am luptat până în zori
Bang, Bang, I fought until dawn
te fac intelegi iubirea noastra-i printre
To make you understand that our love is among
Nori, imi doresc fiu cu tine
The clouds, I long to be with you
Dar totul se vede neclar singur la inalțime
But everything seems blurry, alone up so high
Mi-ai spus că-n ochi tu-mi vezi oceane
You said you saw oceans in my eyes
Dar verdele din ochii mei in lipsa ta, el moare
But the green in my eyes, in your absence, it dies
Tu, tu esti rece, nu esti om
You, you're cold, you're not human
îmbeți cu amagiri trase prin rom
You intoxicate me with delusions laced with rum
Am stat prea mult cu gândul ca sunt anosmic
I spent too long thinking I was anosmic
Ți-am spus cam tot ce simt dar tu mi-ai spus esti nostim
I told you how I felt, but you just said I was being funny
Am stat prea mult cu gândul ca sunt anosmic
I spent too long thinking I was anosmic
Ți-am spus cam tot ce simt dar tu mi-ai spus esti nostim
I told you how I felt, but you just said I was being funny
In punctul asta vreau sa las tot in spate
At this point, I want to leave everything behind
Vreau sa ma înalt singur, uitând sigur de toate
I want to rise alone, surely forgetting everything
In punctul asta vrea sa-mi caut alinare
At this point, I want to find solace
Vreau sa inalt si sa ma rup de realitate
I want to rise and break away from reality
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG
Na, na, na, BANG, BANG

Writer(s): Sorin Boldea, Walif Issa

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