Boostee - Smile - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Boostee - Smile

J'adorai quand ton regard
I adored it when your gaze
Me caressait les lèvres
Caresses my lips
ça m'énerve quand le temps
It annoys me when the time
Venait nous imposer ses règles
Came to impose its rules on us
Souvent c'était mon excès qui jouait avec tes nerfs,
Often it was my excess that played with your nerves,
Ma jalousie provenait du fait
My jealousy stemmed from the fact
Que ta silouhette tentait mes rêves.
That your silhouette was tempting my dreams.
J'appréciais ton naturel
I appreciated your naturalness
Ta démarche inaccoutumée
Your unusual gait
Les gens nous voyaient comme des fous alliés
People saw us as crazy allies
Ton corps indécent parfait,
Your perfect, indecent body,
Tes poignets remplient de bracelets,
Your wrists are full of bracelets,
Parfois je sens l'odeur de ton parfum pour ne pas oublier
Sometimes I smell your perfume so I won't forget
On n'avait l'impression que rien ne pouvait nous arriver,
We didn't feel like anything could happen to us,
On ne voyait plus nos amis car on surveillait nos arrières
We didn't see our friends anymore because we were watching our backs
Se moquer des clichés pour casser les barrières
Mocking cliches to break down barriers
On ne faisait que provoquer, quand on parlé de ce marrier
We were just provoking, when we talked about this marriage
Je sais que demain si ton chemin recroise le mien
I know that tomorrow if your path crosses mine
Tu aurais envie de me dire que tes sentiments sont les mêmes
You would want to tell me that your feelings are the same
Tes pensées étaient miennes car tu as fait de moi un homme
Your thoughts were mine because you made me a man
Maintenant que moi j'observe la lune, je vois la beauté de ton âme
Now that I'm watching the moon, I see the beauty of your soul
Everytime I see this smile, my life is yours
Everytime I see this smile, my life is yours
Next time we kiss the sky, the sky we know
Next time we kiss the sky, the sky we know
If love is not the lie you're looking for
If love is not the lie you're looking for
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
Along and go
Along and go
Along and go
Along and go
Quand il y avait un désaccord on parriais (parriais),
When there was a disagreement, we would gamble
Celui qui avait tort devait tenter de se faire pardonner,
The one who was wrong had to try to get forgiven,
Le bi en guise de mat
The kiss as a mat
Depuis on naviguait (naviguait)
Since then we have been sailing
À travers nos souvenirs comme si on avait l'air,
Through our memories as if we didn't want to
De ne pas vouloir penser volontairement à nos projets,
To deliberately not think about our plans
Je ne m'étais jamais le projo sur les choses que tu me repprochais,
I had never put myself before the things you blamed me for
Je voulais être proche de nos fous-rires,
I wanted to be close to our laughter
Au bon moment j'me raccrochais,
At the right moment I would hang on,
Tu m'appellais pour dire que tu raccrochais
You called to say you were hanging up
Everytime I see this smile, my life is yours
Everytime I see this smile, my life is yours
Next time we kiss the sky, the sky we know
Next time we kiss the sky, the sky we know
If love is not the lie you're looking for
If love is not the lie you're looking for
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
I will let you fly along and go
(I will let you fly along and go)
(I will let you fly along and go)


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