Boy Wonder - Špinavý poet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Boy Wonder - Špinavý poet

Špinavý poet
Dirty Poet
Špinavý poet - text
Dirty Poet - lyrics
1, 2, 3 niekto sa schováva v skrini
1, 2, 3 someone is hiding in the closet
4, 5, 6 je to Boy Wonder a chce ťa zjesť
4, 5, 6 it's Boy Wonder and he wants to eat you
Zdravý vás Lyrik samozrejme ako každý večer
Greetings Lyrik, of course, like every evening
Aj dnes dávame špeciálnu vec toto je Boy Wonder
Today we are giving a special thing, this is Boy Wonder
Boy Wonder je človek ktorý vypisuje hovadiny a nieje to básnik
Boy Wonder is a person who writes bullshit and is not a poet
Boy Wonder je človek ktorý nahráva tracky ale nieje to spevák
Boy Wonder is a person who records tracks but is not a singer
Drahý poslucháči Špinavý poet
Dear listeners, Dirty Poet
Boy Wonder:
Boy Wonder:
Vidzel som ostrých chlapcov šklbať sa za penázmi
I saw sharp guys jerking off for money
Roztikaný pohyb z huby vyšlo no šesť slín
Jerky movement, six spits came out of the mouth
istý mi vyprávali o vývoji hip hopu
These same guys told me about the evolution of hip hop
A teraz rapujú do housu rapujú do popu
And now they rap to house, rap to pop
Rapujú na piču sa smejem do popuku
They rap to shit until I laugh to popcorn
Neni som zo starej školy no rád vás kusnem do gúl
I'm not from the old school but I like to bite you in the balls
Neni som kánoista kerý hladá manželku
I'm not a canoeist who is looking for a wife
Lebo pochopil že plávať z prúdom je proste cool
Because I realized that swimming with the flow is just cool
Ja rád píšem pičoviny na papír
I like to write bullshit on paper
Ked mi zas jebne v tej hlave tak idem nahrať ich
When it pops in my head again, I'm going to record them
Stojím za sklom a oproci vidzím Pekov ksicht
I stand behind the glass and opposite I see Pek's face
Ja vidzím Spankov ksycht ja musím puscit smích
I see Spank's face, I have to laugh
Som jak hovno keré je hnusné no musí tu byt
I'm like shit which is disgusting but has to be here
Nemôžeš naňho zabudnúť inak ci rozjebe rit
You can't forget about it otherwise it will rip your ass apart
Ale vždycky sa nájdú taký čo to majú radi
But there are always those who like it
A žerú mi tie sračky asi kamarádi
And they eat my shit, I guess they're friends
Primitív kuká na mňa skoro nezačne žmurkať
Primitive looks at me almost without blinking
Vím že ma chce pojebať tvári sa že ma chce zbúchať
I know he wants to fuck me, he pretends that he wants to hit me
Je jak malá piča kerá ci chce lásku vyznať
He's like a little dick who wants to confess his love
S červenými lícami sa pred babami nesce priznat
With red cheeks he doesn't want to admit it in front of the girls
Som ten malý jebo rád vyvolám neplechu
I'm that little motherfucker, I like to cause mischief
Provokujem višemu najvác jebetu
I'm already provoking the highest motherfucker
Stojím za tvojim oknom ty zascíraš roletu
I stand behind your window, you lower the blinds again
Nepomáha schovaj sa jebni hlavu pod deku
It doesn't help, hide yourself, fuck your head under the blanket
Ja neni som tvoj brat nesedzíme pri jednom stole
I'm not your brother, we don't sit at the same table
Fajčil ma tvoj kat keď sceš ma vidzet stále dole
Your executioner smoked me if you want to see me still down there
Po rape ja mám hlad teba to nemá čo bolet
After the rap I'm hungry, you don't have to worry about it
Hovor mi pán chlad ja som špinavý poet
Tell me Mr. Cold I am a dirty poet
Ja nechcem ta nasrat ne ja nerád cícim bolest
I don't want to fuck you, I don't like to feel pain
Ty nechceš mať môj plat nosil by si polky holé
You don't want my salary, you'd wear half-naked
Ja sa chcem len hrať a ne svetu lízať gule
I just want to play and not lick the world's balls
Takto to mám rád ja som špinavý poet
That's how I like it, I'm a dirty poet
Cíciš byť ostrosť hned jak začnem dávať tep
You feel the sharpness as soon as I start giving heat
Sa mi zrýchli a krv v žilách prúdzi osto šest
My heart rate speeds up and the blood in my veins flows one hundred and six
Nehladaj odpoved prečo je tak zlý svet
Don't look for an answer why the world is so bad
Som špinavý poet dávam ci množstvo vét
I'm a dirty poet, I give you a lot of sentences
Som krásny ako Brett voňavý ako kvet
I'm as beautiful as Brett, as fragrant as a flower
Moja hlava šeckých pozitívnych myšlénok stred
My head is the center of all positive thoughts
Utrel si si zadek z holú ruku sceš pät
You wiped your ass with your bare hands, you want five
Ked mi sceš nečo povedať použi blend-a-med
If you want to tell me something, use blend-a-med
DJ blend ja med ci dám na hubu hned
DJ gives blend I honey I will put it on my lips right away
Jak sa otočíš donho potajomky mýšam jed
As you turn to him secretly I think poison
Tak otoč mi chrbet nech sa môžem opret
So turn your back on me so I can lean on
Vidzíš takto to mám rád takto to je dobre
You see that's how I like it that's how it is good
Píšem kým nezomrem ked zomrem som zas v tem
I write until I die, when I die I'm back in the dark
Som milý ale vým byť odporný jak hnusný hlien
I'm nice but I can be as disgusting as nasty mucus
ževraj ja rap neviem cícim zápach hovien
They say I don't know rap, I smell shit
Na koncerte mi to potom prosím ta pripomen
At the concert then please remind me
Tak rád ci vyhoviem keď kúpiš drink ho zjem
I'd love to help you out if you buy me a drink, I'll drink it
Môžeš vrat ale ja nemám nikdy full objem
You can give it back but I never have full volume
že sa ci nedarí nemusíš skrývať to viem
that you are not doing well, you do not have to hide it anymore, I know
Narozdíl od teba mám v kuse plodné obdobie
Unlike you, I have a fertile period all the time
Nescem počuť MCs kerý nevyrástli z plien
I don't want to hear MCs who haven't grown out of diapers
Dramatické rapy čo nemajú úroveň
Dramatic raps that have no level
V móde je robiť sračky ja ostávam v pohode
It's fashionable to do shit, I stay cool
Mám v piči račej sadnem odpálim to konope
I'd rather sit down and fire up that cannabis
V časoch keď ešte Martin Madej spíval o Bobim
In the days when Martin Madej was still singing about Bob
A okrem dzecí ho počúvali aj kokoti
And besides the children, assholes also listened to him
Som nemal predstavivosť než aby som pochopil
I didn't have the imagination to understand
že z neho vyraste raz umelec hipho popo popový
that one day a hiphopopopo artist will grow out of him
Pýtaš sa prečo tak zle hovorím
You ask why I speak so badly
Pekne ma popros a ja ci strašne rád odpovím, počkaj
Ask me nicely and I'll be happy to answer you, wait
Len čo si opasek povolím
Just as I loosen my belt
Prdnem ci do ksychtu a rozjebe ci to zuby jak heroín
I'll fart in your face and it will break your teeth like heroin
Som tvoja neoddelitelná súčasť
I am your inseparable part
čím vác na to pičuješ tým vác si to púščaš
the more you bitch about it the more you let it go
Som vzduch kerý ked sa ci zebere
I am the air that when you take it from you
Nemôžeš nič končíš ideš do prdele
You can't do anything, you end up going to hell
Ked píšem texty tak mám v piči či sa ci to páči
When I write lyrics I don't give a shit if you like it
A keď nepáči prosím ta prepáč mi
And if you don't like it, I'm sorry
Keď som v tom tak myslím iba na seba
Since I'm at it, I'm only thinking of myself
Som egoista sebec a teba môžem jebat
I'm selfish, selfish and I can fuck you
Jak Bushove svedomie je čírny tento môj tuš
Like Bush's conscience, this felt of mine is black
A ty nezmažeš čo som napísal tak račej mlč
And you won't erase what I wrote so shut up
Nepodporuj buzíkov nemajú na kokote rúž
Don't support gays, they don't have lipstick on their dicks
Toto je Trnava Boy Wonder a Kiklo môj muž
This is Trnava Boy Wonder and Kiklo my man
Nekupuj originál račej si chodz napálit
Don't buy the original, rather go get burned
Za desat e kúpiš pytel vypočuješ a ešte sa aj vypáliš
For ten euros you buy a bag, listen to it and get high
Alebo si zežeň štof a jebni si ho do žily
Or get some stuff and inject it into your veins
Prečo bys to nespravil šak aj iný to prežili, né?
Why wouldn't you do it, others survived it, right?

Writer(s): David Tesar

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