Boy Wonder CF feat. MelyMel - Yo Me Curo (feat. Melymel) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Boy Wonder CF feat. MelyMel - Yo Me Curo (feat. Melymel)

Yo Me Curo (feat. Melymel)
Yo Me Curo (feat. Melymel)
Ellos dicen que son puros,
They say they are pure,
(& yo me curo, Yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
Ello andan Diciendo que son duros,
They are saying that they are hard,
(& yo me curo, yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
Aseguro el Punto & me desaparezco,
I secure the Point & I disappear,
Mís contactos valen Oro comisiones recolecto,
My contacts are worth Gold commissions collection,
Tengo el Intelecto para vivir de mi aspecto,
I have the intellect to live off my looks,
Ellos tratan de tirarme & no hacen nada al respecto,
They try to throw me away & do nothing about it,
NO respeto al que critica para andar lambiendo,
I don't respect the one who criticizes to walk around,
Al que me difama lo borro con excremento.
The one who defames me I erase with excrement.
Yo me curo, Te sulfuro, para ti represento un muro, no eres duro Porque en tu coro contigo NO son puro‼️
I heal myself, I make you sulfur, for you I represent a wall, you are not hard Because in your chorus with you they are NOT pure‼️
Me doy el que yo quiero no el que a mi me quiera,
I get the one I want, not the one who wants me,
Me ha costado pero vivo vida a manera,
It has cost me but I live my life my way,
Mencióname a cualquiera, no pueden con la rapera.
Mention anyone to me, they can't handle the rapper.
Si te tiro bajo el "Ki" para no Apagarte la Carrera.
If I throw you under the "Ki" so as not to Turn off the Race.
El en Rap eres cualquiera,
In rap you are anyone.,
No corres ni por la acera,
You don't even run on the sidewalk,
Tu sabe lo que te espera,
You know what awaits you,
Masticaste como Pera,
You chewed like a Pear,
Cuidado si te desesperas,
Be careful if you get desperate,
Tu mención no me genera,
Your mention does not generate me,
Hice nombre SOLA & Rompiendo To' la barrera Melmelada descarada no seas tan maquiavélica,
I made my name ALONE & Breaking To' the Shameless Melmelada barrier don't be so Machiavellian,
Mira como esa Grupi quiere copiarte la técnica,
Look how that Groupie wants to copy your technique,
No le pare porque yo no tengo réplica,
Don't stop him because I have no reply,
Soy un bobo para ellos... Sin Rivales Féminas‼️
I'm a sucker for them... No Female Rivals‼️
Ellos dicen que son puros,
They say they are pure,
(& yo me curo, Yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
Ello andan Diciendo que son duros,
They are saying that they are hard,
(& yo me curo, yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
La Rabia no ta' en el tigueraje NO,
The Rage does not ta' in the tigueraje NO,
Hay mucho que cuando ven una plancha se le caen to' lo tatuaje,
There is a lot that when they see an iron they drop to ' lo tattoo,
Llegale a amperaje,
Get to me amperage,
Puede que no me rebaje,
I may not lower myself,
Pero si me dio pa' ti van a tener que agarrarme
But if he gave me pa' ti they're gonna have to grab me
burla no tiene regulador,
My mockery has no regulator,
Y tu peor (yaw) con un enemigo de Asesor,
And your worst (yaw) with an enemy of Advisor,
Pide maicena para que te la hagan de cena,
Ask for cornstarch to be made for dinner,
Te toy dando pela así como se la di a la tipa aquella
I toy you giving hair just like I gave it to the girl that
Sana culo e' rana te quedaste con las ganas,
Healthy ass e' rana you stayed with the desire,
Si tu fueras una mujer por mi tu serías lesbiana.
If you were a woman for me you would be a lesbian.
NO te debo, no me pidas Colaboraciones,
I don't owe you, don't ask for collaborations,
Tu te muere sin mi Nombre en tu lista e' canciones,
You die without my name on your list and ' songs,
Por Gogo, relatador de historias ajenas,
By Gogo, relator of other people's stories,
Agradécele a los capos que te regalan cadena,
Thank the bosses who give you chain,
Tu delirio ya da pena, igual que el que te cree,
Your delirium is already painful, just like the one who believes you,
Admítalo Melymel Rapea mejor que Usted... Nigga
Admit it Melymel raps better than you... Nigga
Ellos dicen que son puros,
They say they are pure,
(& yo me curo, Yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
Ello andan Diciendo que son duros,
They are saying that they are hard,
(& yo me curo, yo me curo, yo me curo)
(& I heal, I heal, I heal)
No puede ser... Tuvo que Venir Melymel a Ponérsela a El‼️
It can't be... Melymel had to Come to Put it on Him‼️
Un placer... Un Placer
My pleasure... A Pleasure

Writer(s): Manuel Alejandro Ruiz, Melony Nathalie Redondo, Crysthiano Femim

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