Boy Wonder & Kansiik - Volám o pomoc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Boy Wonder & Kansiik - Volám o pomoc

Volám o pomoc
Calling for Help
Papír na jazyku je ľahší jak dym z cigy čo fajčíš
Paper on the tongue is lighter than the smoke from the cig you're smoking
Sám nevím rozhodnúť kery z tých jedov je zdravší
I don't know which of these poisons is healthier
Puscim si muziku no reprák zas chrapčí
I turn on the music, but the speaker is crackling again
Chcel by som lepší tak to znamená drahší
I want a better one, so that means a more expensive one
V krajinách kde žijú ludia tmavší
In countries where darker people live
Väčšina ani nevi, jake to je byt v rauši
Most don't even know what it's like to be high
Tak tam pracujú decka vác jak chcú starší
So there, children work more than the elders want
Na to aby si ty mohol v klude ležat na gauči
So you can lie peacefully on the couch
ževraj bez penazi je život vždy krajší
They say life is always more beautiful without money
To je pičovina jak ochrnutý plavčík
That's bullshit like a paralyzed lifeguard
Možeš byt najmudrejší, najkrajší
You can be the wisest, the most beautiful
Vo svete vyhráva vždycky len ten kto je dravší
In the world, only the one who is more aggressive always wins
životy ludi jak utkané z pavučín
People's lives are like woven from cobwebs
Možno sa ti zíde čo sa v mladosti naučíš
Maybe what you learn in your youth will come in handy
Drogy a chlast zaplatajú diery na duši
Drugs and booze will patch up holes in the soul
šak spravia dieru v hlave, kerá telo zesuší
But they'll make a hole in your head that will dry up your body
Nechceš počuť pravdu, nepomože ti zapchat uši
You don't want to hear the truth, plugging your ears won't help
Nechceš vidzet pravdu nepomožu kvapky do oči
You don't want to see the truth, eye drops won't help
Križovatka spája cesty to nejde zrušit
The crossroads connect the paths, it can't be undone
Možeš sa jej vyhnut takže ešte pred nou zatočíš
You can avoid it, so you turn before it
Bude to tvoje rozhodnutie aj ked netusíš
It will be your decision even though you have no idea
či práve na ceste keru jsi si vybral nezahučíš
Whether you will crash on the road you have chosen
Chcel si jej vyznat lásku na zajtra to odložíš
You wanted to confess your love to her, you'll put it off until tomorrow
čo ked sa zajtra ráno vobec nezobudiš
What if you don't wake up tomorrow morning at all
Pýtam sa jak mam ja ze životom vynaložit
I ask how I should handle life
či zkusit pokušenie a ci pokušenie odložit
Whether to try temptation or to postpone temptation
či byt fakt tak dobrý že raz budem v nebi žit
Whether to be so good that I will live in heaven one day
či ohen založit a zneužit zákon v moj blahobyt
Whether to start a fire and use the law for my own well-being
A čo ty čo sa museli v pekle narodzit
And what about those who had to be born in hell
A žijú v hlade co museli oni preto urobit
And live in hunger, what did they have to do for that
Mam vela otázek kamen na srdci tonovy
I have many questions, a ton-heavy stone on my heart
Hej pane snád mi na to raz aj odpoviš
Hey Lord, maybe you'll answer me one day
Som naložený mám popiči plán,
I'm loaded, I have a fucked up plan,
Nebudem robit nič, život pojde dal sám,
I won't do anything, life will go on by itself,
Srdce pumpuje všetok ten bordel, čo mam v krvi, telom,
My heart pumps all the crap I have in my blood, in my body,
No život je popiči flám.
But life is a fucked up party.
Keď sa ráno zobúdzam vycucnuty, vím,
When I wake up in the morning drained, I know
že musím neco začat robit, no kým
That I have to start doing something, but by the time
Sa k tomu prinúcim, tak prijde zasa noc
I get myself to do it, the night comes again
Kurva, ja ešte stále volám o pomoc.
Damn, I'm still calling for help.
Dávam si otázky na ktoré odpoved neni
I ask myself questions that have no answer
Prečo je hento tak a hento inak, kdo to zmení
Why is this this way and that that way, who will change it
Prečo je človek uveznený aj ked v cele neni
Why is a person imprisoned even when they are not in a cell
čím to je že sa kamoš dokáže tak prudko zmenit
Why is it that a friend can change so drastically
to snad love ktoré mám uctievat sa k nim modlit
Is it money that I should worship and pray to
Nech mi ukážu jak žit čo?
Let them show me how to live, what?
Prečo ma po kopačke do gúl boli žaludek ne vajca
Why does my stomach hurt after a kick in the balls, not my eggs
Prečo sa babo zmení v starca
Why does a baby turn into an old man
Prečo sa ručička v hodzinách netočí do lava
Why doesn't the hand on the clock turn left
Prečo sa vana vodou nenapusci nikdy sama
Why doesn't the bathtub ever fill up with water by itself
Prečo ta mala panna ze včera je dneska mama
Why is that little virgin from yesterday a mother today
A prečo by som vlastne mal ti odpovede hladat
And why should I even look for answers
Načo hladat odpovede zbytočne?
Why look for answers unnecessarily?
Na to čo nemožme zmenit sa proste vymočme
Let's just piss on what we can't change
Ja možem zmenit život svoj ešte aj tuto noc
I can change my life even tonight
Dobre to vím no aj tak stále volám o pomoc (jak kokot)
I know that well, but I'm still calling for help (like a dick)
Ref: 2x
Chorus: 2x

Writer(s): Jakub Heglas

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