BoyBand feat. 1210 Symphony - Lady Carneval - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction BoyBand feat. 1210 Symphony - Lady Carneval

Lady Carneval
Lady Carneval
Oukej ty pizďac a - kurva - chlupy -3- a.a
Okay, you cunt - damn - hair -3- a.a
Řekla mi, si nasadím kondom.
She told me to put on a condom.
Hovno, Baby! Vždyť vypadáš jak Krondon!
Fuck, Baby! You look like Krondon!
Šeptala - že je sladká jako bonbon,
She whispered - that she's sweet like a candy,
Je ponurá jak London, to radši budu homo.
She's gloomy like London, I'd rather be a homo.
A prej radostí bliká ako strobo-skop,
And she says she blinks with joy like a strobe-scope,
Chová se jak tele, hele vezmu tele-skop.
She acts like a calf, look, I'll take a tele-scope.
A prej chudák umírá touhou,
And she says the poor thing is dying of desire,
Tak proč se kurva pořád ksichtí jak Kolombou.
So why the fuck is she still frowning like Columbus.
Povedala že mi aj keď iba raz,
She said she'd give it to me even if just once,
A od tej chvíľe sa tej kundy fakt nevim strást.
And since then I can't get rid of that cunt.
Boy Wonder nechce spát, Boy Wonder chce rásť.
Boy Wonder doesn't want to sleep, Boy Wonder wants to grow.
Však nije z tebou ty kunda radšej dám si prásk!
But not with you, you cunt, I'd rather spank it!
Nemožem za to že nemožem také jak si ty,
I can't help it that I can't do what you do,
Spravil som to len - raz a bol som opitý.
I only did it - once and I was drunk.
Ksicht mala jak E.T. nohy jak Hobiti,
She had a face like E.T. and feet like Hobbits,
Na sračky rozbitý dal som ju cez slipy.
I smashed her through my underwear, broken to shit.
Lady... Carneval... Teď se modlím jen k lady Karneval... (Karel Gott - Lady Karneval)
Lady... Carneval... Now I only pray to Lady Karneval... (Karel Gott - Lady Karneval)
Byla špatná jak slovenský dabing,
She was bad like Slovak dubbing,
Když začala mluvit začalo bolení hlavy.
When she started talking, the headache started.
Nahá si sedla na postel prej rozjede sady,
She sat naked on the bed, said she'd start the orchards,
Zvedla paže - a rozjela smrady.
She raised her arms - and started the stench.
Slíbila že klidně změní práci,
She promised that she would calmly change jobs,
Z bordelu do Zoo, v obojím figurujou ptáci.
From a brothel to a Zoo, both have birds.
Né-ne obojí jsou přelétaví,
No-no, both are fickle,
Prej si nechá kvůli přešít na plyš jako Teletubiesss.
She says she'll get sewn over for me into plush like the Teletubbiesss.
Namotal som ju na disko-téke,
I picked her up at the disco,
Prišol som na bar smädný ak psisko, Jäger
I came to the bar thirsty like a dog, Jäger
Padal do mňa lahko a čisto.
It fell into me easily and cleanly.
V tom mori 300 mala svoje místo.
She already had her place in that sea of 300.
rýchlo som dal na bar klúče od BMW
I quickly put the BMW keys on the bar
Aj keď nejsou ona semnou ide ven.
Even though they're not mine, she's coming out with me.
Chcela sa vrátit no keď sme prišli k mojmu biku,
She wanted to go back, but when we got to my bike,
Zdrapol som ju za rameno "Dáš aspoň fajku - ne??"
I grabbed her by the shoulder "At least give me a blowjob - no??"
Lady... Carneval... Teď se modlím jen k lady Karneval... (Karel Gott - Lady Karneval)
Lady... Carneval... Now I only pray to Lady Karneval... (Karel Gott - Lady Karneval)
Na schůzku jsem přišel v Triku Vod Hoven,
I came to the meeting in a Vod Hoven T-shirt,
řekla že lepší pro bude triko Ralph Lauren.
she said a Ralph Lauren shirt would be better for me.
V tom jsem začal růst jako Hulk Hogan,
In that, I started to grow like Hulk Hogan,
Citíl jsem se obří jak na procházce s buldokem.
I felt huge like walking a bulldog.
Řekla mi že jsem mega nice jak Sega Mega Drive,
She told me I was mega nice like Sega Mega Drive,
Seděl jsem na židli jak Coolio v Gangsta′s paradise.
I sat on a chair like Coolio in Gangsta's Paradise.
Že prej nevadí že mám milana,
She said it doesn't matter that I have a mistress,
Nervy delší než tři lana,
Nerves longer than three ropes,
Ona je svině a chce tyrana.
She's a bitch and wants a tyrant.
Jeden sen sa zkončil a začal druhý,
One dream ended and another began,
Ten zlý pravý keď som sa vedľa nej zobudil.
The bad real one when I woke up next to her.
Striktne vyskočím z postele ťa lykne,
I'll jump out of bed strictly until you swallow,
Keď zbadáš že ta kurva fúze jak Hitler.
When you see that the bitch has a mustache like Hitler.
Á ne na horné pere, po celom tele.
And not on the upper lip, all over the body.
Oholil som jej hlavu do hola zabuchol dvere.
I shaved her head bald and slammed the door.
Čo by asi spravil Slávík keby to takto dojebal?
What would the Nightingale do if he fucked it up like this?
Pichol kokot do huby a zpíval s námi LADY CARNEVAL!!!
He'd stick his dick in her mouth and sing LADY CARNEVAL with us!!!
Hehehehaha... yeah...
Hehehehaha... yeah...

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