Brams - Cap Mala Pensada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - Cap Mala Pensada

Cap Mala Pensada
Doncs no em sembla
It doesn't seem to me
Pas que sigui el socialisme
Not to be Socialism
Cap mala pensada.
Let us rescue it
Del forat d'escepticisme
From the pit of skepticism
On està amagada.
Where it's hidden.
Caldrà sortir del marc estipulat
We need to go beyond the stipulated framework
I preparar alguna sublimitat
And to prepare some sublimity
Capaç de capgirar l'ordre de tot plegat.
Capable of upsetting the order of everything.
Rastrejarem l'indret dels somnis prodigiosos
We will scour the place of prodigious dreams
Fins que trobem el giny de la igualtat.
Until we find the engine of equality.
Emergint dels fangs de la resignació en què ens soterra el capital bo i disfressat de democràcia alçarem el puny ben clos tot prometent creure en la idea que pot vèncer la misèria i menar-la fins a haver pres el poder als lladregots que fan ballar quatre titelles que anomenen governants; que si no han estat reeixits alguns intents vistos fins ara no es pot dar tot per perdut que entre l'Stalin i "OTAN-Sí" hi deu haver un altre camí i és el que ara volem fer.
Emerging from the mire of resignation in which we are buried, capital, disguised as democracy, will raise its clenched fist, promising to believe in the idea that it can overcome misery and lead it until it has seized power from the thieves who make four puppets who call themselves rulers dance; that if some attempts seen to date have not been successful, all cannot be considered lost, that between Stalin and "OTAN-Sí" there must be another way and that is what we now want to do.

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