Brams - De Les Neus al Palmeral - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - De Les Neus al Palmeral

De Les Neus al Palmeral
From the Snows to the Palm Groves
Antics ports de pirates,
Old pirate ports,
Vestigis de vells califats,
Vestiges of old caliphates,
Mercats grecs, vil·les romanes,
Greek markets, Roman villas,
Restes de regnes i vescomtats.
Remnants of kingdoms and viscounts.
Fogueres celebrades,
Celebrated bonfires,
Poetes que trasbalsen l'esperit,
Poets who upset the spirit,
Cançons improvisades,
Impromptu songs,
Somnis secrets de poble oprimit.
Secret dreams of an oppressed people.
Com un llenç per fer-ne un quadre,
Like a canvas for a painting,
Com un llibre encara en blanc,
Like a book still blank,
Com el plànol de la casa
Like the blueprint of the house
Que volem alçar.
That we want to raise.
I per construir-ho
And to build it
Aquestes mans, l'enginy comú i un gran solar:
These hands, common ingenuity and a large plot:
El veig quan me'l miro,
I see it when I look at it,
El que tenim entre les neus i el palmerar.
What we have between the snows and the palm grove.
També gent discriminada,
Also people discriminated against,
Privilegis familiars,
Family privileges,
Pobresa soterrada
Buried poverty
I endolls d'aquells que surten tan cars.
And plugs from those who come out so expensive.
La injustícia estimula
Injustice stimulates
La creativitat
Per fer de la podridura
To make out of the rot
Una obra d'art.
A work of art.
I per construir-ho
And to build it
Aquestes mans, l'enginy comú i un gran solar:
These hands, common ingenuity and a large plot:
El veig quan me'l miro,
I see it when I look at it,
El que tenim entre les neus i el palmerar.
What we have between the snows and the palm grove.
Aquestes mans,
These hands,
L'enginy comú
Common ingenuity
Com un llenç per fer-ne un quadre,
Like a canvas for a painting,
L'enginy comú
Common ingenuity
Aquestes mans,
These hands,
Com un llibre encara en blanc.
Like a book still blank.

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