Brams - El llop i les cabretes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - El llop i les cabretes

El llop i les cabretes
The Wolf and the Little Goats
Jo he de sortir un moment, cabretes.
I have to go out for a moment, little goats.
Ja cal que vigileu bé.
You must be careful now.
No obriu a ningú, filletes,
Don't open the door to anyone, children,
No fos cas que el llop vingués.
In case the wolf comes.
Van trucar i les cabretes
There was a knock, and the little goats
Van dir "—Per sota el portal,
Said, "—Under the front door,
Au ensenya'ns la poteta i la ordre judicial".
Come, show us your paw and your warrant."
Passa, passa, que veuràs el piset!
Come in, come in, and you shall see the tiny room!"
Però en aquesta història
But in this story
Amb total impunitat
With total impunity
Els van fotre a baix la porta
They kicked down the door
I el pis de cap per avall.
And turned the flat upside down.
Un llop vestit de policia
A wolf dressed as a cop,
El camell del barri (ho sabem tots)
The neighborhood drug dealer (we all know him),
S'endugué la planta de maria
Took the marijuana plant
Que teníem al balcó.
That we had on the balcony.
No estaven a la llista
They weren't on the list,
Però aprofitant el sidral
But taking advantage of the chaos
Es van endur l'independentista
They took away the pro-independence activist
Que viu a baix al principal,
Who lives downstairs, on the main floor,
A l'insubmís del segon segona
The conscientious objector from the second floor,
Als moros del tercer
The Moroccans from the third,
I a un tio de Pamplona
And a guy from Pamplona
Que viu a dalt el cinquè.
Who lives up on the fifth floor.
Obriu cabretes que sóc la portera!
Open up, little goats, it's the janitor!
No que tu ets el llop, tu ets el Corcuera!
No, you're the wolf, you're the Corcuera!

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