Brams - Energia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - Energia

Tenim camins,
We have paths,
Tenim brúixoles i cames,
We have compasses and legs,
Tenim instruments,
We have instruments,
Tenim solfa i tenim so,
We have solfa and we have sun,
Tenim un llit,
We have a bed,
Tenim nit i per tant somnis,
We have night and consequently dreams,
Tenim amics
We have friends
Escampats arreu del món.
Scattered throughout the world.
Tenim martell,
We have a hammer,
Tenim foc, tenim enclusa,
We have fire, we have an anvil,
Tenim la falç,
We have the sickle,
Tenim juny i camps de blat,
We have June and wheat fields,
Tenim fogons,
We have stoves,
Tenim olles i vianda,
We have pots and food,
Tenim maons,
We have bricks,
Tenim plànols i terreny
We have plans and land
I un desig foll i ferreny.
And a crazy and stubborn desire.
I energia per posar-ho en moviment,
And energy to put it in motion,
Nervi al cos i tot el convenciment,
Nerve in the body and all the conviction,
Embranzida en progressiu augment
Drive in progressive increase
I empenta perquè ara és el moment
And push because now is the moment
Que tot sigui diferent .
That everything will be different.
Tenim veïns
We have neighbors
Que aniran venint a casa,
Who will come to our house,
Tenim botxins
We have executioners
Que aviat fotran el camp,
Who will soon run away,
Tenim records
We have memories
Per saber de quin peu calcen,
To know what their feet are like,
Tenim gegants
We have giants
I diables i petards
And devils and firecrackers
I bons vins per celebrar.
And good wines to celebrate.
No tenim cap
We have no
Bandera imperialista,
Imperialist banner,
No tenim cap
We have no
Frontera envers germans,
Border towards brothers,
No tenim pas
We have no
Interessos petrolífers,
Oil interests,
Ni cap esclau
Nor any slave
A les mines de diamants,
In the diamond mines,
Però tenim en dosis grans.
But we have in large doses.

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