Brams - Guanyarem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Guanyarem - Bramstraduction en anglais

We Will Win
Sabem on és el nord però no sabem com anar-hi,
We know where North is, but we do not know how to get there,
Sabem el què tenim però no pas què n'hem de fer,
We know what we have but not what to do with it,
Si una cosa és segura és que no hi ha qui ens pari,
If one thing is certain is that there is no one who can stop us,
Però deixar d'avançar en cercle estaria molt bé.
But it would be nice to stop going around in circles.
Tot el nostre bagatge és un cúmul de fracassos,
All our luggage is a collection of failures,
Però incomprensiblement cada dia som més gent.
But incomprehensibly every day we are more people.
Sempre que ens alcem és per fotre'ns de nassos
Every time we stand up it is to make fools of ourselves,
I malgrat tot, malgrat tot guanyarem!
And despite everything, despite everything we will win!
Contra tot pronòstic.
Against all odds.
Semblava que no podria ser.
It seemed that it could not be.
Podem fer-ho i ho farem.
We can do it and we will do it.
Ves per on!
We will win,
és escrit a les parets
it is written on the walls
Ja somriuen els vailets
The children are already smiling,
Cada cop criden més veus
More and more voices are shouting
Ja hi pots pujar de peus.
You can already get up on your feet.
Un dia vam decidir que havíem de sortir de casa
One day we decided that we had to leave home,
Per anar a un lloc precís, i fer el camí és convenient
To go to a specific place, and it is convenient to make the journey
I per això no volem arribar per art de màgia,
And that is why we do not want to arrive by magic,
Però tampoc no podem estar voltant eternament.
But we cannot go around forever either.
Deixem-nos de ser partidaris d'una o altra cosa,
Let us stop being supporters of one thing or another,
Això només ens fa ser elements decoratius.
That only makes us decorative elements.
Cal que deixem de ser aquells que proposen
We must stop being those who propose
I passem a ser aquells que atenyen els objectius.
And become those who achieve the objectives.
No podem acomodar-nos en la temptativa,
We cannot settle in the attempt,
I asseure'ns a lloar i plorar les pròpies tibantors.
And sit down and praise and cry over our own tensions.
No es pot entrar en aquest joc en el que se'ns convida:
We cannot enter this game in which they invite us:
Sempre guanya la banca i mai els jugadors.
The bank always wins and never the players.
Cosim tots els estendards i fem-ne un de sol,
We sew all the banners and make one,
Tan ferm i colossal que s'hagi de dur entre tots,
So firm and colossal that it must be carried by everyone,
Passem full i capítol de la història
Let us turn the page and the chapter of history
Plantant-lo al cim de la victòria.
Planting it on the summit of victory.

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