Brams - Ploramiques - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - Ploramiques

Són igual
They are just like
Que canalla consentida,
That spoiled brat,
Que fer mal
To harm
No els priva de cap regal:
Doesn't deprive them of any gift:
Com nens murris amb pistola,
Like street kids with a gun,
Fotent sempre allò que volen,
Always fucking what they want,
Per a ells tota la cassola
For them the whole pot
Mai no és prou.
Never enough.
No deu ser prou alegria
It must not be enough joy
Viure a cal carnisseria,
To live at the butcher's,
Que han d'anar a casa el veí a
That they have to go to the neighbor's house to
Fer enrenou.
To make a fuss.
Tant els és tot mentre tinguin l'estrella de sheriff
They don't care as long as they have the sheriff's star
I un parell d'indius a prop per poder putejar,
And a pair of Indians nearby to be able to harass,
Però si algun dia els foten dues torres a terra
But if one day they get two towers on the ground
Fan el sorprès, el dolgut i es posen a plorar.
They play the surprised, the grieving man and they start to cry.
Pensàvem "quan creixin canviaran",
We thought "when they grow up they will change",
Però no pas si podrem esperar tant.
But I don't know if we can wait that long.
I aniran
And they will go
Per arrencar la barba
To pluck the beard
Al que, badant,
To whom, yawning,
Els passi per davant.
They pass in front.
Tornaran a pagar els plats,
They will pay for the dishes again,
Els sencers i els trencats,
The whole and the broken,
Els que estan acostumats
Those who are used to
A omplir-los poc.
Fill them little.
I acabada la faena
And finished the task
Tindran la caixa tan plena,
They will have the box so full,
Que haurà prou valgut la pena
That it will have been worth it
The demolition.
Ja que és lleig i que als nens no se'ls ha de picar,
I know it's ugly and children shouldn't be beaten,
I és una cosa que jo sempre he defensat,
And it's something I've always defended,
Però creu-me que un parell d'hòsties ben donades
But believe me a couple of well-given hosts
Ells les mereixen i jo quedaria descansat.
They deserve them and I would be rested.
Au, passeu avall, no ens vingueu plorant,
Come on, go down, don't come crying,
Mai no rebreu tant com heu estat donant.
You will never receive as much as you have been giving.

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