Brams - Premsa Lliure - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - Premsa Lliure

Premsa Lliure
Free Press
Un energumen armat
An armed madman
Amb un palillero
With a toothpick
9 mil·límetres parabellum
9 millimeter parabellum
Ahir va ser arrestat.
Was arrested yesterday.
La policia tirà un tret a l'aire
The police fired a shot in the air
I el detingut resultà ferit
And the detainee was injured
De dos trets de bala
With two gunshots
Quan, volant, intentà fugir.
When, flying, he tried to escape.
El Governador ha assegurat
The Governor has assured
Que el criminal va tenir molt mala pata,
That the criminal was very unlucky,
Ja que va rebre l'impacte del tret,
Since he was hit by the shot,
De pujada i de baixada.
Going up and down.
La premsa és lliure,
The press is free,
No hi ha manipulació
There is no manipulation
I qui ho digui està en contra
And whoever says so is against
De la llibertat d'expressió.
Freedom of speech.
Ressentits, vint manifestants
Resentful, twenty demonstrators
Agrediren salvatgement,
Violently attacked,
A cops de esquena i de cap,
With back and head blows,
Les porres de quatre-cents
The batons of four hundred
Pobres policies
Poor policemen
Que passaven per allà
Who were passing by
I que no van tenir manera
And who had no way
De poder-se defensar.
To defend themselves.
Els agents amb dona i tres fills
The officers with wife and three children
Van suportar estoics l'atac
Stoically endured the attack
I, dels vint manifestants, trenta
And, of the twenty demonstrators, thirty
Van haver de ser hospitalitzats
Had to be hospitalized
El Ministre d'Interior,
The Minister of the Interior,
Que és de quinze ONG's,
Who is from fifteen NGOs,
S'ha mostrat desolat
Was devastated
Per aquest trist succés
By this sad event
I ha assegurat que les porres
And he has assured that the batons
Que van quedar malmeses
That were damaged
S'havien d'utilitzar
Had to be used
Per lligar la maionesa
To bind mayonnaise
Per tant no es podran lliurar
So they cannot be delivered
Les quinze tones d'ensaladilla
Fifteen tons of ensaladilla
Que volia enviar a l'Àfrica
That our altruistic government
Aquest nostre govern altruista.
Wanted to send to Africa.

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