Brams - Tants Cops Com Ens Mateu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Brams - Tants Cops Com Ens Mateu

Tants Cops Com Ens Mateu
We Are the People You Have Killed
Som resistents penjats en forques fora vila,
We are the resistants hung on gallows outside the town,
Som gent del poble que un dia vau cremar,
We are the people of the town that you once burned,
Nois africans rebel·lats als esclavistes,
African boys rebelled against slavers,
Bruixes cremades per turbes d'ignorants.
Witches burned by mobs of ignorants.
Som enterrats a la fossa de Porreres,
We are buried in the mass grave of Porreres,
Les dones mortes i violades de Nankin,
The women killed and raped of Nanking,
Som Gaza, som Mauthausen, som Sabra i Xatila,
We are Gaza, we are Mauthausen, we are Sabra and Chatila,
Vint mil cadàvers del setge de Besiers.
Twenty thousand corpses of the siege of Besiers.
Un dia us vam fer nosa
One day we were a nuisance to you
I ens vàreu sentenciar,
And you sentenced us,
Creient que eliminant-nos
Believing that by eliminating us
Us podríeu llevar
You could rid
Del tot
El nostre rastre.
Our trace.
Som aquí altra vegada
We are here again
I tornarem tants cops com ens mateu,
And we will return as many times as you kill us,
Per fer memòria clara
To make clear memory
I que per boca d'altres
And through the mouth of others
Se senti nostra veu.
Be heard our voice.
Som pobles maies massacrats a Guatemala,
We are Mayan peoples massacred in Guatemala,
Obrers vaguistes de Gasteiz assassinats,
Striking workers of Gasteiz murdered,
Veïns de Ciutadella, l'Any de sa Desgràcia,
Neighbors of Ciutadella, the Year of Disgrace,
El genocidi armeni fet i renegat.
The Armenian genocide made and denied.
Vosaltres us refiàveu
You trusted
Que el temps ho cura tot
That time heals everything
Com un dolç anestèsic,
As a sweet anesthetic,
I acaba fent llavor
And it ends up seeding
La pau
Damunt l'oblit.
On top of forgetfulness.

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