sunna
schiint
z
khuur
no
inna
zug
woni
am
sibni
nimm,
yeah-true
story;
as
windet
wia
schwii,
as
winteret
ih,
fahra
in
da
nebel
in
der
lindthebeni
i,
sinna
vermiiden,
dassi
mi
als
rapper
immer
mitteila
will,
stimmt
eba
nid...
tenka
an
sie...
schiaba
na
kriisa,
tenka
an
a
anderi...
kriaga
an
stiifa...-hals,
vom
usem
fenschter
starra,
tenka
hiphop
isch
fraua,
gangster,
knarra,
geld,
fame,
ice
mitama
benz
umafahra,
und
im
club
mit
giacometti
als
mit
zwenzger
go
zahla,
und
tenka
min
alltag
isch
irgendswia
andersch,
as
isch
nid
immer
alles
crazy,
aber
öpadia
scho,
i
bin
nid
immer
rapper,
aber
öpadia
scho,
i
schriiba
au
nid
immer
hits,
aber
öpadia
scho,
i
kriag
nid
immer
hohi
gage,
aber
öpadia
scho,
drum
spili
di
au
nit
immer
gära,
aber
öpadia
scho,
vorallem
nit
in
jedem
kaff,
aber
öpadia
scho,
doch
wenn
miar
do
sind
gönd
iar
crazy,
doch
wenn
miar
do
sind
gönd
iar
crazy,
C.
The
sun
shines
from
the
train
window
where
sometimes
don't,
yeah-true
story;
it's
windy
as
a
pig,
it's
wintering,
driving
in
the
fog
in
the
Lindthe
beni
avoid
sinning,
so
that
you
always
want
me
to
communicate
as
a
rapper,
but
it's
not
true...
think
of
you...
pushing
no
creases,
thinking
of
another...
a
stiff
neck,
from
staring
out
the
window,
thinking
hip-hop
is
women,
gangsters,
gun,
money,
fame,
ice,
riding
around
in
a
Benz,
and
paying
in
the
club
with
twenty
Giacomettis,
and
thinking
my
everyday
life
is
somehow
different,
it's
not
always
crazy,
but
some
kind
of,
I'm
not
always
a
rapper,
but
some
kind
of,
don't
always
write
hits,
but
some
kind
of,
don't
always
get
high-paying
gigs,
but
some
kind
of,
that's
why
don't
always
like
playing
them,
but
some
kind
of,
especially
not
in
every
dive,
but
some
kind
of,
but
when
we're
there
you
guys
go
crazy,
but
when
we're
there
you
guys
go
crazy,
C.
i
gohn
hüt
nid
in
uusgang
will
dia
tram
bin
fahra
holperen,
und
luag
drfür
en
film
vo
päärli
wo
bin
tanza
stolperen,
i
läsa
zitig
und
i
gsehn
dass
suppermächt
no
folteren,
gsehn
no
voll
beholteren,
mini
fründa
pokeren,
yeah-
texas
holdem,
hot
del
holmer,
race
voll
wen,
trochna
folden,
voll
der
trottel
wo
postet
uf
my
space,
voll
der
trottel
han
craze
doch
han
kais
es,
i
han
a
1a
ice
age
dvd,
i
a
dvd
do
hend
1a
meitla
an
scheiss
ah,
an
sogenannta
porno,
immer
wenni
d
hoor
schniida
wachsend
mini
hoor
noh,
du
gsehsch,
mis
läba
kann
au
ohni
alk
spannend
si,
yeah,
as
isch
nid
immer
alles
crazy,
aber
öpadia
scho,
i
gohn
nit
immer
gärn
in
uusgang,
aber
öpadia
scho,
und
wenni
gohn
denn
nid
lang,
aber
öpadia
scho,
nai
i
gohn
nid
in
so
clubs,
aber
öpadia
scho,
in
dena
clubs
trinki
nid,
aber
öpadia
scho,
und
wenni
trinka
denn
nid
viil,
aber
öpadia
scho,
und
wenni
viil
trinka
gohn
i
crazy,
und
wenni
viil
trinka
gohn
i
crazy,
C.
didn't
go
out
tonight
because
the
tram
is
driving
and
stumbling,
and
instead
watch
a
movie
of
couples
who
stumble
while
dancing,
read
the
newspaper
and
see
that
superpowers
are
still
torturing,
still
seeing
fully
bearded,
my
friends
are
playing
poker,
yeah-
Texas
holdem,
hot
del
holmer,
race
full
of
bettors,
dry
folding,
full
of
weirdos
who
post
on
MySpace,
full
of
weirdos
laugh
at
but
have
nothing,
have
an
A1
ice
age
watched
a
where
A1
girls
have
shit
on,
so-called
porn,
whenever
cut
the
hair,
my
hair
grows
back,
you
see,
my
life
can
be
exciting
without
alcohol,
yeah,
it's
not
always
crazy,
but
some
kind
of,
don't
always
like
to
go
out,
but
some
kind
of,
and
when
do
go
out,
don't
stay
long,
but
some
kind
of,
no,
don't
go
to
clubs
like
that,
but
some
kind
of,
don't
drink
in
those
clubs,
but
some
kind
of,
and
if
drink,
don't
drink
much,
but
some
kind
of,
but
if
drink
a
lot,
I'll
go
crazy,
but
if
drink
a
lot,
I'll
go
crazy,
C.