Breitbild - Bitte frog mi nit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Breitbild - Bitte frog mi nit

Bitte frog mi nit
Please Don't Ask Me
Bitte frog mi nit wiso i diar das so verzella
Please don't ask me why I'm telling you this
Vilicht wil i s nit anderscht kann und aifach schwach bin
Maybe it's because I can't do it any other way and I'm just weak
Im jetziga moment begriffa was i an diar ka han
In this moment I realize what I had in you
Was miar jetzt fehlt as tuat miar laid i hans nit a so wella
What I'm missing now, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to be like this
S hett alles guat usgseh bi üs zwai und as isch vu afang a
Everything looked good between us and it was clear from the beginning
Klar gsi dass ma halt für anand do isch was au immer kunnt
That we were there for each other, no matter what came
Und gar nit drüber nodenkt wias isch wenns aimol nüm isch
And not even thinking about what it would be like when it's gone
Han miar erhofft diar könna z zaiga dass i meh als nur a
I hoped to show you that I'm more than just a
Fründ bin aber zita gönd und lüt mutiaren laider ischs aso
Friend, but times change and people mutate, unfortunately that's how it is
Wil do kasch no so viil dra rüttla aber d hürda bliben stoh
Because you can shake it as much as you want, but the walls remain standing
Und i han gottverdammt versuacht dia huara ding izrissa
And I tried so damn hard to tear down those damn things
Aber laider zaigt distanz viil zu oft schlimmi sita
But unfortunately, distance shows bad sides too often
Am afang denksch as wäri guat wenn ma sich nit zu oft
In the beginning you think it's good if you don't meet too often
Trifft merksch aber bald dass d distanz am gfühl vur liabi
But you soon realize that the distance takes the air out of the feeling of love
D luft nimmt s isch scho an qualvolla tod so rein uf gfühlsebani
It's already an agonizing death, purely on an emotional level
Aber ds härtischta isch gsi hani ds gfühl eba ni hans in mi
But the hardest part was that I had the feeling that I never had you in me
Inagfressa besser gsait mit sound abagspüalt doch as kunnt
Better said, swallowed it down with sound, but it kept coming up
Immer neu zum vorschii wenni dr sound abatrül
New every time I played the sound
As gfühl vu schuld und selbstmitlaid woni sus nit vu miar
The feeling of guilt and self-pity when I can't do this from myself
Kenna dazua träna in da auga jeda obig vorem penna
To add tears to my eyes every night before I sleep
Aber meh beschäftigt mi wias diar jetzt goht und was du
But I'm more concerned about how you're doing now and what you're doing
Tuasch ob d wider zu diar gfunda hesch doch as verloht mi
If you've found your way back to yourself, but it leaves me
Mina muat und das schu bir vorwahl i wörf dr hörer uf mis
My courage and that already at the area code, I throw the receiver on my
Bett gsehn di in gedanka vor miar wia mi aluagsch und mi
Bed, see you in my mind, how you look at me and
Hebsch und i arschloch wis di ab wili z gfühl han i heg zwor
Lift me up and I asshole know you because I have the feeling I have
Ziit aber eba nit für di i lega platta uf los beats und i
Time, but not for you, I put on a record, start the beats and I
Gschpür wia dini hand vu minera schultera wicht doch
Feel your hand lift off my shoulder but
Anstatt wärmi fühli nur a ganz an kurza stich und denn
Instead of warmth, I only feel a very short stab and then
Bisch ganga und i lappi han a leeri in miar gschpürt
You're gone and I feel an emptiness in me
Doch stich schmerzt mi jetzt no und zwor härter
But that stab, it still hurts me now and even harder
Und viil tüüfer
And much deeper
Klar i leb jetzt vor mi hi und mach so witer wia bis anhin
Sure, I live for myself now and keep going as before
Doch verwütsch mi oft no selber wia i hoffnigslos dr hart
But I often still get angry with myself for how hopelessly I play the hard guy
Mim nur zum zaiga dass i a maa bin aber aigentlich nur
Just to show that I'm a man, but actually I'm just
Dra bin di us minem hirni z stricha doch as tribt mi in
Trying to erase you from my brain, but it drives me
Dr wahnsinn dasi di nümme werd gseh kann i miar
Crazy that I can't see you anymore, I can
Usrechna wür öppa selber vor miar flüchta hetti d
Calculate, someone would flee from me, I would have the
Fähigkeit zum usbrecha doch i waiss au dass du ds
Ability to break out, but I also know that you
Besta us diar machsch und witer gosch wia bis zu dem
Make the best of yourself and keep going as you did up to that
Punkt i jedoch bliba do und schrib dia wort bis i
Point I, however, stay there and write these words until I
Text nit abgfasst han han i nit alles gsait wasi diar han
Have written the text, I haven't said everything I have to you
Wela säga wia zum bispil s tuat mer laid klar i waiss
Want to say, like for example, I'm sorry, of course I know
Dass das für di a schwacha trost isch und i waiss au dass
That this is a weak consolation for you and I also know that
Vertraua für dr tot isch aber meh kanni nit säga s tuat
Trust is dead, but I can't say more, I'm
Mer laid i wür jo gern i hoffa aifach dass du bald amol
Sorry, I would like to, I simply hope that you will soon
Trost findsch am besta im na typ wo diar meh büta kann
Find comfort, preferably in a guy who can offer you more
Als i je könna werd i hoff eu jedoch niamols zäma gseh
Than I ever could, but I hope we never see each other again
Wil mi das töta wür vilicht wärs au nur gerecht wenni das
Because that would kill me, maybe it would only be fair if I
Mol müasst erfahra wia das isch ... das wären eba gnau
Had to experience what it's like... that would be exactly
Dia höllaquala wo ma dura macht wenn nit erwidret wird
The hellish torments you go through when what you feel for someone is not reciprocated
Was ma für öppert fühlt i glaub so fühlt sich öppa müll i
I think that's how garbage feels, I
Fürchta söttig gfühl langsam muassi lerna söttig schläg
Fear I'll have to slowly learn to take such blows
Könna verkrafta doch i muass laider schu säga söttig
But unfortunately I have to say that such
Schläg könd huara kraft ha i hett aifach nur ai letschta
Blows can have a lot of power, I just have one last
Wunsch und kunnt echt vu härza bitte blib wiad bisch
Wish and it comes straight from the heart, please stay as you are
Und lohn di nia meh so verletza doch i denk das waisch
And never let yourself be hurt like that again, but I think you know that
Du selber und du luagsch zu diar das sind mini letschta
Yourself and you take care of yourself, these are my last
Wort i glaub hesch gnuag vu miar
Words, I think you've had enough of me
Bitte frog mi nit wiso i diar das so verzella vilicht wil is
Please don't ask me why I'm telling you this, maybe because I
Nit anderscht kann und aifach schwach bin im jetziga
Can't do it any other way and I'm just weak, in this
Moment begriffa wasi an diar ka han was miar jetzt
Moment I realize what I had in you, what I'm
Fehlt as tuat miar laid i hans nit a so wella
Missing now, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to be like this

Writer(s): Claudio Candinas, Corrado Casaulta, Luigi Zarra

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