Tot isch dr stahlin tot isch dr hitler sunnabluama regaböge vogelgezwitscher
Dead is the steel, dead is Hitler, sunflowers, rainbows, birdsong
überzoge mit glitzer folgend uf tobendi gwitter d'Apartheit beendet d muura am boda zerstört alles wird verändarat dr slobo verhört schmetterling flügend und
Covered in glitter, following raging storms, apartheid ended, the wall on the ground destroyed, everything changes, Slobo interrogated, butterfly flying and
Will räpper nid lügend wird wohr was am vali sini blätter bezügen
- was
- dasses
If rappers don't lie, what's written on Vali's leaves will come true
- what
- that it
Mit dr ziit besser wird doch au wenn dr bush stirbt und as orkeschter spiilt dörfen
Gets better with time, but even if Bush dies and an orchestra plays, we can
Miar no sega besser kanns nid si s'paradies isch üsers leba scho dia ganzi zit
Still say it can't be better, paradise is ours, life has been all along
Denn iar kennend graubünda, boarda und feschta üsa bischof und hirt schützt
Because you know Graubünden, boards and parties, our bishop and shepherd protects
üsi horda tourischta beliebt in dr welt und bi allna allmachte kai droga sondern
Our hordes, popular with tourists in the world and with all the almighty, no drugs but
Schnee und schneeballschlachta anstatt schüssereia, jeda kann e stall pachta
Snow and snowball fights instead of shootings, everyone can lease a stable
Cannabis abaua subventiona bezüche, pelzmäntel träga und milliona ahüffa i
Grow cannabis, receive subsidies, wear fur coats and pile up millions in
Hoff iar hend gschnallt i schissa uf krisa, welt du gfallsch miar und viva la grischa!
I hope you understand, I don't care about the crisis, world you rock, and viva la Grischa!
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
I stohn am morga uf trinka an vodka fürs befinda dr tequilla sunrise druf bringt
I get up in the morning, drink a vodka for my well-being, the tequila sunrise on top makes
Alli wolka zum verschwinda denn i finda d'welt isch schön ab
2 promille intus
All the clouds disappear, because I find the world is beautiful from
2 per mille onwards
Z'einzige wo stört isch das ab und zua de grind brummt will am morga isch
The only thing that bothers me is that now and then my head is buzzing because in the morning the
D'welt verschissa als hetti gott dr schiiser doch noch eim bacardi breezer bini
World is shitty as if God had after all given the shit another Bacardi Breezer, I'm
Voll wia an pariser doch i fühl mi wieder wohl weni das ganza wiederhol und macht
Full like a Parisian, but I feel good again when I repeat the whole thing and make
Dr alk d bira hohl denn isch si jetzt halt wieder hohl und i füll si mit ma sixpack
The alcohol, the beer hollow, then it's just hollow again and I fill it with a six-pack
Uf heineken ja nid schlecht, was meinender, d'stimmig uf heitera, wia titts, ärsch uf geila jams, proscht jungs es git ke kriag, stosse mer druff a dass jedi 12jährig titta kriagt, denn d'welt isch schön i han eu guat erzoga i seg nu whiskey cola und iar gönd drinks go hola, he das macht 12.50- jaja i bringas den mora
- aber i bruchs
Of Heineken, yeah, not bad, what do you think, the mood is cheerful, how about it, ass up for cool jams, cheers boys, there's no war, let's toast to every 12-year-old getting tits, because the world is beautiful, I raised you well, I just say whiskey cola and you guys go get drinks, here that makes 12.50
- yeah yeah I'll bring it tomorrow
- but I need it
Scho hüüt
- ach heb dr grind du hoda. jo sali du wettsch au na as bizali malibu?
Already today
- oh lift your head you coward. yeah dude, you want a Malibu as well?
Jo sicherlich du und alk macht mi spitz wie excalibour, hehe bisch luschtig
Yeah sure, you and alcohol make me sharp like Excalibur, hehe you're funny
- Danka
- gera gscheh, aber zum figga mueschmer schu nu di ganz flescha hera ge!
- Thanks
- just happened, but to fuck you have to give me the whole bottle!
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
So kenni d'massa überall beliebt und arschcool so hängis au dr sunntig nomitag
That's how I know the masses, popular and cool everywhere, that's how I spend Sunday afternoon
Am schatta am pool nebe miar es paar kollega alli samt vum glicha schlag
In the shade by the pool next to me a few colleagues, all of the same ilk
Ebefalls dia harta siacha aber hüt stöhnds hine a will e kuum e viertel stund scho
Also those hard guys, but today they stand back because barely a quarter of an hour later
Kunt di eint do histolziert und sait aifach zu miar
- so was wi di hani no nit
One of them comes up to me proudly and simply says
- I haven't tried anything like you yet
- gopfertammi heissi amach do verschmachti jo fasch doch befori ez
Damn it, hot damn, I'm getting weak, I'm almost fainting before I can even
Reagiere kuuma packt si mi gra strichlet miar über min körper zücht mi us
React, she grabs me, strokes my body, undresses me
Und schleck mi ab i merk langsam wini weich wird nur min stengel isch hart und
And licks me off, I slowly notice how I'm getting soft, only my stem is hard and
Si ribt na richtig fescht ehrlich tuet mr fasch weh und es kunt no dezua das jeda
She rubs really hard, honestly it almost hurts and on top of that everyone can
Das gefummel ka gseh doch dia frau samt z liebkose i mues sega a gails gfühl
See that fumbling, but that woman knows how to caress, I have to say a cool feeling
Und mit dr zunga macht si sache wozu eigatlich
2 brüchtsch und es fehlt aifach
And with her tongue she does things that actually require two, and there's simply no
Kei end, si nimt sich zyt wo si bruucht i vergon wo si als höhepunkt a minem stiel lutscht und ei letschts mol ganz ins muul nimmt und mit ma stöhna understricht si
End, she takes the time she needs, I cum when she sucks on my stem as a climax and takes it in her mouth one last time and underlines with a moan
Dass sis cool find, jetzt liggi do splitternackt usglutscht ohni wasser aber d'welt
That she thinks it's cool, now I'm lying here stark naked, exhausted, without water, but the world
Kann hammer schön si imne leba vomne glace!
Can be damn beautiful in the life of an ice cream!
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
Welt du gfallsch üs du bisch schön du bisch nett
World, you rock, you're beautiful, you're kind
Welt miar sind verliabt in di und wend mit diar ins bett
World, we're in love with you and want to go to bed with you
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