Breitbild - Flagga - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Breitbild - Flagga

Mitme leera lederrucksack ufem rugga ufem weg ins rhiinquartiar
With a multi-compartment leather backpack on my back, on the way to the Rhine district
Fründe macha, wüsse sammla, flecka ufem flüsspapiar
Making friends, gathering knowledge, stains on the river paper
Erschti schritt inere welt wo täglich neui wunder birgt
First steps in a world that holds new wonders every day
Ufem schuelplatz lerna dass der schwächeri sich unterwirft
Learning on the schoolyard that the weaker submits
Kei gedanka über ethnie, oder schichte
No thoughts about ethnicity or class
Klasse gege klasse, aber alli wenn mer z glicha
Class against class, but all united when we are equal
Der stoff zum flaggana druss macha müemmer na erfinda
We still had to invent the material to make flags out of
Mittlerwile hemmerne, nume hetts en kli verrissa
Meanwhile we have it, only it's a bit torn
Damals so 'wer getraut sich eini z hisse'
Back then it was like 'who dares to raise one'
Hüt dreht der wind und laht sie zittere im strom vom schlechte gwüssa
Today the wind turns and lets them tremble in the current of a bad conscience
Körper verkörpt kriaga, üsi welt es spielfeld
Bodies become battlegrounds, our world a playing field
Wettbewerb, monopoly, miar zahlen nur mit spielgeld
Competition, monopoly, we only pay with play money
Stress ufem schuelweg, trotzdem no kli lacha
Stress on the way to school, still some laughter
Sturm für uns e zeicha füren ross boda mit drache
The storm for us a sign for a knight fighting a dragon
Alles neh wies kunnt, und mier verzocken kei gedanka
Taking everything as it comes, and we don't waste any thoughts
Und der lederrucksack füllt sich mitem stoff für all die flagga
And the leather backpack fills with the material for all the flags
Hetti e flagga
If I had a flag
I wür sie schwenka
I would wave it
Hetti e flagga, sie wär riesig und im richtige kontrast zum grau
If I had a flag, it would be huge and in the right contrast to the gray
Jede tag wür i sie hisse ame mascht
Every day I would raise it on a mast
I han keini, aber flagga kann mer denka
I don't have one, but flags can be imagined
Hetti e flagga
If I had a flag
I wür sie schwenka
I would wave it
Hetti e flagga, denn wäri sie füürzündrot
If I had a flag, then it would be fire engine red
Und flatteret i allne boot
And flutter in all the boats
Genau jetzt, genau so
Right now, just like that
Ach was
Oh well
Es gaht uns allne phänomenal
We are all doing phenomenally
Also fahri mit mim boot dur dina tränekanal
So I'll sail my boat through your tear duct
Du verhülsch mi in dis küssi
You hide me in your kiss
Hesch migräna und kalt
You have a migraine and are cold
Und ja, i weiss, es wäri kli weniger hart
And yes, I know, it would be a little less hard
Wenn mer das weniga wo no helfe kann
If we experienced the little that can still help
In szene wie dene da
In scenes like these
Wenigschtens scho mit 16i erfahrt
At least by the age of 16
Doch erfahrig isch e schlechti droge
But experience is a bad drug
Mer kunnt einfach nümme oba aba
You just can't get high anymore
Aber oba gseht mer gar nit gnauer
But from above you don't see more clearly
Mer gseht nur alles kliner
You just see everything smaller
Und alles won id hand nimmsch, verbricht der in de finger
And everything I have, you break in your fingers
Zmittzt in dinem zimmer, hesch du der sibirisch winter
In the middle of your room, you have the Siberian winter
Dis verfrorne lacha uf de blaua lippa blibt für immer
Your frozen smile on your blue lips stays forever
Liabi isch e pitbull ima zwinger
Love is a pitbull in a cage
Sie söll bliba wo sie isch
It should stay where it is
Was no kunnt isch der kater nachem suff
What's coming is the hangover after the booze
Mer bruchet kein dramatischere schluss
We don't need a more dramatic ending
Mer bruched flagga in der luft
We need flags in the air
Ach was
Oh well
Es gaht uns allne totbeschisse
We are all doing shitty
Depressione sind grad sona modegschicht
Depressions are like a fashion story right now
Sogar ohni z wüsse wia mer note list
Even without knowing how to read notes
Kann jede viart da dinna diar e lied dervo singa
Every fourth person at your door can sing a song about it
Es gaht uns alles eh am arsch verbi
We don't give a shit about anything anyway
Alles party people ohni moments of klaret, di klari ziel
All party people without moments of clarity, clear goals
Ohni klari haltig, alles alibi
Without clear content, all alibi
Alles me, alles sowieso scho bald verbi
Everything me, everything will be over soon anyway
Alles nur na harlequins, mannequins, armani jeans
Everything just harlequins, mannequins, Armani jeans
Arma volle money, aber alles volle armi
Arms full of money, but everything full of poor
Alles wahre
Everything true
Alles wohre
Everything real
Isch e flagga in der luft
Is a flag in the air

Writer(s): Andri Perl, Claudio Candinas, Dario Sisera, Georg Gadient, Yves Zogg

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