Breitbild - Patschifig - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Breitbild - Patschifig

Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Z fescht isch verbii, d party passé,
The party's over, the peak has passed,
Miar sind eigentlich jo fertig, aber miar wend no meh,
We're technically done, but we want more,
Oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai, oh nai, oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai,
Oh no, we're not leaving yet, oh no, oh no, we're not leaving yet,
Miar machen üs no a paar gmüatlichi stunda, patschifig
We'll make ourselves a few cozy hours, easygoing
Kum an üsi after party und alles isch easy,
Come to our after-party and everything's chill,
Wer nit losa will muas fühla, schiis uf dia üblich schosa,
Those who can't let go must feel, screw those usual shots,
Lehn di zrug, mach a pausa und du fühlsch es scho bim losa,
Lean back, take a break and you'll feel it as you let go,
Truck uf play, nim der huat dreh di um,
Hit play, take your hat off, turn around,
Gohn ind feria mit dem beat das isch d ruah nochem sturm,
Go on vacation with the beat, this is the calm after the storm,
Den du kensch es, träumsch vo fraua, strand und sombreros,
Then you know it, dream of women, beaches and sombreros,
Doch, mucho trabachos pochito di nero,
But, mucho trabachos pochito dinero,
Und du bisch immerno do, ama tag wo di alles kalt loht,
And you're always there, even on a day when everything leaves you cold,
Denn mach doch fiirobed bis zum nögschta schaltjohr,
So party on until next leap year,
Lehn di zruck und gnüss der obed, mit snacks un ama calanda,
Lean back and enjoy the evening, with snacks and a Calanda,
Ramba zamba, kasch vergessa, nai, hüt mag i nit tanza,
Ramba zamba, you can forget it, no, I don't want to dance today,
Sound vom santana, en glungna obig,
Sound of Santana, a successful evening,
Nims patschifig mit spaziargäng, am sunntig nomi,
Take it easy with a walk, on Sunday only,
Stressfreii zona, nüt für promis,
Stress-free zone, nothing for show-offs,
Sorry honeys, sgit kai wodka tonic,
Sorry honeys, no vodka tonic,
Party zombie, nüms gmüatlich, patschifig,
Party zombie, nothing cozy, easygoing,
Stilli wasser gründen tüüf, i bring diar dr pazifik,
Still waters run deep, I bring you the Pacific,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Z fescht isch verbii, d party passé,
The party's over, the peak has passed,
Miar sind eigentlich jo fertig, aber miar wend no meh,
We're technically done, but we want more,
Oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai, oh nai, oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai,
Oh no, we're not leaving yet, oh no, oh no, we're not leaving yet,
Miar machen üs no a paar gmüatlichi stunda, patschifig
We'll make ourselves a few cozy hours, easygoing
Kum an üsi after party und alles isch easy,
Come to our after-party and everything's chill,
Miar hend üsa job erlediget, wia blixx und baradreie,
We've done our job, like Bligg and Stress,
Mr abwegsligsriich, hope and mind it, narrafrei,
Mr. Versatile, hope and mind it, fool-free,
Aber hey etz hemmer üs a klini pausa verdiant,
But hey, now we've earned a little break,
Oder glauben den iar liablingsliader, fraua und piar,
Or do you believe your favorite songs, women and peers,
Segen kai beschäftigung und alles andera scho,
Say no to work and everything else,
Dia bürgerlich idee vo arbet kann mer amol.
Those bourgeois ideas of work, we can forget them for once.
Kan mer amol öpert mini bloody mary uf mis zimmer bringa,
Can someone bring my bloody mary to my room for once,
I fiir a n afterparty und macha platin und sus warti,
I'm having an after-party and making platinum and stuff like that,
Immerhin a paar erinneriga immer dinna,
At least a few memories always within,
Han zit mit mina jungs, luag in zuakunft wo mer gstalten,
Spending time with my boys, looking into the future that we shape,
I gsehn mini stadt, segs ohni polemi,
I see my city, I say it without polemics,
Si khört nüma nu am bischoff und am thomas domenig,
It no longer belongs only to Bishop and Thomas Domenig,
Und so gnüüsi dr moment, und das ma üs etz annerkennt,
And so we enjoy the moment, and that we are now recognized,
Für üseri presänz, uf da bühnina events,
For our presence, on stage at events,
Wo mer hüüfig no als fans, in der erschta reiha gstanda sind,
Where we often stood as fans in the front row,
Mann das ding het sich entwicklet.
Man, this thing has evolved.
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Z fescht isch verbii, d party passé,
The party's over, the peak has passed,
Miar sind eigentlich jo fertig, aber miar wend no meh,
We're technically done, but we want more,
Oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai, oh nai, oh nai, miar gönd nonit hai,
Oh no, we're not leaving yet, oh no, oh no, we're not leaving yet,
Miar machen üs no a paar gmüatlichi stunda, patschifig
We'll make ourselves a few cozy hours, easygoing
Kum an üsi after party und alles isch easy,
Come to our after-party and everything's chill,
Und söt das ding sich nit verkaufa, oder i mi vilicht,
And if this thing doesn't sell, or maybe I do,
Bliib i glich i, patschifig, i nimmas easy,
I'll stay the same, easygoing, I take it easy,
I meina s wer jo hol weg ama hobby z verzwiifla,
I mean, it would be foolish to despair over a hobby,
Alles viil z ernscht neh, patschifig, i bliiba drbi,
Take everything too seriously, easygoing, I stick to it,
Do muass etz keina kho go sega, i näm alles viil z liicht,
No one needs to come and say, I take everything too lightly,
Züchis ins lächerlicha, kinder luagen, alles ischs ni,
Make it ridiculous, children are watching, everything is nothing,
I könnt zwor scho kho go verzella, was i alles so kann,
I could come and tell you what I can do,
Und was i alles gera könna wür, und was i alles scho han,
And what I could have achieved, and what I already have,
Und was i alles so bruch, nu wüssti gar nit so viil,
And what I need, but I wouldn't know that much,
Z verzella, willi weni ehrlich bin nu eis vo eu will,
To tell, to be honest, I only want one thing from you,
Sind nit si stiar, tüand miar gfalla, echt verkrampfen eu ni,
Don't be stars, do me a favor, don't cramp up,
Bringen statt slang liaber patschifig d lüüt zum tanza ir schwiiz,
Instead of slang, bring people to dance in Switzerland with easygoing,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy, alles isch easy
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill, everything's chill
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Patschifig patschifig, alles isch easy,
Easygoing, easygoing, everything's chill,
Patschifig patschifig, patschifig, und alles isch easy...
Easygoing, easygoing, easygoing, and everything's chill...

Writer(s): Andri Perl, Claudio Candinas, Luigi Zarra, Thomas Businger, Valerio Priuli

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