Du bisch parat du hesch as ticket für da 8i-flüger, du bisch ufgregt, diar isch fascht schu übel
& du übernachtisch über ama riisagrossa rosarota plastikkübel aber du bisch ready du hesch dina hang zu haschisch züglet
You're ready, you have your ticket for the
8 o'clock flight, you're excited, almost feeling sick
& you're spending the night above a giant pink plastic bucket but you're ready, you've moved your addiction to hashish
D'lesebrilla macht di klüger, du hesch dr krawattaknopf glernt
& im fernstudium latinlektiona gno, probt für dini one-man-show, ohni ton, tagelang am meditiara, z'raucha ufgeh für din ungebora sohn
Reading glasses make you smarter, you've learned to tie a tie
& taken Latin lessons through distance learning, rehearsing for your one-man show, without sound, meditating for days, quitting smoking for your unborn son
Du bisch unglücklich verliabt gsi doch du hesch es überstanda, du bisch parat
& spürsch dr 8i-flüger landa
You were unhappily in love but you got over it, you're ready
& feel the
8 o'clock flight landing
Du bisch so
You are so
Du bisch so uhuara parat
You are so damn ready
Du bisch so uhuara parat
& as isch din moment, spür das füür wo in diar brennt, das füür wo in diar brennt
You are so damn ready
& it's your moment, feel the fire burning inside you, the fire burning inside you
Innerlich am kocha bisch dr inbegriff vo 100 grad, nimm das füür wo in diar brennt
& zünd damit dia lunta ah, zünd zünd dia lunta ah, jetz isch dr moment zum schiina, z'limit isch dr himmel also lömmer dia raketa stiiga
Boiling inside, you're about to reach 100 degrees, take the fire burning inside you
& ignite the fuse with it, ignite ignite the fuse, now is the moment to shine, the sky's the limit so let's let this rocket soar
Zmizzt in dr nacht in dr stadt ufm dach vomna club hesch a abschussrampa gfunda, jetz kletterisch ufa mir raketa im arm
& du hoffsch din plan seg glunga
Lost in the night in the city on the roof of a club you found a launch pad, now you're climbing up with the rocket in your arms
& you hope your plan worked out
& Du bausch dr a grüscht
& du luagsch nomol kurz über d'schultera zrugg uf d'massa duna, erkennsch si no, waisch no wias gsait hen, dini träum werden schmelza wia wachs ar sunna
& You build a scaffold
& you take one last look over your shoulder at the mass down there, you recognize them, remember what they said, your dreams will melt like wax in the sun
Doch du hesch nid so zuaglost, hesch meh so tua als ob, hesch meh so denkt ii gib nid uf, ii wett mit musig, 70 uftritt, ii werda kritisch, kirchaustritt
But you didn't give in, you pretended, you thought to yourself, I won't give up, I want to make music, 70 gigs, I'll become critical, leave the church
Dr pfarrer, das muasch mr erklära min sohn. du so segemers so, d'erklärig vo bern erklärt a biz meh als d'erklärig vo rom also kum, seg wer isch schu gera din sohn.
& du gründsch a firma, gründsch a aigni. du gründsch a familia du machsch was gera machsch also flügsch vomna dach ufma club us dr stadt direkt ind stratosphära
The pastor, you have to explain this to my son. Well, let's just say, the explanation from Bern explains a bit more than the explanation from Rome so come on, be who is already in you my son.
& you start a company, your own. You start a family you do what you do so you fly from the roof of a club out of the city straight into the stratosphere
Du bisch so
You are so
Du bisch so uhuara parat
You are so damn ready
Du bisch so uhuara parat
& as isch din moment, spür das füür wo in diar brennt, das füür wo in diar brennt
You are so damn ready
& it's your moment, feel the fire burning inside you, the fire burning inside you
Innerlich am kocha bisch dr inbegriff vo 100 grad, nimm das füür wo in diar brennt
& zünd damit dia lunta ah, zünd zünd dia lunta ah, jetz isch dr moment zum schiina, z'limit isch dr himmel also lömmer dia raketa stiiga
Boiling inside, you're about to reach 100 degrees, take the fire burning inside you
& ignite the fuse with it, ignite ignite the fuse, now is the moment to shine, the sky's the limit so let's let this rocket soar
Ii spürs in miar ufkoh, as brodlet in miar
& d'lascht uf da schultera loht nid noh. fühla mi luschtlos, nervös
& ii glauba ii bruch a veränderig im neua johr. endi vom johr, november, dezember, s'wird kälter, kälter verussa, in miar
I feel it rising inside me, it's bubbling up
& the burden on my shoulders won't let up. I feel listless, nervous
& I think I need a change in the new year. End of the year, November, December, it's getting colder, colder, rusted inside me
Hend im märz a schweri entschaidig gfällt, bis jetz no kaini härter als dia
Made a difficult decision in March, still none harder than that
Grunga mit miar, kai aifacha schritt
& glich d'initialzündig zum glück, inara andera stadt, han a job wo mr gfallt, a frau woni liab, woni liab wia no nia
Reasoned with myself, not an easy step
& like the initial ignition to happiness, in another city, I have a job I like, a woman I love, love like never before
Ii fühl mi parat, nima step by step
& luaga vorus was no kunnt uf mim witera weg, s'isch an wiita weg, wiit, wiit entfernt, blick in d'sterna ii griifa noch mina
I feel ready, no longer step by step
& look ahead to what's to come on my further path, it's a long way, far, far away, I look into the stars I reach for mine
Schaffs nid ganz zum si griifa, nima platz ir raketa lohn mi triiba, ins dunkla vor nacht ohni ziel z'ha, gsehn dr blau planet vor miar am schiina
Can't quite reach them, take a seat in the rocket, let myself be driven, into the dark before night without a destination, see the blue planet shining before me
Du bisch so
You are so
Du bisch so uhuara parat
You are so damn ready
Du bisch so uhuara parat
& as isch din moment, spür das füür wo in diar brennt, das füür wo in diar brennt
You are so damn ready
& it's your moment, feel the fire burning inside you, the fire burning inside you
Innerlich am kocha bisch dr inbegriff vo 100 grad, nimm das füür wo in diar brennt
& zünd damit dia lunta ah, zünd zünd dia lunta ah, jetz isch dr moment zum schiina, z'limit isch dr himmel also lömmer dia raketa stiiga
Boiling inside, you're about to reach 100 degrees, take the fire burning inside you
& ignite the fuse with it, ignite ignite the fuse, now is the moment to shine, the sky's the limit so let's let this rocket soar
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