Breitbild - Schatta und Staub - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Breitbild - Schatta und Staub

Schatta und Staub
Shadow and Dust
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Wia in dem Tüüfelskreis kai end in Sicht,
Like a devil's circle with no end in sight,
Quälendi Gedanka, doch nüt veränderet sich,
Tortured thoughts, yet nothing changes,
Entüüschig macht sich breit, neb dr Frog warum,
Disappointment spreads, along with the question of why,
Han vertraut wia nia vocher und etz hauts mi um,
I trusted like never before, and now it destroys me,
S triift mi wia dr Schlag, wia am erschta Tag,
It hits me like a blow, like on the first day,
Doch das mol endets alles,
But this time it all ends,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Sündschlag, wieder flüchta, moment, und verrünnta Tag,
Sinful strike, escape again, for a moment, and a wasted day,
Woni mi um nüt han müassa kümmera, an abgründiga Gedanka kündet ah,
When I didn't have to worry about anything, an abysmal thought announces,
Du wirsch nüm a sona Ziit mit söttig Fründa ha,
You won't have such a time with friends like these again,
Plündera mini Memoria den Mora tja,
They plunder my memories, those bastards,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Am liabschta wür i eifach ligga bliiba, as liggt mer nit gad viil,
I'd rather just stay in bed, I don't have much going for me,
Amana schlechta Tag, woni mi ni mit Lüüt usanander setza mag,
Another bad day when I don't want to deal with people,
Woni ni schwetza mag, und woni z Natel hass,
When I don't want to talk, and when I hate my phone,
Wo mer a gspröch soviel bringt wianen Aderlas,
Where a conversation brings me as much as a bloodletting,
Woni ni meh verträga als,
When I can't take more than,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Leit sich langsam aber sicher über alles,
Slowly but surely takes over everything,
Gsehsch nüm über alles wills di abazücht und langsam Überhand nimmt,
You can't see beyond it anymore because it distracts you and slowly takes control,
Das huara Gfühl vo überall sinds in der Überzahl,
That whore feeling of being outnumbered everywhere,
Und du als Individuum du gfindsch dr Aschluss nüma,
And you as an individual, you can't find your place anymore,
Dini Nerva sind kaputt will d Sorga züchen dra,
Your nerves are shot because worries are pulling on them,
Schmerza vom stüüra,
Pain from the steering,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Han eifach z Gfühl i würdi nüüt vermissa,
I just have the feeling I wouldn't miss anything,
Würi mi vo Hüt uf Morn nüm unter d Lüüt go mischa,
If I didn't mingle with people from today to tomorrow,
Han d Nerva würkli ni, zum it allna diskutiara,
I really don't have the nerves to argue with everyone,
Abr mit gwüssna Lüüt reda, dass isch das woni liaba,
But talking to certain people, that's what I prefer,
Und i brucha dia Lüüt willi sus allei Dahai in Einsamkeit enda,
And I need those people because otherwise I'll end up alone at home in solitude,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Spühra d Akustik, i spühra d Stimmig, wo in der Luft liggt,
I feel the acoustics, I feel the mood that hangs in the air,
Was füren Uuftriit, meh bruchts nit,
What a performance, nothing more is needed,
Usser vilicht en Drink und dina Uusschnitt,
Except maybe a drink and your neckline,
Läba dr Moment in siner Qualität,
Live the moment in its quality,
Denn plötzlich merksch, du hesch gar nit gläbt,
Because suddenly you realize you haven't lived at all,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Nai kai panik, tenk doch eifach nümma dra,
No, don't panic, just stop thinking about it,
Den dia Schmerza birgsch im Kopf und drum findsch au d Lösiga,
Because you carry these pains in your head and that's why you find the solutions,
Wenn an anders tenksch,
When you think differently,
Denk an Sacha wo du andersch gsehsch, als di andara,
Think about things that you see differently than others,
Und wirsch gseh, angst ha isch nit nötig mann,
And you'll see, being afraid is not necessary, man,
Denn au Unterschied, gründen ufem Glicha Fundament und am End isch alles,
Because even differences are based on the same foundation, and in the end, everything is,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
As bringt mer nüüt mi z hinterfroga,
It doesn't do me any good to question myself,
Wenni mi ab miner innrer Stimm nur ploga,
When I only torment myself with my inner voice,
Han si gliabt, verstohsch, han angst kha um si,
I loved her, you understand, I was afraid for her,
Si het mit Maskana wia im Theater gspiilt,
She played with masks like in the theater,
I spiil das spiil mit miar, träg etz dia Maska au,
I play this game with myself, I wear the mask now too,
Das hilft z vergessa was gsi isch,
It helps to forget what was,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Verschwindet immer meh so das du wiider fühla kasch,
Disappears more and more so that you can feel again,
Was würklich wichtig isch im Läba, luag Kopf und Herz als Stütza a
What is really important in life, look to your head and heart as support
Phalt das denka bii wil das isch was di fühara mag,
Fold that thinking in because that's what might lead you,
Es hilft der wiiter genau so wia mol in di gosch und brüala kasch,
It helps you move forward just like when you go in and cry,
Nimm das mit diar mit gibs wiiter wens di wiiter bringt,
Take that with you, pass it on if it takes you further,
Und wichtig isch vergiss es nit,
And importantly, don't forget,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Ziit vergoht i werda Kraft tanka,
Time passes, I will recharge,
Verarbeita was gsi isch, und abdanka,
Process what has been and let go,
Mi nüm uufrega, kai Gedanka verschwenda,
Don't get upset anymore, don't waste any thoughts,
Nümma zrugg luaga, und Vertraua verschenka,
Don't look back anymore, and give trust,
In Zuakunft andersch handla, nümma blin druf los goh,
Act differently in the future, don't just go for it blindly,
I han endlich los loh,
I have finally let go,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Leb nit jeda Tag als obs dr letschti wär,
Don't live every day as if it were your last,
I läba liaber als obs kai letschta gäbt,
I prefer to live as if there were no last,
Denn letschtlich wär, jeda wiiter en Gwinn,
Because ultimately, every further day would be a win,
Z leba isch en Darm, as goht durch dick und dünn,
Living is a gut, it goes through thick and thin,
Also luagi dases wiiter goht,
So make sure it keeps going,
Denn wen nit was blibt mer no,
Because if not, what else is there,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
No füahrend d Fakta regie, doch i pack si uf Beats,
Facts still rule, but I pack them on beats,
Und lösa si so us dr Achsa vor Ziit,
And thus remove them from the axis of time,
Vo Ursprung und Ort dur a Plattavertrieb,
From origin and place through a record distribution,
Ob Charts oder nit, mina Rap wird bliiba, bisch zur letschta Ziila,
Whether charts or not, my rap will remain, until the last line,
Dr Rescht i schwiiga,
The rest I keep silent,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,
Schatta und Staub,
Shadow and dust,

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