Genau im moment wo er sich d'frog überlait het ob tiar sich frogen was si vom mensch unterschaidet ergit sich's dass si usem schattawurf vomana raihahus in sis blickfeld kracht.
& sin blick fokussiart, -siart sich uf si, si lauft uf na zua, links an ihm verbii
& er gseht si im tramhaltestellliacht schiina, neb dr unterfüahrigsbelüchtig strahla, vorem migros-tüüfküahlregal lüchta
& unter dr bibliothekslampa glänza
& er fantasiart, trait si uf händ über d'schwella vor realität im quartiar. er gseht wia si gmainsam an schrank voller tassa zertrümmeren, flamma entzünden
& zwüscha farbiga trümmer im warma rega tango tanzen
& zema go bada si, löschen ihri luscht im kalta rhi,
& si ghörti ihm, si wo usem schattawurf vomana raihahus in sis blickfeld kracht ghört sini stimm.
Right at the moment that he thought about the question of what would happen if you asked them what distinguishes humans from animals, it so happens that she stumbles out of the shadows of an apartment building into his field of vision.
& his gaze focuses, -fixes on her, she walks towards him, passes him on the left
& he sees her shine in the light of the tram stop, radiate near the underpass lighting, gleam in front of the Migros freezer,
& glow under the library lamp,
& he fantasizes, carries her over the threshold of reality in the neighborhood with his hands. He sees how together they are smashing a cupboard full of cups, lighting flames,
& dancing tango between the colorful debris in the warm rain,& going to bathe themselves together, extinguishing their passion in the cold Rhine,
& she belonged to him, she who had stumbled out of the shadow of an apartment building into his field of vision, heeded his voice.
(Buon giorno.)
(Good morning.)
& Genau im moment wo er sich d'frog überlait het uf grund vo was sich d'menscha entschaidend ergit ergit sich's dass si sich im schattawurf vomana raihahus us sinem blickfeld macht.
& sin blick fokussiart, -siart sich uf si, si lauft vo ihm weg, an dr fassada verbi
& er gseht si im tramhaltestellliacht stoh, neb dr unterfüahrigsbelüchtig laufa, vorem migros-tüüfküahlregal luaga
& unter dr bibliothekslampa lesa
& das woner fantasiart het isch passiart, as isch nüma d'realität im quartiar. er bhaltet an blassa lippaabdruck vo ihra uf ara alta tassa über trümmer, zücht im kalta rega, im kalta wind viil wasser dr rhi durab sit si go bada sind
& sich ins ohr gsait hend.
& Right at the moment that he thought about the question of what would decisively distinguish humans, it so happens that she makes her way out of his field of vision in the shadow of an apartment building.
& his gaze focuses, -fixes on her, she walks away from him, past the facade,
& he sees her standing in the light of the tram stop, walking near the underpass lighting, looking in front of the Migros freezer,
& reading under the library lamp,
& what he had fantasized had happened, it is no longer the reality in the neighborhood. He keeps a pale lip print of hers on an old cup over rubble, he cries in the cold rain, draws a lot of water down the Rhine in the cold wind since she has been bathing
& they told each other.
(Je t'aime. et moi, je t'aime)
(I love you. And I, I love you)
& Er macht sich im schattawurf, im schattawurf vomana raihahus us ihrem blickfeld.
& He hides in the shadows, in the shadows of an apartment building out of her view.
(Et quoi?.)
(And what?.)
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