Bright Eyes - Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) (Remastered) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction en russe Bright Eyes - Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) (Remastered)

Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) (Remastered)
Яснослышащие (Убей или будь убитым) (Ремастеринг)
Corporate or Colonial
Корпоративный или колониальный,
The Movement is unstoppable
движение неостановимо.
Like the body of a centerfold it spreads
Как тело фотомодели, оно расползается,
To the counter-culture copyright
до контркультурного копирайта.
Get your revolution at a lower price
Получи свою революцию по сниженной цене,
Or make believe and throw the fight, play dead
или притворись и подыграй, притворись мертвым.
It′s exploding bags, aerosol cans
Это взрывающиеся сумки, аэрозольные баллончики,
Southbound buses, Peter Pan
автобусы на юг, Питер Пэн.
They left it up to us again
Они снова оставили это нам.
I thought you knew the drill
Я думал, ты знаешь правила:
It's kill or be killed
убей или будь убитым.
Future Markets, Holy Wars
Рынки будущего, священные войны
Been tried ten thousand times before
были испробованы десять тысяч раз.
If you think that God is keeping score, Hooray!
Если ты думаешь, что Бог ведет счет, ура!
For the freedom-fighting simulcast (Victory! A defeat! Victory!)
За свободолюбивую одновременную трансляцию (Победа! Поражение! Победа!),
The imminent and the aftermath
неизбежное и последствия.
Draw another bloody bath to drain
Наполни еще одну кровавую ванну, чтобы слить,
Like the polar icecaps centrifuge (Oh Allah! Oh Jesus please!)
как полярные льды в центрифуге (О, Аллах! О, Иисус, прошу!).
First snowman built at the end of June
Первый снеговик, построенный в конце июня,
He slicks his hair for the interview, his fifteen-minute fame
приглаживает волосы для интервью, свои пятнадцать минут славы.
Would you agree times have changed?
Согласишься ли ты, что времена изменились?

Writer(s): Conor Oberst

Bright Eyes - The Studio Albums 2000-2011
The Studio Albums 2000-2011
date de sortie

1 Light Pollution (Remastered)
2 One for You, One for Me
3 Firewall
4 Beginner's Mind
5 A Machine Spiritual (In the People's Key)
6 An Attempt to Tip the Scales (Remastered)
7 Arc of Time (Time Code) (Remastered)
8 Arienette (Remastered)
9 A Scale, a Mirror and Those Indifferent Clocks (Remastered)
10 A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever, and a Necklace (Remastered)
11 A Song to Pass the Time (Remastered)
12 At the Bottom of Everything (Remastered)
13 Bowl of Oranges (Remastered)
14 Classic Cars (Remastered)
15 Coat Check Dream Song (Remastered)
16 Cleanse Song (Remastered)
17 Devil In the Details (Remastered)
18 Down in a Rabbit Hole (Remastered)
19 False Advertising (Remastered)
20 First Day of My Life (Remastered)
21 From a Balance Beam (Remastered)
22 Four Winds (Remastered)
23 Gold Mine Gutted (Remastered)
24 Hit the Switch (Remastered)
25 Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh (Remastered)
26 Hot Knives (Remastered)
27 If the Brakeman Turns My Way (Remastered)
28 I Believe In Symmetry (Remastered)
29 I Must Belong Somewhere (Remastered)
30 Laura Laurent (Remastered)
31 Lua (Remastered)
32 Lime Tree (Remastered)
33 Make a Plan to Love Me (Remastered)
34 Make War (Remastered)
35 Method Acting (Remastered)
36 Middleman (Remastered)
37 Nothing Gets Crossed Out (Remastered)
38 No One Would Riot for Less (Remastered)
39 Old Soul Song (For the New World Order) (Remastered)
40 Poison Oak (Remastered)
41 Road to Joy (Remastered)
42 Something Vague (Remastered)
43 Ship In a Bottle (Remastered)
44 Soul Singer in a Session Band (Remastered)
45 Take It Easy (Love Nothing) (Remastered)
46 The Big Picture (Remastered)
47 The Center of the World (Remastered)
48 Time Code (Remastered)
49 The Movement of a Hand (Remastered)
50 Waste of Paint (Remastered)
51 When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass (Remastered)
52 You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will. (Remastered)
53 Theme to Pinata (Remastered)
54 Land Locked Blues (Remastered)
55 Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) (Remastered)
56 Ladder Song
57 Triple Spiral
58 Shell Games
59 Jejune Stars
60 Haile Selassie
61 Approximate Sunlight
62 Easy / Lucky / Free (Remastered)
63 Sunrise, Sunset (Remastered)
64 The Calendar Hung Itself… (Remastered)
65 Lover I Don't Have to Love (Remastered)
66 Don't Know When but a Day Is Gonna Come (Remastered)
67 Another Travelin' Song (Remastered)
68 Train Under Water (Remastered)
69 We Are Nowhere and It's Now (Remastered)
70 Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and to Be Loved) (Remastered)

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