Deck jeit an. Sei es jet möd, ehr Bein sin jet schwer.
ceiling are still lit. She is somewhat tired, her legs are a bit heavy.
För hück hät sei jenoch jedon.
Because tonight she has done enough.
Sancho en d'r Eck es am zocke wie jeck un denk nit dran noh Huus ze jon Sei sät: "Kumm, maach hin Ich well noh Huus De Naach es nit lang un ich muß fröh erus"
Sancho, in the corner, plays one game after another like a maniac and isn't thinking of going home. She says: "Come on, come on. I want to go home. The night isn't long and I have to get up early tomorrow."
Jo, jo Katharina Su süht es jetz us Maloche maloche söns kütt
Yes, yes KatharinaThat's where we are now: drudgery, drudgery, otherwise
Ehr nit us Un dä neue Sierra un die neu Spölmaschin Ming leev'
she won't make it.And the new Sierra and the new gaming machine, my dear
Katharina Saach: Moot dat dann sin?
Katharina.Does it have to be this way?
Zick drei Johr verhierot un hä hät zo ehr jesaat en dä Naach als
Married for three years and he told her that night when
Alles fing an: Ich maach mich kromm un ich maach mich jrad För
it all began: I'll bend over backwards and I'll make myself straight.For
Dich ston ich minge Mann Zwei Pänz die kome villeich jet ze flöck
you, I'll become your man.Two kids who will probably come too soon
Dobei hät hä doch noh sing Mamm jesöök Hä wor nit dä Käl dä hä
although he also visited his mom back then.He wasn't the chilled guy he
Su jän sin wollt Met veer Lappe em Mond berapp hä sing Schold
wanted to be. With four patches on his pants, he paid off his debt
An sing Pänz un Katharina Die sin jetz allein Hä hät dä Sierra un
to his kids and to Katharina.Who are now all alone. He has his Sierra
Et de Spölmaschin
and the gaming machine.
Jo, jo Katharina Saach, wie süht et jetz us? Jo, jo Katharina es
Yes, yes Katharina.How do things look now? Yes, yes Katharina, is
Et dat wat du wollst?
that what you want?
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