b.u.g. mafia - Cuvinte grele (feat. Puya, Luchian, Maximilian, Pacha Man & ViLLy) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction b.u.g. mafia - Cuvinte grele (feat. Puya, Luchian, Maximilian, Pacha Man & ViLLy)

Cuvinte grele (feat. Puya, Luchian, Maximilian, Pacha Man & ViLLy)
Heavy Words (feat. Puya, Luchian, Maximilian, Pacha Man & ViLLy)
I: (Tatae)
I: (Tatae)
Nu, fac, banii cat fac anii,
Nah, I make money like the years pass by,
Am demonstrat in totdeauna pentru totdeauna,
Always proved it, forever and a day,
Ii tot ce-i sigur,
It's all that's certain,
Cu motivu numaru unu sa iti rup capatana,
With reason number one to crack your skull open,
Am adunat, spuma, ca sa produc suma,
I gathered the foam, to produce the sum,
Dau tratament cu bass pentru timpanu tau,
Giving your eardrums a treatment with bass,
Pentru suflet sti ca cel mai bun e tot cuvantu meu,
For the soul you know, my words are still the best,
Mai greu decat croseul lu' Greu',
Heavier than Greu's hook,
La mine nu functioneaza regula cu apogeu',
The rule of climax doesn't work with me,
Bag *** in tot, pun industria pe stoc,
I don't give a damn about anything, I put the industry on hold,
Nu e loc, nici n-a fost pentru cale de mijloc,
There's no room, nor has there ever been for the middle way,
Baietii de cartier baga boala in fraieri,
The neighborhood boys put the disease in suckers,
Poezia in smecheri, si cuvinte grele-n creer,
Poetry in the slick ones, and heavy words in the brain,
Asta nu e pentru tocurile de pe la TV,
This ain't for the high heels on TV,
Comisia de cenzura nu vrea versurile mele,
The censorship commission doesn't want my verses,
Zic ***, (mai zi-le o data), ***,
I say "fuck", (say it again), "fuck",
Si ii las pe baieti la microfon sa le traga si ei la.
And I leave the boys at the microphone to pull it on them too.
II: (Puya)
II: (Puya)
***, ca nimic nu creeaza mai mult stres,
Fuck it, 'cause nothing creates more stress,
Nimic nu mai pe fatza ca limbajul meu pervers,
Nothing shows on my face like my perverse language,
Fac vers, dupa vers, dar tot nu realiz,
I make verse, after verse, but you still don't realize,
Nu te concentrezi, ma faci sa ma enervez,
You're not focusing, you're making me angry,
Reactionez ca un nebun,
I react like a madman,
Cand comentezi inainte sa asculti ce spun,
When you comment before you listen to what I say,
Ar trebui sa sti deja, inainte sa dai de belea,
You should already know, before you get in trouble,
Ca nu imi plac fraierii ca tine,
That I don't like suckers like you,
Cat de vulagara e muzica mea,
How vulgar my music is,
Nu-i treaba ta, ai grija, baga la cap mai bine,
It's none of your business, be careful, get it in your head,
Nu m-am apucat de cantat ca n-aveam bani
I didn't start singing because I was broke,
Nici nu credeam c-o sa traiesc din asta acum 6 ani,
I didn't even think I'd make a living from this 6 years ago,
Dar strada mi-a aratat cum sta treaba,
But the streets showed me how it is,
De asta o tin mereu sami suga *** garda,
That's why I always keep it real, suck my dick,
Simt doar placere cand publicu' mai cere,
I only feel pleasure when the audience asks for more,
Si ii lovesc cu alte cuvinte grele.
And I hit them with other heavy words.
Hip-hop adevarat, dam,
Real hip-hop, we give,
Pentru cei care asteapta,
For those who are waiting,
Hip-hop adevarat, dam,
Real hip-hop, we give,
De peste tot inc-o data.
From everywhere once again.
Luchian la microfon, trimite *** langa mine
Luchian at the microphone, sending you to hell next to me
Sunt sigur ca asa o sa ma vezi si tu mai bine
I'm sure that's how you'll see me better too
Hip-hop, cuvinte grele zi si tu
Hip-hop, heavy words, say it too
Esti fericit eu multumit, sa vad ca se ruleaza banu'
You're happy, I'm satisfied, to see the money rolling in
Nu ma joc cu sentimetru' pe care-l pun in treaba
I don't play with the centimeter I put in the work
Linistit ma ridic si lovesc fara graba,
Calmly I rise and strike without haste,
Nu mai stau ma retrag ca au aparut de dupa colt,
I don't stay, I retreat because they appeared from around the corner,
Sase gabori, doua dube, opt roti,
Six cops, two vans, eight wheels,
Va *** in gura pe toti
Fuck you all in the mouth
De peste tot la un loc sintem,
From everywhere we are here together,
Asa pe fatza cum tu nu ai vazut vreodata
Right in your face like you've never seen before
Vorbiti, discutati, analizati, comentati, socanti, stresanti
You talk, discuss, analyze, comment, shocking, stressful
De fenomenul hip-hop
About the hip-hop phenomenon
Baieti de prin cartiere in stare sa te *** in gura,
Guys from the neighborhoods ready to fuck you in the mouth,
In fiecare zi, la orice pas la orice ora
Every day, at every step, at any hour
Am jurat sa fiu pe viata-n treaba asta s-am sa fiu
I swore to be in this for life and I will be
Indiferent de vremuri si dusmanii care stiu
Regardless of times and enemies who know
Ca n-au cum sa ne faca in nimic niciodata
That they can't do anything to us ever
Vorbim despre strada, direct din strada, pentru strada
We talk about the street, directly from the street, for the street
Pentru fratii din parnaie si tovarasii din tara
For the brothers in jail and comrades in the country
Baietii din Pantelimon, si cei plecati afara, la ciordeala,
The boys from Pantelimon, and those who went abroad, to steal,
Gie! Pentru bani stii bine,
Yo! For money you know well,
Pentru bani suntem aici si-o sa-i luam de la tine,
For money we are here and we will take it from you,
Nord, sud, vest, est,
North, south, west, east,
Respect pentru fratii mei, nimic in rest
Respect for my brothers, nothing else
Nam incedere in nimeni c-asa-i bine,
I don't trust anyone because that's how it should be,
N-ai incredere in nimeni, care n-are incredere in tine,
Don't trust anyone who doesn't trust you,
Crede-ma, mereu se vede ca lumea e falsa
Believe me, it always shows that the world is fake
Din 10 indivizi, noua rad crispat, tirfa pleaca casa,
Out of 10 individuals, nine laugh nervously, the bitch leaves home,
Lumea-i falsa, viata-i t***, tu ce *** mea te bagi?
The world is fake, life is a bitch, why the fuck are you getting involved?
Sunt prea obosit sa mor cand te faci ceva,
I'm too tired to die when you pretend to be something,
Eu si garda ca-n prima zi, daca tot, confiscam non stop
Me and the crew like on the first day, if anything, we confiscate non-stop
Case de hip-hop vor si MC,
Hip-hop houses want MCs too,
Ii astept, sunt implicat direct
I'm waiting for them, I'm directly involved
Pentru toti care o fac real pan' la final respect,
Respect for all who do it real till the end,
Restul muzicii in mare parte m****s pe,
The rest of the music for the most part sucks,
Mai bine delicvent la cinspe ani, decat t***a la paispe',
Better a delinquent at fifteen, than a whore at fourteen,
Parca n-ai stii, la cine ma refer,
As if you didn't know who I'm referring to,
Un strain in casa ta, da-l afara, ***
A stranger in your house, kick him out, damn it
Spui ca nu-ti plac banii, nu te cred
You say you don't like money, I don't believe you
Nu faci nimic cu anii si ma-ntreb
You do nothing with the years and I wonder
De ce te uiti de parca ti-am furat ceva,
Why are you looking like I stole something from you,
Daca tot uiti asa mai bine ti-as fura,
If you forget like that, I'd rather steal from you,
Daca nu eram aici acum, eram la tine acasa,
If I wasn't here now, I'd be at your house,
Luam totul si plecam, asa ca lasa, lasa,
Taking everything and leaving, so let it go, let it go,
Am clasa, am darul sa-ti explic de cartier,
I have class, I have the gift to explain the neighborhood to you,
PTM e numele, il ridic pana la cer
PTM is the name, I raise it to the sky
Degeaba le spui la toti sa nu asculte hip-hop
It's useless to tell everyone not to listen to hip-hop
Asta e realitatea, baga bine la cap
This is reality, get it in your head
Mai bine sa faca rime, decat sa faca crime,
Better to make rhymes, than to commit crimes,
Mai bine sa ia banu', dacat sa pierda anu'
Better to take the money, than to waste the year
Am baietii din parnaie, care stiu exact cum e,
I have the boys in jail, who know exactly how it is,
Am baietii mei toti, care stiu exact de ce.
I have all my boys, who know exactly why.
Au fost multe de vazut si mai multe de facut,
There were many things to see and more to do,
Viata mea e abia la inceput
My life is just beginning
Deci nu mai fi carnat, deghizat in c***,
So don't be a sausage, disguised as shit,
Lasa lumea sa asculte hip-hop adevarat.
Let the world listen to real hip-hop.
La microfon Pacha Man de la Timisoara,
Pacha Man from Timisoara at the microphone,
Gata sa vorbeasca pentru toata tara,
Ready to speak for the whole country,
Banii sunt motivul pentru care noi doi,
Money is the reason why we two,
Versuri de la inima, despre ce facem noi,
Verses from the heart, about what we do,
Si nimeni, niciodata n-o sa poata sa ne desparta,
And no one, ever will be able to separate us,
E anu' 2000 si toata lumea poate sa vada,
It's the year 2000 and everyone can see,
Baietii de pe strada sunt din nou in fata ta,
The boys from the streets are in front of you again,
Tataee, Caddy, Uzzi si Pacha Man.
Tataee, Caddy, Uzzi and Pacha Man.

Writer(s): vlad irimia

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