Buhos - Millors moments de la vida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Buhos - Millors moments de la vida

Millors moments de la vida
Best Moments of Life
Els millors moments de la vida
The best moments of life
Et curen qualsevol ferida
Heal any wound
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
Jo gairebé no et coneixia
I barely knew you
Només va ser una nit i un dia
It was only one night and one day
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
Va ser ara fa dos anys, quan sortíem del brunch
It was two years ago, when we left brunch
Tu i jo vam picar al millor dels paranys
You and I fell into the best of traps
Jo no em podia creure que anéssim a seure
I couldn't believe we were going to sit down
I m'agafessis la
And you'd take my hand
Vam anar a aquell pis que era d'un amic teu
We went to that apartment that belonged to a friend of yours
Quan tiro la moneda sempre em surt la creu
When I flip a coin, it always comes up tails
Però va sortir cara i després de la jugada
But it came up heads, and after the play
No em vas voler dir adeu
You didn't want to say goodbye
Els millors moments de la vida
The best moments of life
Et curen qualsevol ferida
Heal any wound
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
Jo gairebé no et coneixia
I barely knew you
Només va ser una nit i un dia
It was only one night and one day
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
I no vam tenir temps per poder-la liar
And we didn't have time to mess things up
I va ser tan intens que no ho puc oblidar
And it was so intense that I can't forget it
Quan passo per davant d'aquell pis de Collblanc
When I pass by that apartment in Collblanc
Que ens va sentir cridar
That heard us shout
Em vaig sentir gegant, però amb els peus de fang
I felt like a giant, but with feet of clay
Tu marxaves d'Erasmus a Florència l'endemà
You were leaving for Erasmus in Florence the next day
Em vas dir al despedir-te "no et demano paciència
You told me when we said goodbye "I'm not asking for patience
Quan torni ja es veurà"
When I get back, we'll see"
Els millors moments de la vida
The best moments of life
Et curen qualsevol ferida
Heal any wound
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
Jo gairebé no et coneixia
I barely knew you
Només va ser una nit i un dia
It was only one night and one day
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written
Els millors moments de la vida
The best moments of life
Et curen qualsevol ferida
Heal any wound
Jo gairebé no et coneixia
I barely knew you
Només va ser una nit i un dia
It was only one night and one day
Tu i jo vam ser la poesia
You and I were the poetry
Més bonica mai escrita
Most beautiful ever written

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