Buhos - Santuari On Fire - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Buhos - Santuari On Fire

Santuari On Fire
Santuari On Fire
En Jaume deia que no seriem tants,
Jaime said we wouldn't be so many,
La plaça estava plena
The square was full
I encara no eren dos quarts.
And it was not yet a quarter to.
Dies de glòria van empenyent els anys,
Days of glory are pushing the years,
Qui tingués prou memòria,
Who would have enough memory,
Per poder-lo recordar.
To be able to remember it.
En un santuari entre quatre parets,
In a sanctuary between four walls,
Tothom preparats per donar-ho tot i fes,
Everyone ready to give it their all and do it,
En un vestuari apunt d'esclatar
In a dressing room about to explode
I els ànims apunt de començar.
And the spirits about to start.
Lalala lalala lalala saps que t'estimo
Lalala lalala lalala you know I love you
I no puc evitar.
And I can't help it.
Amb moltes ganes i que tot vagi bé,
With great desire and that everything goes well,
Al nostre ritual espera el seu moment.
In our ritual he waits for his moment.
Dilluns d'espera avui es fan eterns,
Waiting Monday today is eternal,
Surti-m'hi a la primera,
Get me out there first,
Haurem pujat als inferns.
We will have climbed into hell.
En un santuari entre quatre parets,
In a sanctuary between four walls,
Tothom preparats per donar-ho tot i fes,
Everyone ready to give it their all and do it,
En un vestuari apunt d'esclatar
In a dressing room about to explode
I els ànims apunt de començar.
And the spirits about to start.
Lalala lalala lalala saps que t'estimo
Lalala lalala lalala you know I love you
I no puc evitar.
And I can't help it.
Lalala lalala lalala saps que t'estimo
Lalala lalala lalala you know I love you
I no puc evitar.
And I can't help it.
Ja saps que t'estimaré sempre,
You already know that I will always love you,
Però ara hauré de marxar
But now I must go
M'espera la lluna plena
The full moon awaits me
De sorpreses i paranys.
Of surprises and traps.
Ja saps que t'estimaré sempre,
You already know that I will always love you,
Però ara hauré de marxar.
But now I must go.
Sóc una altra fera el vespre
I am another beast in the evening
Per poguer sortir a volar.
To be able to fly out.

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