Buhos - Volcans - traduction des paroles en anglais

Volcans - Buhostraduction en anglais

Sense regles que ens prohibeixin ser qui som
No rules forbidding us from being who we are
Com si a la nit d'avui se'ns acabés el món
As if tonight the world is coming to an end
La llum al cel, com dos volcans en erupció
The light in the sky, like two volcanoes erupting
Ballant junts fins que acabem perdent la raó
Dancing together until we lose our minds
A la trinxera, a la que vam créixer plegats
In the trench, where we grew up together
Em vas fer creure, que tot estava al nostre abast
You made me believe, that everything was within our reach
I ara tot canvia i ens atrapats
And now everything is changing and has us trapped
Busquem una sortida entre mitges veritats
We seek a way out amidst half-truths
És una guerra i vull lluitar-la al teu costat
It's a war and I want to fight it by your side
Sense regles que ens prohibeixin ser qui som
No rules forbidding us from being who we are
Com si a la nit d'avui se'ns acabés el món
As if tonight the world is coming to an end
La llum al cel, com dos volcans en erupció
The light in the sky, like two volcanoes erupting
Ballant junts fins que acabem perdent la raó
Dancing together until we lose our minds
Hi ha un foc que crema, i és imparable quan ho fa
There's a fire burning, and it's unstoppable when it does
Treu-me la pena i encén-me com un volcà
Take away my sorrow and ignite me like a volcano
I quan tot es torça, tu ets l'escalfor
And when everything goes wrong, you're the warmth
La meva força sempre que em guanya la por
My strength whenever fear wins over me
No hi ha bombers que apaguin el que ens crema al cor
There are no firefighters to extinguish what burns in our hearts
Sense regles que ens prohibeixin ser qui som
No rules forbidding us from being who we are
Com si a la nit d'avui se'ns acabés el món
As if tonight the world is coming to an end
La llum al cel, com dos volcans en erupció
The light in the sky, like two volcanoes erupting
Ballant junts fins que acabem perdent la raó
Dancing together until we lose our minds
Sense regles que ens prohibeixin ser qui som
No rules forbidding us from being who we are
Com si a la nit d'avui se'ns acabés el món
As if tonight the world is coming to an end
La llum al cel, com dos volcans en erupció
The light in the sky, like two volcanoes erupting
Ballant junts fins que acabem perdent la raó
Dancing together until we lose our minds

Writer(s): Guillem Sole, David Marti Rosell, Klaus Stroink

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